※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-17 21:41:09
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作者 標題 [好雷] 超人:鋼鐵英雄 最喜歡的電影片段
時間 Sun Jun 16 11:01:37 2013
第一名: 克拉克的初次飛行 (First flight)
Hans Zimmer - Flight (Man of Steel) - YouTube
All credit and copyright goes to Hans Zimmer. If you like the music, consider buying the full soundtrack. Available on iTunes: Man of S...
All credit and copyright goes to Hans Zimmer. If you like the music, consider buying the full soundtrack. Available on iTunes: Man of S...

Hans Zimmer - Flight (Man of Steel) ←從2:58開始,聽的雞皮疙瘩都起來了。
第二名:與生父母的分離 (Goodbye my son)
我個人非常喜歡Ayelet Zurer(生母Lara)的演出,把Kal-El送走,到最後獨自
Man of Steel Soundtrack - 05. Goodbye My Son (女聲哼的很淒美~絕對經典!)
還有其他片段也很不錯,但搭配Hans Zimmer大師史詩級的配樂後,
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :推,你又勾起我的淚腺和當初的感動....> <1F 06/16 11:05
→ :這次的配樂絕對是替本片加很多分,奧斯卡得獎等級的。2F 06/16 11:08
推 :配樂真的都超好聽的!3F 06/16 11:46
Hans Zimmer - Arcade (Man of Steel) - YouTube
All credit and copyright goes to Hans Zimmer. If you like the music, consider buying the full soundtrack. Available on iTunes: Man of S...
All credit and copyright goes to Hans Zimmer. If you like the music, consider buying the full soundtrack. Available on iTunes: Man of S...

→ :這部配樂才是本體....5F 06/16 12:01
推 :有人知道克拉克的養父在看著小超人套上紅披風跟狗玩6F 06/16 12:24
→ :那段的配樂是哪首嗎?很愛那段
→ :那段的配樂是哪首嗎?很愛那段
Man Of Steel - OST #17 - What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World? [Hans Zimmer] - YouTube Man of Steel - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 17 - What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World? [Hans Zimmer] I do not have anything in th...

→ :這首音樂是一整段到結尾字幕9F 06/16 12:31
→ :只是個人覺得Hans Zimmer該加把勁了XD10F 06/16 12:37
→ :推樓上,明明聽起來跟近期那幾部都差不多11F 06/16 12:40
→ :每個人都有每個人的觀點,我個人是認為大師寶刀未老,12F 06/16 13:00
→ :配樂品質一樣的高水準,非常非常喜歡,超愛的。
→ :配樂品質一樣的高水準,非常非常喜歡,超愛的。
推 :聽了很勵志的配樂,不錯了啦,至少救了這部片不少XDD14F 06/16 13:26
→ :正片中音樂斷點有些地方很突兀15F 06/16 13:27
推 :第二首滿好的16F 06/16 13:29
→ :這部片本來就很不錯,加上配樂,成為我近年的最愛。^^17F 06/16 13:35
推 :推飛行那段18F 06/16 14:24
推 :這部配樂是神級的 電影本體就還好 哈哈19F 06/16 14:34
推 :這片原聲帶台灣居然只出單碟版,20F 06/16 17:20
→ :比較豪華的雙碟版還得請網拍業者幫忙代購XD!!!
→ :比較豪華的雙碟版還得請網拍業者幫忙代購XD!!!
Man of Steel - Official Trailer #2 [HD] - YouTube
In theaters June 14th. From Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures comes "Man of Steel", starring Henry...
In theaters June 14th. From Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures comes "Man of Steel", starring Henry...

Storm - Elizabeth the Golden Age & Man of Steel (Craig Armstrong & AR Rahman) - YouTube Storm by Craig Armstrong and AR Rahman from Elizabeth the Golden Age and Man of Steel.

→ :伊莉莎白:輝煌年代原聲帶配樂,曲目Storm!24F 06/17 00:48
推 :挖 !!! 樓上非常感謝!!!!!25F 06/17 01:10
推 :還好...不夠有特色,辨識度太低 O_Q26F 06/17 12:39
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