※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-31 15:40:45
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] James:今晚彷彿回到克里夫蘭
時間 Fri May 31 14:58:39 2013
LeBron James: "I Kind of Just Went Back to My Cleveland Days"
LeBron James had some choice words on his performance following the Miami Heat's Game 5 victory over the Indiana Pacers on Thursday night. ...
On Thursday night, the Miami Heat turned things up after the halftime
intermission, eventually cruising to a double-digit victory in Game 5
against the Indiana Pacers.
Things were chippy early on and the Pacers were actually able to limit the
Heat on the offensive end through the first 24 minutes of action in this
pivotal Game 5 affair. However, after the halftime break,
Miami was certainly ready to make adjustments, scoring 30 points in the
third quarter in comparison to the 40 they totaled in the first two.
The most notable reason as to their third quarter success
was none other the league’s MVP — LeBron James.
第三節逆轉的最大原因 - 聯盟MVP: LeBron James
James, who had 11 points at halftime, poured in 19 after the break,
finishing the game with 30 points on 13-of-26 shooting.
A couple jump shots began falling and fans across the nation could
certainly feel the vibe that Miami was picking up momentum as the
third quarter rolled along.
After the team’s 90-79 victory however,
James took to the podium to shed light on his performance in Game 5.
He said, “I kind of just went back to my Cleveland days…just see
if the guys would follow me & lead ‘em the best I could.”
Well, Cleveland Cavaliers' fans might feel a bit wiry after
hearing LeBron’s quote, especially considering that they never
won a title while he donned their uniform. Either way,
it’s an interesting line.
The Heat’s win on Thursday night gave them a 3-2 series edge,
but things will swing back to Indiana for Game 6,
as the Pacers hope to force a Game 7 back in South Beach early next week.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :我好像回到克里夫蘭的日子...隊友不行了我只有自己來1F 05/31 15:00
→ :他是在裱另兩個巨頭嗎2F 05/31 15:00
噓 :有啊 他爸爸 Delonte West3F 05/31 15:01
→ :克里夫蘭的日子 他在場上 隊友馬上變華人4F 05/31 15:01
推 :邁阿密騎士隊5F 05/31 15:01
推 :隊友相信我,我也拿出最完美的自己 Decision BJ46F 05/31 15:01
推 :開始諷刺隊友了7F 05/31 15:03
→ :人生最大的失敗8F 05/31 15:04
推 :中二詹到底會不會講話啊9F 05/31 15:05
→ :翻譯:沒用的隊友10F 05/31 15:05
推 :三樓XD11F 05/31 15:05
推 :三巨頭又變一巨頭了12F 05/31 15:06
→ :酸酸13F 05/31 15:06
→ :還蠻像的 黑塞老間諜就是休四哥14F 05/31 15:07
推 :人家明明只是說隊友相信自己,酸酸硬要腦補LBJ在婊15F 05/31 15:09
→ :他這樣講好像之前隊友都不相信他的樣子16F 05/31 15:10
→ :對事不要對人嘛17F 05/31 15:10
推 :好爛,根本是明著婊尻韋和擦地板波許沒用!19F 05/31 15:10
→ :騎士隊相信LBJ 是因為騎士隊沒人能打 那熱火呢20F 05/31 15:12
推 :三樓水準低的可憐21F 05/31 15:12
→ :他可以說隊友相信我 我就要回報他們的相信 不用多加22F 05/31 15:13
→ :在克里夫蘭那一句 因為大家都知道他在克里夫蘭是多強
→ :的一人球隊
→ :在克里夫蘭那一句 因為大家都知道他在克里夫蘭是多強
→ :的一人球隊
→ :慘了 打擊到熱火士氣 下場要輸了25F 05/31 15:14
推 :所以之前熱火都沒人相信他嗎26F 05/31 15:14
推 :火火:詹詹身為天下第一人 MVP 這樣形容也沒錯啊27F 05/31 15:14
→ :下一場火火集體爆氣 球都不給LBJ28F 05/31 15:14
→ :他講這句話整個就是往自己貼金 隊友不會度爛嗎29F 05/31 15:15
推 :當初不就是嫌克里夫蘭的隊友太爛才轉隊的嗎30F 05/31 15:16
推 :推 milanookimo <= 呵呵 KOBE的球迷 BJ431F 05/31 15:16
推 :火火之於LBJ 猶如 科科之於老大32F 05/31 15:17
推 :黃袍加身的日子令人懷念...可惜沒奪冠33F 05/31 15:17
推 :很明顯的酸了其他兩王34F 05/31 15:17
噓 :吠人不倦、婊人不疑!35F 05/31 15:18
推 :LBJ重溫到一人球隊的時光36F 05/31 15:19
推 :說反諷也沒關係,現在Wade最需要人家刺激他37F 05/31 15:22
→ :Wade這系列真的打得很糟,如果他能爆發一場
→ :那LBJ也不用懷念克里夫蘭時光了
→ :Wade這系列真的打得很糟,如果他能爆發一場
→ :那LBJ也不用懷念克里夫蘭時光了
推 :韋德發揮得恨好阿 專門假摔和飛拐就好40F 05/31 15:26
推 :wade之所以強是能靠速度彌補身高 在內線殺進殺出41F 05/31 15:26
→ :但是溜馬內線高度太高 wade在內線討不到任何便宜
→ :但是溜馬內線高度太高 wade在內線討不到任何便宜
推 :樓上結果論 去年wade打溜馬明明就很威43F 05/31 15:28
推 :現在只要酸詹就會被戴科迷帽子 真衰44F 05/31 15:29
→ :只能說希伯特在內線帶給熱火的壓力 是全聯盟第一45F 05/31 15:29
→ :請Po克里夫蘭的東冠G5收視率46F 05/31 15:29
推 :幫樓上配音 啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!47F 05/31 15:29
→ :都是該死的大腿詹害的 自己的沾迷不管好48F 05/31 15:30
推 :迷迷真可憐 靠黑哨爬進季後賽 結果被橫掃夢碎49F 05/31 15:32
→ :挑對手挑到大白鯊 真的很可憐...
→ :挑對手挑到大白鯊 真的很可憐...
→ :翻譯: 還不是要靠我51F 05/31 15:33
推 :三樓崩潰 哈哈 低水準52F 05/31 15:35
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 90
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