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作者 標題 [情報] The best Android phone you can buy, as
時間 Tue Aug 27 18:44:40 2013
The best Android phone you can buy, as of August 2013 | Android Central
It's been almost three months since our last "best Android phones" roundup, and now it's time to re-evaluate the Android device ranks in late August. ...
The best Android phone you can buy, as of August 2013 | Android Central
It's been almost three months since our last "best Android phones" roundup, and now it's time to re-evaluate the Android device ranks in late August. ...
The best Android phone you can buy, as of August 2013
See which phones get the nod from Android Central as the best you can get
We've hit a point in the year where most of the major manufacturers have had
their biggest devices out in the market for a bit, and even the late-comers
have dropped their entry into the 2013 smartphone game. This is about as
"mature" as the market is going to get in the year before a new wave of
devices gets ready to hit, so it really is a great time to evaluate where
each one stands.
Manufacturers have started to focus a bit less on specs in 2013 (or so they'd
like you to believe) and have really pushed forward new features and
experiences on their devices, giving a variety of interesting outcomes. There
are a robust number of great choices in the market, and we're also reaching a
point where U.S. consumers have a variety of options regardless of their
It's been almost three months since our last "best Android phones" roundup,
and now it's time to re-evaluate the ranks in late August. In the end there
has to be one winner, so read along with us after the break and see which
phone comes out on top.
The best Android phone you can buy — the HTC One
Android手機中最值得購入的 - the HTC One
When it was released earlier this year, the HTC One raised the bar for what
we expect from smartphone manufacturers in 2013. The all-aluminum
construction is both stunning and sturdy, with a design that is solid
ergonomically even with massive front-facing stereo speakers. The new 1080p
Super LCD display is fantastic.
A great camera that will perform whether you leave it in 'auto' mode or like
to tinker with settings.
一個相當棒的相機 無論是在自動模式或其他模式之下
While its move to a 4 megapixel Ultrapixel camera isn't all good, the OIS
(Optical Image Stabilization) and dedicated ImageSense processing chip give
the HTC One the ability to capture images that over phones just can't. Put
that together with the specialized software features like Zoes and Video
Highlights, and you have a great camera experience that will be able to
perform whether you leave it in "auto" mode or like to tinker with settings.
We give the HTC One a few extra points for now having a Google Play edition
available for those wanting the "Stock" experience to go along with this
great hardware, but even in its standard Sense configuration (the way a vast
majority of users will experience it) the HTC One offers a compelling set of
features. Along with the aforementioned camera features, Sense provides a
consistent look and feel that is user friendly and creates its own identity
without throwing Android's out the window completely.
The HTC One is still the best device you can pick up right now.
縱使是現在 HTC One仍然是最佳選擇
With the launch on Verizon as of Aug. 22, the HTC One is also now available
on all four major U.S. carriers with very little distinction between the
models, and can even be had on smaller regional carriers. Worldwide
availability is widespread as well, which means there's very little barrier
to getting yourself this fantastic handset.
Our fondness for this phone has continued now several months after its
release, and we have to say that the HTC One is still the best device you can
pick up right now.
Runners-up - Samsung Galaxy S4, Motorola Moto X
緊追其後的Android手機 - Galaxy S4, Motorola Moto X
It's hard to believe that Samsung could climb any higher in its amount of
mind and market share amassed with the Galaxy S3, but when it released the
Galaxy S4 it just continued upward on the same path.
On the hardware side Samsung has stepped up its game a little bit with the
Galaxy S4 when compared to its predecessor the S3, but we still have a hard
time enjoying the glossy plastic feel of the device when there are many other
high-quality options out there. Samsung packed every bit of necessary
processing power under the hood, however, and it still remains as one of the
best all-around cameras out there.
A great all-around phone with all of the headline features, a solid screen
and great camera.
S4是一隻相當全能的手機 從他主打的功能 螢幕的表現 以及非常棒的相機可以看出
Although it had a few stumbles with software lag and instability out of the
box for many people, those issues have mostly been fixed and Samsung takes
the crown for offering as many features as possible in one device. Whether
you want your phone to watch your eyes to see if you're looking at the screen
or respond when you swipe your hand over it, the Galaxy S4 has what you're
looking for. The downside of so many features is a bit of software fatigue
that can only be described as frustrating. Samsung's software has gotten a
little long in the tooth lately, and is our main complaint about the device.
If you're looking for a great all-around phone with all of the headline
features, a solid screen and great camera, Samsung has you covered with the
Galaxy S4. You'd be hard-pressed to find a carrier or retailer in the world
that doesn't carry the handset either, which means just about anyone reading
this could buy one if they so desired. It comes in behind the HTC One and
Moto X in this list, but is still a great choice for many.
Alas, the first true Motorola product after the Google acquisition, and it's
quite the device. We've just wrapped up our in-depth review of the Moto X and
came away extremely impressed with the build quality and experience on offer.
The Moto X offers a great software experience without bleeding-edge specs.
Moto X雖然沒有頂級的規格但提供了相當棒的軟體體驗
Motorola may not have packed bleeding-edge specs into the Moto X, but what
they have put inside does the job without any issues. It turns out that a
dual-core processor isn't as big of a deal as it would seem in late 2013, and
the upsides of of these internals are better battery life and a few neat
features as well. Those features like Active Display and Touchless Control
can range from gimmick to lifesaver depending on the user, but the great part
about them is how well they work when you do use them, and how they disappear
if you don't.
Although Motorola has put together a pretty amazing system called Moto Maker
for customizing your own device, it is only available on AT&T for an
undetermined amount of time. Furthermore, even though the other major
carriers have announced that they will carry the Moto X, it has only been
released for sale on AT&T as of this posting (and if you're in Europe, you
can stop asking now). We hope everyone gets the choice to experience Moto
Maker soon, it really is an awesome feature.
An above-average camera, but one that can't perform well in all situations.
Moto X有平均以上水準的鏡頭 但沒法在任何情形下都表現得很好
On the camera side, Motorola's new "Clear Pixel" camera technology doesn't
completely live up to the hype of creating beautiful, well-lit photos in all
situations. While the ceiling of what this camera is capable of may be high,
it can fall flat with dull and over-processed images when taking indoor and
extremely low-light photos. We have to say that overall it is an
above-average camera, but this isn't going to be replacing your
point-and-shoot any time soon.
>From an ergonomics, design and experience standpoint there's really nothing
to complain about here, you just need to decide if the few lackluster specs
are going to be enough to turn you away. As a complete package, the Moto X
makes a compelling argument to be worth your $199 on-contract with the
carrier of your choice. Unknown, though, is how it'll hold up in the long
Best oversized phone - LG Optimus G Pro
最棒的大尺寸手機 - LG Optimus G Pro
It's getting harder and harder to define what an "oversized" phone is
nowadays. Screen sizes keep creeping up by fractions of an inch, but bezels
and overall device sizes seem to get smaller or at least stay the same. No
matter where you draw that line personally, there are still many people out
there for which phones of the Optimus G Pro's size at 5.5-inches just won't
work on a daily basis.
The Optimus G Pro beats the Galaxy Note 2 in terms of display, camera and raw
在螢幕呈現 鏡頭 以及原始表現下能打敗Note 2
That doesn't mean that it isn't a great choice for those who are willing to
make that size tradeoff. The Optimus G Pro has leapfrogged the Galaxy Note 2
in terms of display, camera and raw performance (considering that it was
released many months after the Note 2) and offers a compelling package
overall. Although its availability is limited in the U.S. to just AT&T, with
international availability looking a bit better, the Optimus G Pro is the
better choice if you have the chance.
We're coming right up on IFA where we expect Samsung to take the wraps off of
the Note 3, but right at this moment if you need to get your hands on an
oversized phone, the Optimus G Pro is the one to get.
Best value - LG Nexus 4
CP值最高 - LG Nexus 4
The Nexus 4 may be nearly a year old, but it still ranks highly with any of
the handsets in this list.
即使已經發表快一年了 依然是名列前茅
Google released the Nexus 4 with every bit of quality specs required for late
2012 — Snapdragon S4 Pro, 2GB of RAM, 768x1280 4.75-inch display — along
with a svelte glass and plastic design with just a little bit of flair that
fit the "Nexus" name perfectly. The Nexus 4 may have been on sale now for
almost 11 months, but we still think it ranks right up there in terms of
quality with any of the handsets in this list. As our own Jerry Hildenbrand
said, "The Nexus 4 is still the best way to experience Android," and we still
agree with that sentiment.
When you add in the fact that you can buy one unlocked right now for either
$299 or $349 direct from Google Play, it's the best deal in smart phones
today. We know that it may not have the fancy camera and speakers of the HTC
One, or the crazy laundry list of features of the Galaxy S4, but if you're an
Android purist and need a phone that just works the way you expect it to day
in and day out, the Nexus 4 should be on your list.
Honorable mentions
HTC One Mini
Sony Xperia Z and Xperia ZL
Motorola Droid MAXX
嗯... 是那隻One沒錯~~~
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :沒有紫光的話確實是好機1F 08/27 18:45
The best Android phone you can buy, as of August 2013 | Android Central
It's been almost three months since our last "best Android phones" roundup, and now it's time to re-evaluate the Android device ranks in late August. ...
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