※ 本文為 ryanlei 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-06 20:19:26
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [iAPP] Microsoft Office 系列
時間 Fri Mar 28 02:52:17 2014
軟體名稱:Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Microsoft Word for iPad on the App Store on iTunes
** Read Word documents for free. To create and edit, an Office 365 subscription is needed. **
The real Microsoft Word app designed for iPad. Now your Word documents look great on the iPad. When you edit or create documents, you can be confident they will look exactly how you want across PC, Mac, tab ...
The real Microsoft Word app designed for iPad. Now your Word documents look great on the iPad. When you edit or create documents, you can be confident they will look exactly how you want across PC, Mac, tab ...
Microsoft PowerPoint for iPad on the App Store on iTunes
** View and show PowerPoint presentations for free. To create and edit, an Office 365 subscription is needed. **
The real Microsoft PowerPoint app designed for iPad. Now your PowerPoint presentations look great on the iPad. When you edit or create documents, you can be confident that they will look ...
The real Microsoft PowerPoint app designed for iPad. Now your PowerPoint presentations look great on the iPad. When you edit or create documents, you can be confident that they will look ...
Microsoft Excel for iPad on the App Store on iTunes
** View Excel spreadsheets for free. To create and edit, an Office 365 subscription is needed. **
The real Microsoft Excel app designed for iPad. Now your Excel spreadsheets look great on the iPad. When you edit or create spreadsheets, you can be confident they will look exactly how you want across ...
The real Microsoft Excel app designed for iPad. Now your Excel spreadsheets look great on the iPad. When you edit or create spreadsheets, you can be confident they will look exactly how you want across ...
適用韌體: Requires iOS 7.0 or later.
Microsoft Office for iPad 上架,Word, Excel, PowerPoint
編輯需要 Office 365 訂閱,瀏覽是免費的
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iPhone/M.1395946340.A.A3C.html
推 :Push1F 03/28 03:14
推 :推!2F 03/28 03:21
推 :推 !!3F 03/28 03:27
推 :推4F 03/28 04:02
推 :推5F 03/28 05:27
推 :讚~終於可以考慮不用換微軟的surface pro了6F 03/28 05:57
→ :Surface 可以用完整的 Office 喔XD7F 03/28 07:30
推 :雖然只能唯獨 不過比其他開office檔格式就跳掉好多了8F 03/28 07:50
推 :能閱覽就夠了9F 03/28 08:22
推 :7.0 orz10F 03/28 08:35
推 :字型很完整 不過沒365的話Excel就廢掉了XD11F 03/28 10:01
推 :Surface Pro有筆啊~~ 害我好猶豫要不要換12F 03/28 10:10
推 :Android版的可以編輯 QQ13F 03/28 11:15
→ :沒鍵盤滑鼠 ipad用office還是很慢拉14F 03/28 11:20
→ :取代筆電還差得遠咧
→ :取代筆電還差得遠咧
→ :直書依然走鐘16F 03/28 11:22
推 :iphone版android版都改成可編輯 ipad則是要錢才能編輯17F 03/28 11:49
推 :簡報的時候可以放powerpoint就好啦~那個雷射筆功能不錯18F 03/28 12:04
→ :keynote用起來真的很痛枯
→ :keynote用起來真的很痛枯
推 :介面超有質感 可是不能讀取雲短 超鳥20F 03/28 13:13
推 :雲端* 所以要讀取其他位置的檔案該如何處裡?
推 :雲端* 所以要讀取其他位置的檔案該如何處裡?
推 :openin22F 03/28 13:34
→ :Android 上可以編輯的只是 Office Mobile 不是這個23F 03/28 13:49
→ :iOS/Android 上之前的 Office Mobile 已經全免費了
→ :存取雲端前先登入微軟帳號
→ :iOS/Android 上之前的 Office Mobile 已經全免費了
→ :存取雲端前先登入微軟帳號
推 :登入微軟帳號好像還是只能讀ONE DRIVE ...26F 03/28 13:59
→ :對啊,當然啊XD27F 03/28 14:06
推 :推!Office 檔案放 ONE DRIVE 應該夠放了28F 03/28 14:19
→ :沒有桌子的時候,誰比較慢還不知道哦…
→ :沒有桌子的時候,誰比較慢還不知道哦…
推 :太好了..30F 03/28 15:08
推 :Onedrive有50G了 Dropbox反而只是拿來備存用31F 03/28 16:40
推 :!!!!!!!!!!讓我想買ipad air了 ipad2好頓T^T32F 03/28 18:23
推 :沒辦法匯出成PDF有點可惜就是了 這部分還是只能靠Web版33F 03/28 19:05
推 :為啥在ipad上買365要3290但在微軟store上買只要3190?34F 03/28 23:17
→ :兩者有什麼差嗎?
→ :365可以給5台電腦安裝,那ipad有限制幾台嗎?
→ :兩者有什麼差嗎?
→ :365可以給5台電腦安裝,那ipad有限制幾台嗎?
→ :家庭版 365 五台 PC+Mac 五台行動裝置37F 03/28 23:23
※ 看板: ryanlei 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 75
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