※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-29 01:07:59
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 「地球超人」即將登上電影大螢幕
時間 Fri Jun 28 23:54:56 2013
Captain Planet and the Planeteers 地球超人
90年代的環保主題動畫卡通 Sony即將把它拍成真人化電影
敘述地球上有五名青少年有大地女神 Gaia給的五枚戒指
'Captain Planet and the Planeteers' Movie in the Works From Sony (Exclusive)
Mark Gordon, Don Murphy and Susan Montford are producing the film adaptation of the 1990s TV series. ...
Captain Planet And The Planeteers (Opening Credits) - YouTube Captain Planet and the Planeteers is an American animated environmentalist television program, based on an idea by Ted Turner and produced by Andy Heyward, R...

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◆ From:
→ :史上最爛英雄1F 06/28 23:55
推 :超懷念…2F 06/28 23:55
→ :地~球~超~人~3F 06/28 23:55
→ :被垃圾丟到就掛了 超廢4F 06/28 23:55
→ :維基介紹很北爛5F 06/28 23:55
推 :這個!!童年的回憶!!!7F 06/28 23:56
Don Cheadle is Captain Planet - YouTube
Become a fan on facebook: Don Cheadle is obviously the best person to play Captain Planet in the movie version of the popu...
Become a fan on facebook: Don Cheadle is obviously the best person to play Captain Planet in the movie version of the popu...

推 :把你們的力量借給我9F 06/28 23:56
推 :有印象10F 06/28 23:56
推 :拿噴潑他就贏了11F 06/28 23:56
→ :這種廢物還出來跟人當超人 用戒指還比較強12F 06/28 23:56
→ :記得還有一集所有人都變老 召喚出來的也是老超人 北七13F 06/28 23:56
推 :2小時電影只威最後三分鐘14F 06/28 23:57
→ :比美國隊長還厲害 是地球隊長XD15F 06/28 23:57
→ :完全不想看....16F 06/28 23:57
→ :弱點:污染物 超怕核廢料17F 06/28 23:58
推 :廢物超人...18F 06/28 23:59
推 :覺得可能會出現水母潮攻勢19F 06/29 00:00
推 :超好看20F 06/29 00:04
→ :我覺得5人用戒指打還比召喚出超人強耶21F 06/29 00:05
推 :吐個痰就廢了 超弱22F 06/29 00:15
→ :史上最廢超人..23F 06/29 00:28
推 :地球本來就很脆弱 怕汙染物很合理 不能和其他英雄相提並論24F 06/29 00:43
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 941