※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-07-26 12:34:46
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] World Peace:我要改名,不會告訴你叫啥
時間 Fri Jul 26 09:21:29 2013
Metta World Peace name change?
Jul 25 7:54 PM ET By lan Begley | ESPNNewYork.com (原文:http://ppt.cc/MxUT)
World Peace said in a with ClevverNews that he plans to change his name this
season, though not legally.
之前World Peace接受了《ClevverNews》的採訪,他計劃再次改變他的名字。
"We are going to do do a name change, but I can't tell you what it is,"
World Peace told an interviewer with ClevverNews.
「我們正在換個新名字,但是我不能告訴你具體叫什麼。」World Peace說道。
World Peace added that he did not want to go through the process of changing
his name legally again until he retires. "That's too much work," he said.
World Peace補充說明,退役以前,他不會從法律上去變更(Metta World Peace)
Though he he did not reveal what his new name will be, we have a few guesses
of our won:
‧Carlos Danger
‧George Alexander Louis
‧Most Interesting Man in the World
‧Walt Frazier
‧Mike Woodson
‧Jay Z
短評: 一起來猜猜World Peace會改叫什麼吧!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: linyi520 來自: (07/26 09:22)
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→ :=================James Bond=====================20F 07/26 09:42
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→ :Kobe shot
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→ :總教練表示:……
→ :總教練表示:……
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→ :worldwar75F 07/26 12:31
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