※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-05 20:07:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 布萊德彼特 花兩百萬英鎊買下一架戰鬥機
時間 Thu Dec 5 18:45:01 2013
http://goo.gl/8wSjF4 The Indian Express
Brad Pitt buys 2 million pounds Spitfire plane - Indian Express Actor Brad Pitt has reportedly bought a 2 million pounds Spitfire plane and will take flying lessons at Boultbee Flying Academy in Oxford. ...
Brad Pitt buys 2 million pounds Spitfire plane
布萊德彼特花兩百萬英鎊買了一架噴火式戰鬥機(Spitfire wiki:http://goo.gl/7CD5)Supermarine Spitfire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Supermarine Spitfire is a British single-seat fighter aircraft that was used by the Royal Air Force and many other Allied countries in the Second World War. The Spitfire was produced in greater number than any other British aircraft and was the only British fighter in continuous production throu ...
Actor Brad Pitt has reportedly bought a 2 million pounds Spitfire plane and
will take flying lessons at Boultbee Flying Academy in Oxford.
牛津的 Boultbee 飛行學院學習飛行課程。
The 49-year-old star has developed a fascination with World War II since
working on his latest movie 'Fury' and has splashed out on one of the fighter
aircraft which was commonly used by the Royal Air Force during the battle,
which took place between 1939 and 1945, reported Contactmusic.
於是買下了一架噴火式戰鬥機 — 英國皇家空軍在1939年到1945年之間的主力。
"Brad, who has done everything from sleep in the trenches to learn to drive a
tank for the film, has now invested in one of the iconic machine," a source
Pitt will get lessons on how to fly the plane at Boultbee Flying Academy in
Oxford where students are taught how to operate the Spitfire safely.
布萊德彼特將在牛津的 Boultbee 飛行學院上課,學習如何安全地駕駛噴火式戰鬥機。
"We don't comment on who we teach, but we have high-profile people. Buying
Spitfires is very popular with wealthy individuals," said a Boultbee spokesman.
Boultbee 的發言人說,我們不會去管學生是誰,但裡面的確是有高知名度人士。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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