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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-09-20 21:13:52
看板 Gossiping
作者 testtesttest (測試)
標題 [新聞] 美國薪水倒退12年前水準
時間 Fri Sep 20 18:59:20 2013


 美國經濟智庫調查 (EPI)


 收入的平均數字從 2000年到 2012年,扣掉物價漲幅後,完全沒有增加

 尤其是相比 2009年金融海嘯後,只有收入在最前面 5% 的人收入有增加

 其他 95% 收入都比 2009年還低

 The 2012 poverty and income data released yesterday by the U.S. Census Bureau
show modest income growth for most households between 2011 and 2012. From
2011 to 2012, median household income for non-elderly households (those with
a head of household younger than 65 years old) increased from $56,802 to
$57,353. However, this increase barely began to offset the losses incurred
during the recession. Incomes are substantially lower than they were before
the recession began. From 2009-2012, only households in the top 5 percent of
the income distributions saw gains.

In their analysis, EPI President Lawrence Mishel and economists Elise Gould
and Heidi Shierholz explain that the trends of the Great Recession and its
aftermath come on the heels of the weak economy of 2000-2007—the first
business cycle on record where incomes for those at the middle did not rise.
In fact, as Mishel and Gould explain, most of the gains to low- and
moderate-income families in the strong labor market of the late 1990s have
been erased by the weak labor market of the last 12 years.

「The report tells us what we already knew. Hourly wages have been stagnant,
across the board for many years, even for college grads. We're not seeing
much job growth, even as the unemployment rate falls,」 said Mishel. 「It
shouldn't be surprising that incomes are not going up if people are not
working more, finding jobs, or seeing increases in their weekly paychecks.」

The poverty rate remains elevated, staying constant at 15.0 percent between
2011 and 2012. The number of people living below the poverty line in 2012 was
46.5 million. Since 2000, poverty has generally been on an upward trajectory.
The poverty rate increased between 2000 and 2007 from 11.3 percent to 12.5
percent, then continued to rise through the Great Recession.

「The Census data show just how important safety net programs such as SNAP,
unemployment insurance, and Social Security are to ordinary Americans,」 said
Gould. 「In 2012, 1.7 million people were kept out of poverty by unemployment
insurance and 15.3 million elderly Americans were kept out of poverty by
Social Security. Furthermore, if SNAP were added to the Census definition of
money income, then 4 million fewer people would be in poverty.」

「Given predictions for the health of the labor market, it's likely that the
poverty rate will not fall even to 2000 levels for some time,」 said Gould. 「
Now is no time to be considering cuts to the safety net.」


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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id:騜:看吧,美國也跟我們一樣,22K很合理3F 09/20 19:00
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liquormania:台灣還不用扣掉物價漲幅就已經向後退了 扣掉更慘16F 09/20 19:05
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mimikillua:這樣就證明了唸哈佛的不適合當總統25F 09/20 19:14
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battleleader:小布希下台XDDDDD28F 09/20 19:18
charlie60508:才不告訴膩咧29F 09/20 19:20
ZIQQ001:台灣領先全球 只是不知人家12年前的薪資贏現在台灣幾倍30F 09/20 19:24
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ZIQQ001:看到此帳號+扣掉物價漲幅 補噓回來32F 09/20 19:26
deco:喔33F 09/20 19:31
alcard22:你究竟是反串,還是真不懂文章內容?34F 09/20 19:42
chinhan1216:不愧是美國馬英九35F 09/20 19:52
aqua17:台灣扣除物價後恐怕回到商朝36F 09/20 19:53
yjchiou:扣掉物價漲幅沒增加就是薪水有隨物價成長 反觀鬼島37F 09/20 20:51

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