※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-07-01 08:29:14
看板 joke
作者 標題 [XD] 進擊的巨人 cosplay 惡搞
時間 Mon Jul 1 00:05:15 2013
Attack On Animegacon 2013 - YouTube
hey code i just wanted to show you this cosplay of attack titans which i found hilarious (i don't own the video look up the name you will find the original) ...
hey code i just wanted to show you this cosplay of attack titans which i found hilarious (i don't own the video look up the name you will find the original) ...
金剛戰士也蠻配合的 笑死我惹
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: jonnyjonny 來自: (07/01 00:05)
推 :XDDDDDD好好笑 轉去巨人版阿~~1F 07/01 00:13
推 :XDDDDDDDDD太白癡了!!! 推啦!!2F 07/01 00:15
推 :不錯3F 07/01 00:15
推 :滾走~~4F 07/01 00:16
推 :幹結尾超有戲!!!!!!!!!!5F 07/01 00:19
→ :那個短褲大哥也太配合XDD
→ :那個短褲大哥也太配合XDD
推 :XDD8F 07/01 00:30
推 :太會扭了XD9F 07/01 00:37
推 :好欠扁XDDDDDDDD10F 07/01 00:56
Attack On Animegacon 2013 - YouTube
A small Colossal Titan terrorizes Animegacon, then ventures out onto the Las Vegas Strip (Las Vegas, NV)
A small Colossal Titan terrorizes Animegacon, then ventures out onto the Las Vegas Strip (Las Vegas, NV)
推 :哈哈哈哈 會爆12F 07/01 02:03
推 :還不錯XD13F 07/01 02:06
推 :舞感真好 屁股超扭XDDDDDDDDDDD14F 07/01 02:09
推 :XD16F 07/01 02:24
推 :好歡樂,初音好正,巨人有甲味17F 07/01 02:28
推 :好歡樂XD18F 07/01 04:29
推 :乾我覺得他應該去COS瘋狂假面啊!!!19F 07/01 07:53
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 367
作者 jonnyjonny 的最新發文:
- Attack On Animegacon 2013 - YouTube hey code i just wanted to show you this cosplay of attack titan …19F 17推 1噓
- 最近想買一支 iPhone 5 看到中華電信超值方案 649 元 請問這個方案是市面上最划算的嗎 上網好像只有 1GB 不過我不打算用手機上 youtube 之類的 所以應該夠用吧! 聽說用 goog …5F