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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-01 18:11:18
看板 MobileComm
作者 Lumia925 (Lumia)
標題 [情報] Lumia 929擁有2510maA,將在12月發行(美
時間 Sun Dec  1 10:49:53 2013

Leak – Nokia Lumia 929 powered by 2510mAh battery, to be released in December | Windows Phone Central
Eagerly awaiting more details to emerge of the Lumia 929? Leakster 'Falorin' has you covered over on our community forum. A new photo of the unannounced Windows Phone in white has been leaked (see above for previously released render), as well as some information on the size of the battery. You're l ...

原文出自於Windows Phone Central

Leak – Nokia Lumia 929 powered by 2510mAh battery, to be released in December

Nokia Lumia 929 將擁有2510毫安小時的電量,將於12月發行

Eagerly awaiting more details to emerge of the Lumia 929? Leakster 'Falorin'
has you covered over on our community forum. A new photo of the unannounced
Windows Phone in white has been leaked (see above for previously released
render), as well as some information on the size of the battery. You're
looking at an impressive 2510mAh power plant.

早先已經注意到Lumia 929的出現了嗎??爆料大師"Falorin"已經洩漏在我們的通訊論壇
一張未發表的白色Windows phone照片已經曝光,上圖是原先流出來的版本,和一些有關


Falorin also lightly touches on a mid to late December release and states the
white variant is matte, just like its black sibling. Should you be hoping to
snatch up the white version, it's believed to be the limited option so we'll
have to see just how easy it is to purchase. See below another shot of the
Lumia 929:



We'll accept the above as this is the same lucky leakster who was able to
publish a quick hands-on of the Lumia 929 (now pulled), as well as showing
exactly what the camera can do with a sample photo. Should you require a
friendly reminder, the device is expected to feature a 5-inch, 1080p display.
This display will be joined by 2GB of RAM, 32GB of internal storage and a
Snapdragon 800 processor.




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◆ From:
KY1998      :920之後終於有背面可以躺平的wp高階1F 12/01 11:29
ErrethAkbe  :925之後的規格都好猛Q_Q2F 12/01 12:12
kyo06       :因為OS終於支援這樣的規格吧XDDD3F 12/01 12:28
onlynumber9 :nokia也懂機海戰??4F 12/01 12:31
ETTom       :之前nokia支持者還有些人在酸安卓只會用規格戰5F 12/01 13:16
ETTom       :所以nokia只做wp沒做安卓利潤會比較好,結果現在...
PCMAN2005   :木馬移除了 當然要起飛摟(誤)7F 12/01 13:27
Lumia1520   :mAh,標題8F 12/01 14:03

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