※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-07-08 15:31:30
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 現役NBA球員中淨資產最多的10位球員
時間 Mon Jul 8 09:49:35 2013
Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, LeBron James Atop Highest Net Worth In NBA, According To Report | Beyond The Buzzer
According to a report from Wealthx.com, Kobe Bryant unsurprisingly has the highest net worth in the NBA at $220 million. Endorsements throughout 15 years in the NBA from adidas, Sprite, McDonalds, Upper Deck and Spalding, Nike, Coca-Cola and most recently Turkish Airlines will certainly lead to that ...
According to a report from Wealthx.com, Kobe Bryant unsurprisingly has the
highest net worth in the NBA at $220 million. Endorsements throughout 15
years in the NBA from adidas, Sprite, McDonalds, Upper Deck and Spalding,
Nike, Coca-Cola and most recently Turkish Airlines will certainly lead to
that kind of success.
Kevin Garnett ($190M), LeBron James ($130M), Tim Duncan ($100M) and Ray Allen
($100M) round out the top 5.
Check out the top 10 NBA players with the highest net worth.
1. Kobe Bryant $220M
2. Kevin Garnett $190M
3. LeBron James $130M
4. Tim Duncan $100M
5. Ray Allen $100M
6. Vince Carter $95M
7. Dirk Nowitzki $90M
8. Dwyane Wade $85M
9. Carmelo Anthony $80M
10. Tracy McGrady $80M
Longevity and Endorsements Key to Wealth for Millionaire NBA Players | Wealth-X Wealth-X is the global leader in providing qualified prospects and intelligence on ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals, along with the privately held-companies they control. ...
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◆ From:
推 :真扯 KD才打幾年而已...= =1F 07/08 09:50
→ :看錯 把KG看成KD Orz
→ :看錯 把KG看成KD Orz
→ :整個星期都有一樣的東西3F 07/08 09:51
推 :KD?哪裡4F 07/08 09:51
→ :凡妮莎表示:不到時候喊吹密5F 07/08 09:51
推 :被1F誤導 想說怎麼我沒看見KD...6F 07/08 09:53
→ :999. Allen Iverson $07F 07/08 09:54
推 :一排看下來 就第十名最小輪..............8F 07/08 09:54
→ :TMC!? 不過應該快不能算現役了吧!9F 07/08 09:54
→ :也最晚節不保10F 07/08 09:54
推 :1F XDDDDDD11F 07/08 09:54
推 :03梯很會賺...O_O12F 07/08 09:55
推 :不知這10個有幾個退休5年後還有好日子過13F 07/08 09:55
推 :目前現役沒有PG入排名,不知道KIDD沒退休排的進去嗎?14F 07/08 09:57
推 :KIDD薪水後期都不高15F 07/08 09:58
推 :1. Kobe Bryant16F 07/08 09:59
推 :真不愧是老大...離婚分錢之後 還是no117F 07/08 10:00
※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (07/08 10:03)推 :TD賺這麼多喔還是是花太少?18F 07/08 10:01
推 :TD賺的算少吧 你比一下KG就知道了19F 07/08 10:03
推 :稅前總薪資 #1HrFMwcD 基德司機雷槍包皮小歐踢妹卡特20F 07/08 10:03
→ :999. Allen Iverson $0 XDDDDDDDDD21F 07/08 10:04
推 :沒有Rose嗎22F 07/08 10:05
推 :Kidd生涯薪水187M 應該能進前5 另外KG:302M 司機181M23F 07/08 10:07
推 :卡特好威阿24F 07/08 10:09
→ :賺多但愛亂花啊 不然AI早就進前三 XDD25F 07/08 10:09
→ :像老大這樣守護錢財 把老媽告上法庭的應該不多.. XD27F 07/08 10:11
※ benjo:轉錄至看板 VinceCarter 07/08 10:12推 :有點腦子的都不會輕易搞到破產28F 07/08 10:13
推 :KG賺很大,行情都一直維持住29F 07/08 10:14
推 :TD的生涯總薪資就是跟KG差90M左右30F 07/08 10:23
推 :Allen Iverson $031F 07/08 10:25
推 :4567是不太需要擔心退休生活32F 07/08 10:26
推 :7樓超好笑XD33F 07/08 10:27
推 :Allen Iverson xdddddddd34F 07/08 10:31
→ :踢妹只剩張嘴算現役嗎?35F 07/08 10:32
推 :Wade算花很少了36F 07/08 10:33
推 :A1何止0 0的話還好 應該是負的了37F 07/08 10:35
推 :4567不太需要擔心 那為何前3需要擔心38F 07/08 10:40
推 :Dirk不是說不接廣告代言 還能存這麼多 厲害XDD39F 07/08 10:52
→ :說到這個,TD的廣告都很好笑XD40F 07/08 10:53
推 :Dirk根本沒再花大錢41F 07/08 10:59
推 :居然沒有PP~ 老塞給的錢太少嗎?42F 07/08 11:01
推 :一樓讓我也再找kd 哈哈43F 07/08 11:03
推 :害我找kd找半天44F 07/08 11:05
推 :魂彈 害我拉回去找了兩次KD45F 07/08 11:06
推 :一樓不用進水桶嗎46F 07/08 11:17
→ :KD要是能進這前10還真的扯47F 07/08 11:31
推 :這是列生涯賺的吧 跟花多花少沒有關係吧48F 07/08 11:36
推 :害我一直在掃KD,想說怎沒掃到一 一49F 07/08 11:46
推 :7樓XDDD 太狠了50F 07/08 12:16
噓 :賣鞋哥呢51F 07/08 12:22
推 :net worth怎麼會跟花多花少沒關係52F 07/08 12:32
噓 :被一樓誤導 怒噓53F 07/08 12:35
推 :T-MAC!!54F 07/08 12:39
推 :一樓....哈哈哈哈哈55F 07/08 13:32
噓 :1f不用進水桶嗎56F 07/08 15:16
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