※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-30 08:41:11
看板 WindowsPhone
作者 標題 [情報] Nokia Lumia 1520+GDR3登場~
時間 Thu Aug 29 08:36:59 2013
Leaked photo of the Nokia Lumia 1520 with a 6〃 display and 20 MP camera
WPCentral received a picture from an unconfirmed source, claiming that this
is the upcoming Nokia Phablet, rumored to be announced in “late September”
according to Reuters.
The Phablet has been said to actually be called the Lumia 1520, if evLeaks is
believed to be correct. And based on WPCentral’s “confirmed” specs, the
massive phone will have a 6-inch 1080p screen, quad core processor, and a
whopping 20 MP camera. Unlike the impressive 1020, this phone will only have
a slight camera hump similar to the 925.
See a perspective-corrected version after the break, which shows the relative
sizes of the devices well and also shows what appears to be a Galaxy
Note-like flip case which presumably also folds to create a stand ala iPad.
It should be noted that while the picture bears a close resemblance to
earlier leaks, WPC was not able to vouch for its provenance, and
unfortunately hoaxers have become pretty good at mocking up photos, so we
will still have to wait and see if this is indeed the real deal or not.
Hopefully this device can be as massive of a hit as it is big.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :NOKIA 515昨天也發行了 但是看來不是wp機1F 08/29 08:37
→ :1520拿來搶大螢幕的那塊 我覺得ok 其他系統還更大塊
→ :1520拿來搶大螢幕的那塊 我覺得ok 其他系統還更大塊
→ :515是實體按鍵的~~但外型好讚~~還搭載500萬畫素跟LED!3F 08/29 08:40
推 :nokia光是把古早設計拿來改良就可以出一整個機海4F 08/29 08:42
→ :搞不好十年前的設計無法達到的極限與工藝 現在都可以克服
→ :搞不好十年前的設計無法達到的極限與工藝 現在都可以克服
→ :又把USB 改到下面了...6F 08/29 08:55
推 :叫這時候拿1020的情何以堪7F 08/29 09:14
→ :這就是3c 0.08F 08/29 09:15
推 :515超讚9F 08/29 09:20
推 :直接加1000,叫520情何以堪 下次是1720嗎10F 08/29 09:28
→ : 2520 (咦?)11F 08/29 09:30
推 :等 FHD、5吋、4核、41 MegaPixel (或 光場相機?)12F 08/29 09:31
推 :我想要Lumia 885013F 08/29 09:32
Nokia 515 Dual SIM - Simply Elegant - YouTube
Nokia 515 Dual SIM: Premium aluminium body with elegant matt finish, toughened Gorilla® Glass 2 display with great sunlight read...
Nokia 515 Dual SIM: Premium aluminium body with elegant matt finish, toughened Gorilla® Glass 2 display with great sunlight read...

推 :有類似925的小火山口 而非1020的大餅乾15F 08/29 09:41
→ :嘎 下面那篇有中文了XD
→ :嘎 下面那篇有中文了XD
→ :NOKIA~燃燒中!!!微軟~~加油~~17F 08/29 09:43
推 :515實在太精美了18F 08/29 09:46
推 :海外單卡100美金上下,雙卡為140美金上下 可不關機換sim卡19F 08/29 09:47
推 :Lumia 331020F 08/29 09:48
推 :515超漂亮的!!! 比我上一支X3-02好看多了21F 08/29 10:17
推 :515白的好美,可是好像沒有WIFI22F 08/29 10:24
→ :可以usb分享網路給桌機 至少有網路啦 wifi就不知23F 08/29 10:25
→ :畢竟 只是阿舍 (不是說是功能機?)
→ :畢竟 只是阿舍 (不是說是功能機?)
→ :該不會515將成為~~Lumia界的3310~專門砸壞車窗的~誤~25F 08/29 10:27
推 :515不是lumia吧@_@26F 08/29 15:04
→ :肯定不是~~只是希望這隻未來可以搭載~型太棒了!!27F 08/29 22:33
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