※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-19 09:28:50
看板 movie
作者 標題 [討論] 米基洛克&衛斯里史奈普加入"浴血任務3"
時間 Fri May 17 20:55:58 2013
衛斯里史奈普已經確認加入 米基洛克也會再次出現
Mickey Rourke and Wesley Snipes Join "The Expendables 3," Jackie Chan and
Antonio Banderas in Talks
Sylvester Stallone is currently working on "The Expendables 3" and is sharing
lots of information with his Twitter followers. According to his last few
post, we now know which actors will appear in the movie and which ones
Stallone is pursuing.
First, Stallone confirmed that Wesley Snipes has joined the cast and that
Mickey Rourke will reprise his role. At one point, Stallone wanted to get at
least one actor from "The Raid," but then seemingly changed his mind.
And while he has yet to sign them, Stallone ended by saying that Jackie Chan
and Antonio Banderas are being heavily considered. No word if they're
interested in being part of the film. Stay tuned.
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◆ From:
推 :陣容可以去打海怪了1F 05/17 21:14
推 :第三集人可以分二隊互pk了2F 05/17 21:15
→ :支持鼻子去當反派 被打鼻子打到領便當3F 05/17 21:16
推 :日行者加入,這集殺吸血鬼非洲軍閥4F 05/17 21:20
→ :殺光暮光之城5F 05/17 21:30
推 :喔喔 衛斯里史奈普! Is it cold in here, or is it just me?6F 05/17 21:37
推 :衛斯理史奈普 出獄了 !?7F 05/17 21:40
推 :樓樓上超級戰警梗XD8F 05/17 21:48
推 :鼻子可以不必了~9F 05/17 21:51
推 :安東尼奧班德拉斯要穿蘇洛裝?10F 05/17 21:53
推 :成龍的風格跟這片有點不搭,還是李連杰比較適合吧11F 05/17 21:57
→ :副標: 血洗暮光之城12F 05/17 22:08
推 :刀鋒終於加入了,那蛇頭呢???13F 05/17 22:11
推 :安東尼奧班德拉斯又要想幹掉史特龍當殺手界第一名了?14F 05/17 22:16
推 :好多配對素材15F 05/17 22:28
推 :史特龍:heads up! (踢)16F 05/17 22:29
推 :這次要對幹異形還是阿終?17F 05/17 22:31
推 :之前看到一個報導說史塔森很期待成龍的加入,可以不要嗎18F 05/17 22:34
→ :強烈希望寇特羅素來玩玩,席格就不期待了19F 05/17 22:38
推 :唯一一個想叫反派塊陶的電影系列20F 05/17 22:54
推 :推一樓,環太平洋的怪物讓他們去打就好啦!21F 05/17 23:47
推 :拜託成龍不要進去 感覺很像卡通人物22F 05/18 02:03
推 :想看成龍會被安排什麼角色,他導的片有點膩了23F 05/18 02:07
→ :其實成龍演正常武打沒這麼差,只是他很堅持他的個人風格24F 05/18 03:34
→ :久而久之就變成大家的印象就是那些雜耍型打戲..
→ :另外一個大概就是成龍的臉本身就帶有一點喜感..
→ :久而久之就變成大家的印象就是那些雜耍型打戲..
→ :另外一個大概就是成龍的臉本身就帶有一點喜感..
→ :基努李維 : 龍哥.我只是去中國投資啊.別忘了我27F 05/18 06:16
→ :這陣容,史奈普就等於是被打的嘛...28F 05/18 07:07
→ :我只想看羅禮士傳奇29F 05/18 09:36
→ :拜託別成龍..............................30F 05/18 12:59
→ :成龍不反對,不過是要演反派被打爆XDD31F 05/18 13:27
推 :所以米基路克的片酬提高了嗎? 他是嫌片酬太低才不演的32F 05/18 19:05
推 :出獄了!33F 05/18 21:25
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 347
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