※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-06 21:50:17
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 梅克爾滑雪摔壞骨盆了
時間 Mon Jan 6 19:19:43 2014
BBC News - Angela Merkel fractures pelvis in ski fall
German Chancellor Angela Merkel suffers a partial fracture of her pelvis in a cross-country skiing accident, her spokesman says. ...
Angela Merkel fractures pelvis in ski fall
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has fractured a bone
in her pelvis in a cross-country skiing accident in
Switzerland, her spokesman says.
She will have to remain lying down as much as possible
in the next three weeks and several visits will be
cancelled, Steffen Seibert said.
She also suffered severe bruising in the accident, in
the Alpine Engadine region of eastern Switzerland.
Ms Merkel was not skiing fast at the time, the spokesman
He called the injury "severe bruising linked with a
partial fracture on the left, rear part of the pelvis".
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :誰?1F 01/06 19:20
→ :車神:2F 01/06 19:20
推 :兩個德國人滑雪受傷3F 01/06 19:20
→ :連續兩個...4F 01/06 19:20
推 :cross-country skiing 不是一般的那種滑雪5F 01/06 19:20
推 :德國人真的不能滑雪XD6F 01/06 19:21
推 :MILF7F 01/06 19:21
推 :德國人不會滑雪在家好好呆著吧8F 01/06 19:21
→ :德國人沒事別去滑雪9F 01/06 19:21
→ :她有在梵蒂岡被握手嗎10F 01/06 19:22
推 :一定有被握到11F 01/06 19:23
推 :摔壞骨盆 這樣還能生小孩嗎12F 01/06 19:25
推 :Merkel都幾歲了還要生嗎?13F 01/06 19:26
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推 :詛咒16F 01/06 19:28
→ :真的是帶賽了...17F 01/06 19:29
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推 :這其實有點遠 但還是很賽19F 01/06 19:30
推 :周沒幫她解毒嗎?20F 01/06 19:30
→ :我覺得說不定帶賽的是周 馬跟周是電池跟電源的關係21F 01/06 19:31
→ :時不時充電一下
→ :時不時充電一下
推 :德國人不能滑雪的話 那世界上就剩沒多少人能滑雪了...23F 01/06 19:32
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推 :R.I.P.26F 01/06 20:36
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 340