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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-20 03:43:12
看板 C_Chat
作者 graywater (灰水)
標題 [情報] 往日不再Daysgone男主角配音員過世
時間 Sun Apr 19 17:50:40 2020

Days Gone Voice Actor Filipe Duarte Passes Away - Hardcore Gamer The Portuguese news out let Sicnoticias has reported that actor Filipe Duarte has passed away at age 46 of a heart attack. Duarte famously voiced the  ...


Daysgone(往日不再)男主角迪肯 聖約翰的配音員Filipe Duarte先生在4/17號因心臟病發
作而逝世,享年46歲,Playstation 葡萄牙官方推特與發行商Bend發文哀悼。


Eric Jensen
Incredibly sad to hear of the passing of Portuguese actor Filipe Duarte. He was the voice of Deacon for us and so many #DaysGone players in Portugal. Sending love to his family during this hard time.
PlayStation Portugal
Os heróis são para sempre.
Obrigado, Filipe Duarte

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s32244153: 46歲!!??1F 04/19 17:51
SydLrio: 看起來像64吧?2F 04/19 17:52
※ 編輯: graywater ( 臺灣), 04/19/2020 17:56:51
palapalanhu: QQ3F 04/19 17:56
laptic: 表記是 46 沒錯,只差一個月餘就能過 47 嵗生日的說...4F 04/19 17:56
x4524: 今年是怎麼了....5F 04/19 18:03
kenkenken31: 今年哪有怎麼了,連PTT都一堆老人的情況下,編織出我們6F 04/19 18:22
kenkenken31: 的幼童年青春的中間份子們年紀也自到了會離世的年紀
Ghostwolf00: 46歲離真正意義上的老人還很遠吧...R.I.P...8F 04/19 19:09

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