※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-28 18:50:09
看板 MLB
作者 標題 [分享] 花絮
時間 Sat Apr 27 21:56:38 2013
1. Adam Dunn : 我打擊率可以到四成
Adam Dunn: “people would be batting .400″ if batting averages weren’t reported | HardballTalk
MLB.com's Anthony Castrovince reported on the Blue Jays' use of a "performance coach" who professes that "batting average is Satan". Somehow, that isn't the most interesting quote in the article. ...
MLB.com's Anthony Castrovince reported on the Blue Jays' use of a "performance coach" who professes that "batting average is Satan". Somehow, that isn't the most interesting quote in the article. ...
Adam Dunn接受採訪時表示,媒體報導和球迷討論打擊率,以及計分板上掛著打擊率
Adam Dunn今天 2-4,打擊率躍升至0.128,暫時脫離不到一成的險境。
2. 海賊王 McCutchen慘遭雙換人下場
Pirates take out struggling Andrew McCutchen in double-switch | HardballTalk
Andrew McCutchen entered tonight's game against the Cardinals hitting just .235, including .105 in his previous five games, but you don't expect the Pirates' star to be subbed out in a fifth-inning double-switch. ...
Andrew McCutchen entered tonight's game against the Cardinals hitting just .235, including .105 in his previous five games, but you don't expect the Pirates' star to be subbed out in a fifth-inning double-switch. ...
McCutchen最近五場比賽 18打數無安打 沒有RBI進帳,打擊率 0.226
3. 大都會-費城比賽突然暫停的原因
Mets-Phillies game delayed because umpire Brian O’Nora swallowed his chew | HardballTalk
After Phillies starter Kyle Kendrick got Daniel Murphy for the second out of the inning in tonight's affair in Queens, home plate umpire Brian O'Nora ran off the field suddenly. ...
After Phillies starter Kyle Kendrick got Daniel Murphy for the second out of the inning in tonight's affair in Queens, home plate umpire Brian O'Nora ran off the field suddenly. ...
在一局下半2 OUT的時候,主審Brian O'Nora先生突然就跑走了。
這是繼09年,教士隊新人Kyle Blanks在場上被蜜蜂包圍後,最奇怪的暫停之一。
4. What? Greinke下周就要投球了?
Zack Greinke to begin throwing next week? Wow. | HardballTalk
That's what Will Carroll is reporting: Greinke is scheduled to throw early next week. Yes, you read that right. — Will Carroll (@injuryexpert) April 25, 2013 On the one hand, it was his non-pitching shoulder which was broken. On the other hand, damn. ...
That's what Will Carroll is reporting: Greinke is scheduled to throw early next week. Yes, you read that right. — Will Carroll (@injuryexpert) April 25, 2013 On the one hand, it was his non-pitching shoulder which was broken. On the other hand, damn. ...
著名體育記者Will Carroll在他的個人網站上貼文指出,
"Greinke is scheduled to throw early next week,Yes, you read that right."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :口香糖-...-1F 04/27 21:57
推 :魔神是練武奇才嗎!2F 04/27 21:58
→ :1 哈哈哈3F 04/27 21:58
推 :Dunn沒說他可以四割阿 連隱含的意思都沒有4F 04/27 21:59
→ :@@ 我看錯了嗎5F 04/27 21:59
推 :1.海珊最不愛打仗6F 04/27 22:00
→ :他只有說播打擊率會給球員壓力而已7F 04/27 22:00
推 :吞下去怎麼辦?8F 04/27 22:01
推 :葛魔神應該有打給世界和平...9F 04/27 22:03
推 :天啊!這你相信?10F 04/27 22:08
推 :推11F 04/27 22:21
→ :Z魔神比MWP弱多了 MWP直接把對方重要球員打殘 反觀Z..12F 04/27 22:31
推 :蛋哥: 我打擊三振率可以到4成,照樣打出40轟給你看13F 04/27 22:36
推 :他的意思是人們可以打擊率四成不是他可以打擊率四成14F 04/27 22:47
→ :我認為他就是在為自己的打擊率辯駁@@15F 04/27 22:47
推 :他當然不會直接說自己 但說大家應該就有自己的意思16F 04/27 22:49
推 :看到1就笑了XD17F 04/27 22:54
推 :蜜蜂那個不是去年還是前年也有...囧18F 04/27 22:58
推 :UP19F 04/27 22:58
推 :看到1就笑出來了20F 04/27 22:59
推 :控八控控?金鋼狼:打給我 包你十天復原 Z魔神:喔喔!21F 04/27 23:13
推 :吞口香糖的也太瞎了XD22F 04/27 23:13
推 :這口香糖.....有毒(嚼嚼)23F 04/27 23:15
推 :四成.....24F 04/27 23:41
→ :蛋哥要四成......SO四成我還相信.......25F 04/27 23:42
推 :看到蜜蜂就想到之前洋基的比賽張伯倫也是黏一堆蟲26F 04/27 23:50
推 :蛋哥...XDDD27F 04/27 23:51
推 :蛋哥你不要屁了 四成 XDDDD28F 04/28 00:03
→ :被三振率四成還差不多一點(?)29F 04/28 00:13
推 :就跟嵐教說兄弟長打率可以到5成一樣30F 04/28 00:34
推 :蛋哥被三振率四成去年就有了 除了扣保送外 222/539 SO/AB31F 04/28 01:03
→ :扣掉看球BB的份數 打數.411的被三振率
→ :扣掉看球BB的份數 打數.411的被三振率
→ :蛋哥沒想想 教練繼續用你 壓力更大33F 04/28 01:04
→ :加上BB 算打席的話 .345被三振率34F 04/28 01:05
推 :張伯倫被蟲弄過之後就壞了35F 04/28 01:15
推 :蜜蜂咬真的會痛到死...被咬過脖子和手兩顆 痛不欲生36F 04/28 03:17
推 :主審還好嗎XD37F 04/28 04:39
推 :草莓蛋38F 04/28 08:47
推 :主審XDD39F 04/28 09:09
推 :蛋哥以後統計就看沒安打率 說不定壓力就會太大沒辦法不打安40F 04/28 10:09
→ :打了...XD
→ :打了...XD
推 :別這樣今天又轟一發了 XD42F 04/28 11:23
推 :打擊率四成......43F 04/28 18:44
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 68
作者 HolyMickey 的最新發文:
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