※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-24 06:44:06
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 華航747機翼零件空中掉落
時間 Fri May 24 01:08:36 2013
Federal authorities are investigating why pieces of a 747 cargo plane crashed
into the woman's house Sunday afternoon.
The woman lives on Newton Estate Drive in Clayton County, along a direct
flight path to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.
Another piece of the plane landed at a Walmart on Anvil Block Road, just a
couple of miles away.
Channel 2's Tony Thomas watched as mechanics and inspectors canvassed the
right wing of the plane Wednesday night, replacing the 20-foot section that
ripped off.
Homeowner Pamela Ware told Thomas she's thankful she survived after part of
that wing hit her house.
"And boom! I was like, 'Huh?' Actually, I hit the floor," Ware said. "If it
had landed in here because that is just Sheetrock, it would have… oh boy, I
wouldn't be no good."
She showed Thomas pictures she took of the chunk that she said put two holes
in her roof before bouncing into the yard.
She took Thomas into the attic to see the splintered rafters and holes that
were left behind.
Ware was lucky in more ways than one. Authorities said a 20-foot section of
the plane crashed into the parking lot in front of a Walmart. No one was hurt.
Federal investigators told Thomas the 747 cargo plane coming from Anchorage
was about 5 miles east of Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport when a
piece of the right wing flap ripped off, breaking into at least two pieces
and potentially damaging the aircraft body.
The pilot declared an emergency and landed safely at the airport. Thomas was
told by Boeing and China Airlines, inspectors are on site as the jet sits
just off Hartsfield's runways.
Ware has now spent several sleepless nights, wondering who's going to pay for
her repairs and when the next piece might drop.
"I just keep thinking of what could have happened," Ware said.
Federal investigators now have taken those pieces of the wing flap as part of
their investigation. Thomas tried reaching China Airlines several times
Wednesday but received no answer.
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Parts of jet plane wing fall on woman's house, Walmart parking... | www.wsbtv.com
Federal authorities are investigating why pieces of a 747 cargo plane crashed into the woman's house Sunday afternoon. ...
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◆ From:
推 :小禮物1F 05/24 01:09
推 :正常能量釋放2F 05/24 01:09
→ :華航 好意外3F 05/24 01:09
推 :我好怕歐4F 05/24 01:09
推 : 不5F 05/24 01:09
推 :華航很多年沒出大事情了6F 05/24 01:09
推 :你不懂 華航747其實是我們土產軍機偽裝的7F 05/24 01:09
推 :這是一個訊號 來囉 來囉8F 05/24 01:09
→ :747貨機9F 05/24 01:10
→ :要正常能量釋放了嗎?!不要啊!! 還好我都不買華航10F 05/24 01:10
→ :又到了墜機高峰期11F 05/24 01:11
→ :cargo而已...12F 05/24 01:12
推 :掉到一個女人的家裡喔?13F 05/24 01:13
→ :天王星 變身!14F 05/24 01:14
→ :不是貨機就而已 機長還是緊急迫降了 重點是掉東西下來剛好15F 05/24 01:14
推 :Cargo都舊客機改裝,華航維修品質嗯...16F 05/24 01:14
→ :沒砸死人謝天謝地 不然早就是全球頭條17F 05/24 01:14
推 :兩台軍績之後是客機嗎?! 還是常客 (大誤!! 別發生= =!)18F 05/24 01:15
推 :最近鬼島雞瘟有點多 還是小心為妙19F 05/24 01:16
→ :華航 2年?4年?6年 還好沒事20F 05/24 01:16
→ :華航四年經期要來了嗎? 上次那霸火燒機是什麼時候?21F 05/24 01:16
推 :華航真的夠鳥22F 05/24 01:18
推 :又要準備摔了嗎23F 05/24 01:19
→ :掉flap還挺屌的24F 05/24 01:19
推 :搭了二十幾次飛機,華航降落最恐怖25F 05/24 01:24
噓 :空難史上的模範航空26F 05/24 01:27
→ :給樓上 還有Korean Air 難兄難弟27F 05/24 01:39
推 :噴裝28F 05/24 01:40
→ :ccuc大 2007/8/2029F 05/24 01:41
噓 :噓上面一些烏鴉嘴,呸呸呸30F 05/24 01:52
推 :當你覺得怪怪的 然後有華人說你烏鴉嘴時 就是有事要發生31F 05/24 02:21
→ :其實我覺得達美也頗恐怖的32F 05/24 02:30
噓 :不是翅膀掉落,都可以接受,33F 05/24 02:40
推 :還好我都改做長榮了34F 05/24 02:52
→ :那只是arms pack掉落而已,別在意別在意35F 05/24 04:48
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 202
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