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看板 scrage
作者 scrage(scrage)
標題 [轉錄][爆卦] 鍵盤開戰 雲端虛擬機版(Azure VM)
時間 2013年05月10日 Fri. PM 09:20:57

※ 本文轉錄自看板 Gossiping

看板 Gossiping
作者 felaray (法拉魚)
標題 [爆卦] 鍵盤開戰 雲端虛擬機版(Azure VM)
時間 Fri May 10 19:00:43 2013


所以做了這篇教學文 教你用既有的資源來進行鍵盤戰爭,而且可以不怕被鎖IP,全世界都

Windows Azure: Microsoft's Cloud Platform | Cloud Hosting | Cloud Services Windows Azure is an open and flexible cloud platform built for you. ...


3.創建虛擬機,輸入帳號,密碼要 八位數英數加符號
Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...

Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...

Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...

6.按下OK 等待建好(10分內)
Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...

Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...

8.執行遠端桌面的檔案,並輸入帳號密碼,帳號記得用輸入的 就是你創的那個
Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...

9.一堆憑證選項 按下一步
Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...


Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...

12.接著可以回去選項6的畫面.點選虛擬機,進入儀錶板 看現在跑的情況
Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. Store photos and docs online. Access them from any PC, Mac or phone. Create and work together on Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents. ...

最後附註:有付費的用戶請別這樣玩 很傷錢.

另外要改主機規格的話,需要把虛擬機給停機(在連結的旁邊有很多選項 選擇關機)

                      標題  [詢價] 請問LOEWE的短公事包
         [補充說明] :這是老爸出國買回來的包,但想查價錢網上找不到
 goldensyu:直接問爸爸最快                                        01/14 12:31
ciaerin:樓上 我爸他已經.....01/14 12:32
 goldensyu:真是抱歉..沒預想到是這種狀況..sorry                   01/14 12:39
ciaerin:我老爸他已經.....  忘記了囧01/14 13:20

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: felaray         來自:      (05/10 19:01)
takmingnoob:干我屁事1F 05/10 19:02
m21423:聽起來好像很好玩2F 05/10 19:02
KrisNYC:一樓想紅3F 05/10 19:02
bossin0420:我來試試看...謝啦!! :D4F 05/10 19:02
davidjoe:好酷喔!這東西原本用來幹嘛的?5F 05/10 19:02
rayway30419:雲端攻擊6F 05/10 19:03
我先說 這東西原本不是這樣用的,所以我不知道這有沒有違反微軟的雲平台規範~
※ 編輯: felaray         來自:      (05/10 19:04)
boafans:雲端攻擊 XDDDDDDD7F 05/10 19:03
jim102125:推8F 05/10 19:03
n810516:先推再說9F 05/10 19:03
minstay:推 超潮的10F 05/10 19:03
kgh:進化了 從鍵盤開戰到雲端開戰 以後會有雲端柯南嗎11F 05/10 19:04
w328065:為看先猜,今晚一堆鍵盤軍火專家會陸續出現12F 05/10 19:04
boafans:會有雲門舞集13F 05/10 19:04
Jimmy2010:雲端攻擊XDDDD14F 05/10 19:05
※ 編輯: felaray         來自:      (05/10 19:06)
eddie1212:還蠻潮的 這進化...15F 05/10 19:05
tsubasawolfy:等人寫一鍵完成再用16F 05/10 19:05
Tenging:雲端開戰17F 05/10 19:05
eddy1221:會有八方雲集18F 05/10 19:05
Jimmy2010:GoogleAPP有辦法玩這種嗎??19F 05/10 19:05
kimi255085:帥!20F 05/10 19:05
collen66:好潮~幫推!!21F 05/10 19:05
victor327:八方雲集還滿好笑的22F 05/10 19:05
noluna:這有點強阿23F 05/10 19:06
qooiscool:推一個24F 05/10 19:06
silentlee:鍵盤開戰Online 2.0版25F 05/10 19:06
bcismylove:先推再說~~進攻26F 05/10 19:06
Norther:2327F 05/10 19:06
rZai:這樣創一堆帳號來攻擊就好了28F 05/10 19:07
misy4ru3:靠邀...現在還換平台了XDD29F 05/10 19:07
turbomons:推30F 05/10 19:08
heine564:鍵盤二戰了嗎 文科魯蛇不懂但給推啦!!!!!31F 05/10 19:08
hwp1006:太潮了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~32F 05/10 19:08
gtsandevo:啊幹不會用啦33F 05/10 19:09
yo0401:加雅虎啦 http://ph.yahoo.com/34F 05/10 19:09
jet113102:靠杯XDDDD 這根本是次元攻擊了35F 05/10 19:09
gp6sg45k3:先推再說 雲端開戰好潮~~36F 05/10 19:09
Tenging:如果手機也可以攻擊就太潮了37F 05/10 19:09
conbanwa:進擊的阿宅們  太猛惹38F 05/10 19:09
BigCat:雲端武集39F 05/10 19:09
Tenging:最好雅虎攻的下來40F 05/10 19:10
anandydy529:有雲端,潮到出水了41F 05/10 19:10
Lavchi:才剛剛玩玩網頁攻擊公測,現在就正式上線 V2.0版了喔!42F 05/10 19:10
LAN620:這是雲端的時代43F 05/10 19:10

※ 看板: Gossiping  文章位址: http://disp.cc/b/163-5F3A

※ 作者: scrage  時間: 2013-05-10 21:20:57
※ 看板: scrage 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 331 
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