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作者 標題 [新聞] CM Wang doing no wrong for Blue Jays
時間 Sun Jun 23 09:55:45 2013
CANOE -- SLAM! Sports - Baseball - MLB Toronto: Chien-Ming Wang doing no wrong for Blue Jays
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TORONTO - Chien-Ming Wang doesn’t speak much English. Mostly, he has let his
pitching talk for him.
Wang has become front-page news again back in Taiwan.
A contingent of national media emerges to chronicle his every start and
cameras follow him everywhere.
But, all the Blue Jays and manager John Gibbons care about is that he has
helped solidify an injury-ravaged rotation.
“He shut down a good hitting team,” Gibbons said Saturday after Wang strung
together 61/3 innings, scattering four hits, to run his record to 2-0 since
joining Toronto on June 11. “I know he feels good, he’s a part of it now. He
’s given us a big boost, that’s for sure.”
吉布森說「他擊敗了一支打擊很好的球隊。」在星期六王建民投出6 1/3局,僅被打出4支
Wang’s signing sent ripples of excitement through Taiwan.
In Toronto it raised a few eyebrows, but probably not a lot of hopes. While
he twice won 19 games with the Yankees in the 1990s, a foot injury had left
him with just seven wins since then in the majors. The Yankees signed him to
a minor league deal this year but, even with their own pitching issues,
decided to release him so he could sign in Toronto.
In three starts with Toronto he has been a revelation. He has now gone two
starts without allowing an earned run. When Baltimore got an unearned run in
the fifth it snapped Wang’s scoreless streak at 141/3 innings — the longest
by a Toronto starter all season.
蒂摩在第5局打破了王建民14 1/3局無非自責分的紀錄後,這成為了本季多倫多投手中最
蒂摩在第5局打破了王建民14 1/3局無非自責分的紀錄後,這成為了本季多倫多投手中最
“Happy,” said Wang of his resurrection.
Last year, he had a 6.68 ERA in Washington. In Toronto he’s now 2-0, with an
ERA of 2.18 and the team hasn’t lost since he got here.
So why the sudden success?
“Just don’t think too much,” he said, grinning. “Before every pitch I
want to be perfect.”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: derekhsu 來自: (06/23 09:57)
→ :藍鳥: 50w買了個ace的傳奇故事1F 06/23 09:57
推 :就......2F 06/23 09:57
推 :1990s XDD3F 06/23 09:57
推 :不死鳥 王建民4F 06/23 09:57
推 :就...高興啊~5F 06/23 09:58
→ :1990s 那隊上應該還有火箭人吧?6F 06/23 09:58
※ 編輯: derekhsu 來自: (06/23 09:58)→ :想到到王建民年代有這麼久遠了 還能復出 真難得7F 06/23 09:58
推 :1990s XD8F 06/23 09:58
→ :2-0…9F 06/23 09:58
→ :不是 2-0 唷。 記者不用功,舉世皆然?10F 06/23 09:59
推 :會有酸酸說是玩拳運氣 呵 呵11F 06/23 09:59
推 :隊友還有貝比魯斯是吧12F 06/23 10:00
推 :錯誤一堆13F 06/23 10:00
推 :這作者是爽到不知所云了嗎14F 06/23 10:01
→ :駐多倫多台媒? XD15F 06/23 10:01
→ :畢竟是雜魚投手 只有台灣人在注意(戰)16F 06/23 10:02
推 :這到底是想說很久了還是真的搞錯17F 06/23 10:03
→ :When Baltimore 那一句似乎翻錯了?18F 06/23 10:03
→ :敘述其實還滿平穩的,只是他算數好差 囧19F 06/23 10:04
→ :然後,ripples 翻成 "浪潮" 太誇大了 :p20F 06/23 10:05
→ :漣漪太小了啊21F 06/23 10:06
推 :“Happy,” said Wang of his resurrection.22F 06/23 10:10
推 :就....一球投一球投23F 06/23 10:12
推 :這作者比台媒還高潮XD24F 06/23 10:15
推 :Happy25F 06/23 10:15
推 :王 說話真的很好玩XDDDDDDD26F 06/23 10:15
推 :他可能問了台媒 結果台媒說王(民國)90年代在洋基投球27F 06/23 10:16
→ :作者就以為是1990s
→ :作者就以為是1990s
推 :這記者跟臺媒沒有差別~29F 06/23 10:26
推 :如果繼續威到球季結束.....可以拍電影了30F 06/23 10:27
推 :Just就 ... 難怪小孩取名Justin31F 06/23 10:27
噓 :妓者不分國界,一樣爛32F 06/23 10:28
→ :老婆: 兒子要叫甚名字? Wang: Just .. Just33F 06/23 10:29
→ :老婆: 好 原來你想取名Justin
→ :老婆: 好 原來你想取名Justin
→ :1990(嚇)35F 06/23 10:33
→ :Blue Rays36F 06/23 10:34
推 :明明就~37F 06/23 10:43
推 :"一球一球的投"影片是什麼啊,youtube怎麼找38F 06/23 10:46
推 :哇 王投了快20年39F 06/23 10:48
→ :這記者素質和終舔一樣40F 06/23 10:52
推 :這記者是腦包嗎..41F 06/23 11:34
推 :中天的親戚?42F 06/23 11:52
推 :Happy43F 06/23 11:55
→ :無自責分還沒終止 錯誤好多44F 06/23 12:01
推 :老王變成90年代的上古神獸了45F 06/23 12:15
推 :這篇比台媒的還爛....46F 06/23 12:23
推 :旅外都叫仔,旅台就是神47F 06/23 12:25
推 :上古神獸XDDDDD48F 06/23 12:47
推 :1990 XDDD 那王現在是幾歲啦XDDDDDD49F 06/23 12:53
→ :原來王在90年代就活躍了!?50F 06/23 15:44
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