※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-24 20:51:11
看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 Fw: [問卦] 火腿腸為什麼不多跟奧迪學習?
時間 Sat Aug 24 20:17:21 2013
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1I694Q8Q ]
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 火腿腸為什麼不多跟奧迪學習?
時間 Sat Aug 24 18:55:19 2013
Iron Man - R8 Spaceframe - YouTube
Creative work done by Gerhard Kiefer & Dirk Röder for Audi's R8 placement in the new feature film "Iron Man"
Creative work done by Gerhard Kiefer & Dirk Röder for Audi's R8 placement in the new feature film "Iron Man"
Iron Man 2 Audi R8 commercial - YouTube
Audi's R8 commercial highlighting its V10 Spyder from the Iron Man 2 movie
Audi's R8 commercial highlighting its V10 Spyder from the Iron Man 2 movie
2014 Audi R8: Iron Man 3 Canvas - YouTube
The new 2014 Audi R8 is Iron Man Approved. The R8 is Audi race-inspired engineering in its purest form. Built for performance, the new 2014 R8 is built with ...
The new 2014 Audi R8 is Iron Man Approved. The R8 is Audi race-inspired engineering in its purest form. Built for performance, the new 2014 R8 is built with ...
New 2013 Audi Iron Man 3 Amazing Commercial TV - Workday (Full HD) - YouTube The Audi R8 is performance-inspired engineering in its purest form, just like Iron Man's suit of armor. And that's why Audi has once again joined forces for ...
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◆ From:
→ :我比較喜歡得過30cm香腸1F 08/24 18:55
德國香腸非常大 怕你一口含不下→ :這種太高級了 反而會造成民眾拿到手機後落差感更重2F 08/24 18:56
→ :除了質感 這次成功引起話題算是成功 有曝光就是好曝光3F 08/24 18:57
推 :應該會再貴不少,那是直接贊助電影的樣子4F 08/24 18:57
→ :大家罵 但youtube點閱率提高XD5F 08/24 18:57
→ : 簽約對象不同,這應該是跟marvel簽的約6F 08/24 18:58
※ 編輯: Queenslander 來自: (08/24 18:59)→ :奧迪好像很多片都有參與7F 08/24 18:59
推 :不行哦 這和中國品牌形象不符8F 08/24 19:00
推 :金鋼狼2也一堆奧迪~9F 08/24 19:01
推 :鋼鐵人用火腿腸 能看嗎?10F 08/24 19:03
推 :看完廣告,其實焦點被放在電影上了11F 08/24 19:29
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: Queenslander (, 時間: 08/24/2013 20:17:21
推 :要鋼鐵人的話 還要買到鋼鐵人的授權1F 08/24 20:27
推 :因為MARVEL簽約金很貴2F 08/24 20:40
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 246