※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-03 21:24:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 有沒有超級盃廣告都很正點的八卦??
時間 Sun Feb 3 12:51:43 2013
2013 Budweiser Super Bowl Ad — The Clydesdales: "Brotherhood" - YouTube See Budweiser's 2013 Super Bowl ad featuring our famous Clydesdales horses — and introducing our newest foal, who was just 7 days old during the shoot. For m...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :因為是超級盃阿1F 02/03 12:52
推 :台灣廣告好笑得也很多啊2F 02/03 12:52
推 :廣告以秒計費3F 02/03 12:53
推 :台灣也有...超級掰4F 02/03 12:53
推 :超雞背5F 02/03 12:54
推 : 結果沒講好不好喝...6F 02/03 12:54
推 :好感人 Q_Q7F 02/03 12:55
→ :主要是在講友情根啤酒的關係吧8F 02/03 12:55
推 :奧美不差了吧... 可是超級盃廣告貴到炸9F 02/03 12:56
推 :看不懂...馬是被送去哪裡了? 最後是回到主人身邊還是10F 02/03 12:57
推 :小隻馬11F 02/03 12:57
→ :只能抽空跟主人見個面?12F 02/03 12:57
推 :那個只是專門養/訓吧 就像訓練導盲犬一樣13F 02/03 12:59
推 :所以是訓練完回到主人身邊了嗎?14F 02/03 13:00
Budweiser Clydesdales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Budweiser Clydesdales are a group of Clydesdale horses used for promotions and commercials by the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company. There are six "hitches" or teams of horses, five that travel around the United States and one that remains in their official home at the company headquarters at the A ...
→ :百威啤酒有訓練一批馬,總共五隻,全國巡迴並替啤酒打廣告16F 02/03 13:01
推 :應該不是 我想他只是想表達馬跟原本訓練牠的主人擁有17F 02/03 13:01
→ :很深厚的感情而已
→ :很深厚的感情而已
→ :這一匹馬是其中一隻被百威選重要送去培訓的馬19F 02/03 13:02
推 :喔喔懂了...一開始那個是訓練馬的訓練員 溫馨的廣告!20F 02/03 13:02
推 :這首歌.....經過SOUTH PARK的污染,我只會想到SH_T21F 02/03 13:13
推 :My Little Pony friendship is magic XD22F 02/03 13:22
推 :八卦竟然有受歡迎的馬!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23F 02/03 13:38
Budweiser Black Crown - Arrival - YouTube
Get the first look at Budweiser Black Crown, a new lager crafted by Budweiser brewmasters and chosen by thousands to be made into America's newest brew. Find...
Get the first look at Budweiser Black Crown, a new lager crafted by Budweiser brewmasters and chosen by thousands to be made into America's newest brew. Find...

推 :因為三十秒鐘要三四百萬美金 你覺得會好看還是會爛?25F 02/03 16:41
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 167