※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-26 23:25:56
看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 [情報] Motorola X phone正面照片洩漏
時間 Wed Jun 26 16:34:06 2013
Mysterious Motorola X phone picture pops up, testing as the XT1056 on Sprint's LTE
We just got sent a picture of a Motorola XT1056 device being tested on Sprint's 4G LTE network, that our source believes is the mysterious Motorola X phone, and the one that already passed the innards of the FCC... ...
We just got sent a picture of a Motorola XT1056 device being tested on Sprint's 4G LTE network, that our source believes is the mysterious Motorola X phone, and the one that already passed the innards of the FCC... ...
4.7-inches 720p display, 1.7 GHz Snapdragon chipset,
2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of system memory,
and focus will be on the accompanying features rather than the hardware.
▄▄ █▌▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄ ▄▄█▌▌
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄███▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▌▄▄▌█▌▌
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄
██████▄██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▌▄▄▄▄▄▄ Yuzuki
██████▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄██▄▄▄▄ ▄▄█▄▄▄▄
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◆ From:
推 :Moto:經過了一整年的研發,很高興向大家介紹..Nexus4?1F 06/26 16:39
→ :XDDD2F 06/26 16:40
推 :Moto:看我必殺X phone,有觀落陰的app3F 06/26 16:40
→ :XT1056 V.S. Lumia 10204F 06/26 16:40
→ :老廠都編號破千了耶~
→ :老廠都編號破千了耶~
→ :三爽9000起跳6F 06/26 16:45
推 :競爭力在哪............7F 06/26 16:51
“moto x” to launch August 1st? | Android and Me
Goodbye Motorola. If a pitch for what we believe to be is an upcoming ad campaign on Behance.net is real, then something huge is going on at Motorola. The pictures, on B.A. Bäkken’s Behance page, an online design portfolio page for designers to showcase their work, say it all. Labeled as, “Pitch wor ...
Goodbye Motorola. If a pitch for what we believe to be is an upcoming ad campaign on Behance.net is real, then something huge is going on at Motorola. The pictures, on B.A. Bäkken’s Behance page, an online design portfolio page for designers to showcase their work, say it all. Labeled as, “Pitch wor ...
→ :會不會正式變成Google牌手機??10F 06/26 17:00
推 :Q_Q.........moto11F 06/26 17:11
→ :雖然這樣子說,之前droid life有進行約9000筆的投票12F 06/26 17:18
→ :如果你能成為某個安卓廠商的CEO,會是哪一家,
→ :如果你能成為某個安卓廠商的CEO,會是哪一家,
→ :你是M14F 06/26 17:18
→ :Moto還是拿到最高票, 蠻神奇的15F 06/26 17:18
推 :Moto那廣告不是說他們要關門拉 而是說在新改變之前16F 06/26 17:19
推 :一樣是老牌 一樣走下坡 NOKIA走得有聲有色.......17F 06/26 17:20
→ :MOTO是不是忘記怎麼走路啦?!!
→ :MOTO是不是忘記怎麼走路啦?!!
→ :NOKIA有聲有色嗎????第一季還虧損耶19F 06/26 17:21
→ :想起當初大家都說MOTO被GOOGLE買就要飛天了...XDDDD20F 06/26 17:21
→ :想當初大家都說NOKIA馬上要被併了....看來完全失準阿
→ :想當初大家都說NOKIA馬上要被併了....看來完全失準阿
→ :但以推WP而言, Nokia算是大勝利了22F 06/26 17:22
→ :NOKIA被有點軟綁架成這樣還有聲有色.....23F 06/26 17:22
→ :那是因為其他部分掉太快= = WP部份越來越好啊24F 06/26 17:22
→ :要鞭NOKIA 頂多說WP沒有爆炸性成長罷了
→ :要鞭NOKIA 頂多說WP沒有爆炸性成長罷了
→ :我是不看好第二季的表現啦,畢竟925/928都是920改而26F 06/26 17:24
→ :不過要爆炸性成長到去補足傳統手機跟神鞭當初的規模27F 06/26 17:24
→ :根本不太可能......當年的NOKIA有點太威猛了
→ :根本不太可能......當年的NOKIA有點太威猛了
→ :已,而EOS V1估計也只是920的配上808的眼睛而已...29F 06/26 17:24
→ :不過希望NOKIA能跳脫虧損就是了...
→ :不過希望NOKIA能跳脫虧損就是了...
→ :我覺得你說的那兩隻是用來炒一下而已 不然等EOS出會31F 06/26 17:25
→ :空窗太久......
→ :空窗太久......
→ :所以第二季根本沒有強勢的機種阿XD33F 06/26 17:26
推 :就是維持新聞性罷了= = 畢竟大家都只看920的同時34F 06/26 17:27
→ :別忘了中低階的620賣得跟920相去不遠= =
→ :也就是說925/928只是用來證明我還活著而已(大誤XDDDD
→ :持續高階吸睛 賣LUMIA的知名度 但是你可以買中低階
→ :別忘了中低階的620賣得跟920相去不遠= =
→ :也就是說925/928只是用來證明我還活著而已(大誤XDDDD
→ :持續高階吸睛 賣LUMIA的知名度 但是你可以買中低階
推 :這隻超有趣啊 研發1年半 所以規格停留一年半前XD38F 06/26 17:33
推 :外觀整個就像對岸客製機...搞啥阿XD39F 06/26 17:54
推 :moto的ceo說這隻價格會超級犀利,比n4的cp值還高很多40F 06/26 17:55
→ :,而且還會送一堆play折價券
→ :,而且還會送一堆play折價券
→ :台灣買不到42F 06/26 17:56
→ :開超過15000大概就沒什麼CP吧43F 06/26 18:05
推 :如果跟nexus7一樣那才叫有高CP值.......44F 06/26 18:11
→ :別再提N7 了 根本悲劇45F 06/26 18:42
→ :悲劇? 那個價位的誰能比?46F 06/26 19:27
→ :不然多花錢買知要用防水袋的防水手機感覺實在很蠢47F 06/26 19:36
→ :你不買防水手機的話你還是要買防水袋阿XDD 而且防水48F 06/26 19:43
→ :機好像沒有比較貴
→ :機好像沒有比較貴
推 :喔喔喔喔喔,這邊框我可以50F 06/26 22:37
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