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作者 標題 [新聞] 蘋果員工如何評價自己公司文化?
時間 Fri Oct 11 10:52:18 2013
What Apple Employees Say About The Company's Internal Corporate Culture
想知道 Apple 的員工們是如何評價自己公司內部文化?
最近有人在問答網站Quora上提了一個問題:What is the internal culture
like at Apple? 本文對一些有意思的答案進行了整理。
真的像人們看上去的那麼光鮮?它真的貫徹了 Think Different 的教義了嗎?
真的像人們看上去的那麼光鮮?它真的貫徹了 Think Different 的教義了嗎?
Justin Maxwell, user interface designer: First rule of Apple, don't
talk about Apple.
Justin Maxwell,UI設計師:蘋果的第一條法則,就是從來不議論蘋果。
"If I was still at Apple, I would not be responding to this question,
nor would I feel wronged for not being able to.… The general idea is
this: You are part of something much bigger than you. The ideas you
talk about in the hall, the neat tricks you figured out in CSS, the
new unibody machining technique, that's part of your job, something
you are paid to do for Apple's success, not something you need to blog
about to satisfy your ego. Don't f--- it up for everyone."
「如果我仍在蘋果工作,我是根本不可能回答這個問題的...... 簡而言之:
Anonymous employee as reported on Macrumors: The cafe is awesome.
"The Apple Campus itself is an amazing place, with the huge building
surrounding a central Quad with grass and sidewalks and the amazing
cafeteria: You get trays and silverware just exactly like in College,
and go pick from a large handful of sushi, Mexican, make-your-own sandwich
or salad, or countless other options, then check out at a register before
sitting down inside or in their little Outdoor Cafe in the Quad. Even the
food is running at 100% throttle, with the Cafeteria crowded and bustling,
and even the Chefs dressed perfectly and clean-white smocks with black Apple
hats on, doing their part to keep everyone fueled and running their war at
100% efficiency."
電,以 100% 的效率工作。」
Brandon Carson, contractor: "Your work is peer-vetted."
Brandon Carson,合同工:「你的工作內容會時刻受到同事的審核。」
"They desire and demand a collaborative atmosphere. Your work is peer-
vetted -- we had to present our work to the team and take feedback. At
first I found this a bit disruptive, cause I'm used to working on my own
projects in a silo, but at the end of the day, the collaboration ensured
a better product. And the work didn't progress too far without checks and
balances. More companies need to operate like that internally."
Chad Little, former Apple designer: When Steve was alive, he got what he
Chad Little,前蘋果設計師:賈伯斯在世的時候,一呼百應。
"Apple is a pretty divided mix of typical corporate red tape and politics
mixed in with startup level urgency when the direction comes from Steve.
If you have a project that Steve is not involved in, it will take months
of meetings to move things forward. If Steve wants it done, it's done faster
than anyone thinks is humanly possible. The best way to get any cross
departmental work done was to say its for Steve and you'd probably have
it the same day."
Simon Woodside, program manager in Core OS: We terrified engineers into
Simon Woodside,Core OS的程式經理:為了讓工程師保密,我們不惜對他們進
"The best example I can give was something of a side-project that I worked
on in 2001, called Marklar. This was actually the beginning of the effort
to port OS X back to the intel platform ...
…Each time we moved forward we would discover some part of the system
that needed some changes. My job was to find the right person to make
those changes -- but to do it without revealing Marklar to anyone else.
So I would go to the director of their group and inform them about Marklar...
They would then identify a specific engineer for me.
Next I'd scare the engineer by telling them how bad things would be if
anyone inside or outside knew what I was going to ask them to do. They
would verify with their director, and hopefully be able to fix the relevant
problem. We'd slip them some PC hardware if needed or preferably use Virtual
PC or the like to be more inconspicuous. They certainly couldn't tell their
co-workers about this work.
Personally, I didn't talk either ... my close friends and family knew I was
working on some secret project but they didn't find out what until Steve
himself made the announcement. Apple had total control of the message. The
secrecy paid off big time for the company."
「這裡我要提到我在 2001 年進行的一個叫做 Marklar 的項目...... 在專案
Anonymous: It's awful, but the food is nice.
"Generally speaking it is a pressure cooker and all communication is
one directional (guess which way that is).
..Paranoid management, disrespect, constant tension, and long hours sum
up most of the real culture in operations ... Most of the people in SDM
(supply demand management) see it as something they need to suck up for
a few painful years after b-school so they can move on to a better gig
with the Apple brand on their resume. Like the investment banking of tech.
Culture here is strictly top down: any attempt to streamline, impact change,
or even discuss a better way to do anything is strictly frowned upon when
it comes from the bottom. Work longer/harder, don't complain or try to fix
any of the myriad broken systems or processes, and don't forget that there
are 10 people lined up outside to take your spot (your manager won't forget).
Work here at your own risk. On the upside, cafe food is pretty good and
dress is casual."
Richard Francis, formerly of Intel, who worked on a project with Apple:
"all the maple surfaces in all the retail stores are harvested at one
particular time of the year in Canada so they all look the same."
Richard Francis,前Intel員工,曾與蘋果進行項目合作:
"1) There is a fairly heavy corporate controlling hand governing a lot
of what Apple locally can / can't 'do' as a business. That made for a fair
degree of tension with some senior staff coming in from other parts of
the technology industry.
2) The brand is guarded with a zeal that borders on zealous obsession.
For instance - I heard (unconfirmed) that all the maple surfaces in all
the retail stores are harvested at one particular time of the year in
Canada so they all look the same. The store layouts are closely monitored
for consistency - often Jobs would go along to the local ones on the
West Coast of the US just to 'observe' them..
3) The atmosphere is not as zanily creative as you might imagine. It's
very structured, very process driven - and that ties in with the comments
from the ex-employees about launches coming together as a 'puzzle'."
「1. 蘋果相對保守的企業文化,讓很多從其他科技公司來的資深員工覺得不
自在。2. 蘋果對自己的品牌帶著一種強迫性的狂熱。所有蘋果商店的設計都
為了視察。3. 蘋果的環境並不像外界想像的那麼極富創造力,它是非常有條
自在。2. 蘋果對自己的品牌帶著一種強迫性的狂熱。所有蘋果商店的設計都
為了視察。3. 蘋果的環境並不像外界想像的那麼極富創造力,它是非常有條
Anonymous: "Everything, and I mean everything, is decided by the marketing
"Everything, and I mean everything, is decided by the marketing team at
Apple, and 2 reviewers in east coast newspapers. I was shocked and
flabbergasted at the role these reviewers had at Apple. As an engineer,
I was told to tend to feature requests that were made by Mossberg and
party. Scary, and makes me want to sell all my apple stock."
TC Dotson, position undisclosed: Apple is a walking contradiction.
TC Dotson(未透露職位):蘋果就是一個矛盾的結合體。
"Apple is interesting. On one hand, you have 'Think Different' propaganda
posters all over the wall (you have all seen these ad campaigns and know
what they are about). On the other hand, Apple has the strictest rules
of any place I have worked. Apple cares about its brand image above all
「蘋果是個有趣的公司。一方面,它大肆宣傳著自己『Think Different』的
What Apple Employees Say About The Company's Internal Corporate Culture - Business Insider
Apple is so secretive that it makes us all... ...
想知道 Apple 的員工們是如何評價自己公司內部文化? | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西
最近有人在問答網站Quora上提了一個問題:What is the internal culture like at Apple? 本文對一些有意思的答案進行了整理。 ...
有些台面下的東西 總是和台面上很不一樣
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :看起來就是個大公司,沒什麼特別的啊1F 10/11 10:56
→ :看起來沒什麼特別糟的 另外不讓工程師主導是好事2F 10/11 11:04
推 :餐館好像真的很不錯XD3F 10/11 11:05
→ :公司不就這樣 重點是做出好用的東西跟做出屎的差別4F 10/11 11:06
推 :Google才是由下至上推行創意的科技公司,Apple說穿了5F 10/11 11:08
→ :是Jobs的個人風格展示館
→ :是Jobs的個人風格展示館
推 : 竊資7F 10/11 11:09
→ :有些公司做出屎來 還打廣告騙人花錢去用 我説的不限38F 10/11 11:10
推 :重點似乎是餐館XD9F 10/11 11:14
推 :員工:嗯...餐館不錯吃!其他就...(默10F 10/11 11:19
→ :餐廳絕對是重點 XD11F 10/11 11:24
推 :重點只有餐廳 哈 think different只有上層12F 10/11 11:32
→ :下層只能乖乖聽話
→ :下層只能乖乖聽話
推 :餐廳還好啦,矽谷這裡最有名的還是Google 餐廳(我14F 10/11 11:36
→ :室友根本就一天三餐都在Google 吃)至於領導風格,這
→ :應該早就很多人說過了也不是秘密,我一個朋友的名醫
→ :姊夫以前跟 Jobs 是鄰居也說過 Jobs 在他們那條街上
→ :有多討人厭
→ :室友根本就一天三餐都在Google 吃)至於領導風格,這
→ :應該早就很多人說過了也不是秘密,我一個朋友的名醫
→ :姊夫以前跟 Jobs 是鄰居也說過 Jobs 在他們那條街上
→ :有多討人厭
推 :看來Apple可以考慮做iCook或許又會掀起一陣風潮ㄏㄏ19F 10/11 11:36
推 :餐廳到底有多好阿XDD 每個人都只會讚美食物20F 10/11 11:39
推 :不管批評食物或讚美食物 都是員工受訪很保險的回答21F 10/11 11:43
推 :餐廳好就打敗一堆台灣科技業了22F 10/11 11:43
→ :好像間接說明了apple比起google員工自由度少很多23F 10/11 11:45
推 :如果讓工程師來主導... 會產出工程機 XD24F 10/11 11:46
推 :從賈伯斯傳裡面就看得出來,員工要受很多氣XDD25F 10/11 11:46
推 :可能不是餐廳有多好,而是除了餐廳以外... XD26F 10/11 11:52
推 :所以賈伯斯當名人就好 不要在我周遭出現 不然我一定27F 10/11 11:52
→ :讓工程師主導這裡就有個案例 htc的peter28F 10/11 11:52
→ :會忍不住痛打他一頓29F 10/11 11:53
推 :賈柏斯就是個Shelton Cooper30F 10/11 11:53
→ :餐廳來說,據說連Stanford 商學院新的餐廳都是仿31F 10/11 11:53
→ :Google 的 (我偶爾會去商學院吃,算是校內的好餐廳)
→ :不過人家Google 員工在自家餐廳吃免費,我們去學校
→ :餐廳吃要花錢而且還不便宜XD
→ :Google 的 (我偶爾會去商學院吃,算是校內的好餐廳)
→ :不過人家Google 員工在自家餐廳吃免費,我們去學校
→ :餐廳吃要花錢而且還不便宜XD
→ :penny penny penny !!!35F 10/11 11:56
→ :可惜Google 主業不是做手機,否則我下次跟室友去36F 10/11 11:57
→ :Google 吃飯應該問問能不能照相回來貼這邊~
→ :Google 吃飯應該問問能不能照相回來貼這邊~
推 :Google也是工程師主導阿 htc主導的是王雪紅吧...38F 10/11 12:05
推 :Google餐廳我看過TLC介紹,有18間不同的餐廳39F 10/11 12:20
→ :然後每天都要想菜色還要上傳內部網路給那些geek參考
推 :http://goo.gl/yPSJfD 這邊可以看一下XD
→ :然後每天都要想菜色還要上傳內部網路給那些geek參考
推 :http://goo.gl/yPSJfD 這邊可以看一下XD
谷歌的餐厅 玩转地球 091130 麦可的世界厨房 - 开心网转帖 - 开心网 开心网的转帖:谷歌的餐厅 玩转地球 091130 麦可的世界厨房 ...
2009-11-30: 麥可的世界廚房 091130 - 玩轉地球 2009 - YouTube
播放清單: 主持人: 伊恩· 懷特 電視臺: 旅遊衛視 首播: 2009 類型: 旅遊 地區: 大陸 《玩轉地球》節目主要提供切實可行的出遊指南,加上幽默風趣的節目主持人...
播放清單: 主持人: 伊恩· 懷特 電視臺: 旅遊衛視 首播: 2009 類型: 旅遊 地區: 大陸 《玩轉地球》節目主要提供切實可行的出遊指南,加上幽默風趣的節目主持人...

→ :上面這個是Youtube的連結 可惜是中文的XD43F 10/11 12:25
推 :真的要推工程師主導的公司就是 Valve 吧44F 10/11 12:27
→ :沒經理的管理方式也只有他們辦的到
→ :沒經理的管理方式也只有他們辦的到
推 :那個youtube 影片的中文真恐怖,而且誇大得有點過了46F 10/11 12:35
推 :餐廳到底多好吃47F 10/11 12:49
推 :Valve根本遊戲界冨樫48F 10/11 13:02
推 :蘋果公司文化相對於其他家保守(筆記)49F 10/11 14:15
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 212
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