※ 本文為 ryanlei 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-03-07 00:48:05
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] App Store第250億次下載的幸運朋友-春麗
時間 Wed Mar 7 00:46:14 2012
※ 引述《Roy75117 (優酪乳)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/7sa7824
App Store第250億次下載的幸運朋友是『中國的春麗』 | iapp
本次幸運的第250億次下載幸運朋友,是來自『中國青島的付春麗女士』。所下載的app是相當熱門的遊戲之一『Where is My ...
: 相當熱門的遊戲之一『Where is My Water ?』,她將獲得價值1萬美金的iTunes Gift
: Card。蘋果公司目前在全球123個國家超過250億個app、3億台以上的iOS設備(包含
: iPad/iPhone/iPod touch),再次改寫了智慧型手機的歷史。
: 沒想到竟然在對岸
http://goo.gl/UuckR (Mac Rumors, 2012/03/05)
Apple Publishes Game-Heavy iOS App Bestseller List - Mac Rumors
Apple has posted its list [iTunes Link] of the top 25 bestselling apps of all time, following the download of the 25 billionth app from the App... ...
Apple也公布了Top 25 best-selling apps of all time
iTunes 連結
因為是有史以來的下載統計 如果有些新出的app能衝到top 25就還蠻強的XD
iPhone/iPod Touch
付費排行榜 免費排行榜
名稱 類型 名稱 類型
1. WhatsApp Messenger Social 1. Facebook Social
2. Angry Birds Games 2. Skype Social
3. Fruit Ninja Games 3. Viber Social
4. Angry Birds Seasons Games 4. Emoji! Free 工具
5. Cut the Rope Games 5. Fruit Ninja Lite Games
6. Angry Birds Rio Games 6. Talking Tom Cat 娛樂
7. Plants vs. Zombies Games 7. Instagram Photo
8. Doodle Jump Games 8. Angry Birds Free Games
9. Where's My Water? Games 9. Windows Live Messenger Social
10. Camera+ Photo 10. Google Search 參考
11. STREET FIGHTER IV Games 11. Angry Birds Rio Free Games
12. Tiny Wings Games 12. Bump Social
13. Need for Speed Undercover Games 13. LINE Social
14. Flight Control Games 14. Google Translate 參考
15. MONOPOLY Here & Now Games 15. Twitter Social
16. Hipstamatic Photo 16. Angry Birds Seasons Free Games
17. Infinity Blade Games 17. Facebook Messenger Social
18. FIFA 11 by EA SPORTS Games 18. Talking Tom Cat 2 娛樂
19. Sleep Cycle alarm clock Health 19. Tango Video Calls Social
20. PopStar! Games 20. Angry Birds Lite Games
21. Battery Doctor Pro 工具 21. Find My iPhone 工具
22. Birzzle Pandora Games 22. Paper Toss Games
23. UNO Games 23. Bluetooth Photo Share 工具
24. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Games 24. Temple Run Games
25. Asphalt 6: Adrenaline Games 25. Smurf's Village Games
Top Paid不意外地幾乎都被遊戲攻陷XD
而且前6名就有3個Angry Birds!
不過Top Free就蹦出很多社交類的
付費排行榜 免費排行榜
1. Angry Birds Seasons HD Games 1. Skype for iPad Social
2. Angry Birds HD Games 2. Angry Birds HD Free Games
3. Fruit Ninja HD Games 3. Angry Birds Rio HD Free Games
4. Cut the Rope HD Games 4. Fruit Ninja HD Lite Games
5. Angry Birds Rio HD Games 5. Talking Tom Cat 2 for iPad 娛樂
6. AVPlayerHD 娛樂 6. Angry Birds Seasons HD Free Games
7. Plants vs. Zombies HD Games 7. Calculator for iPad Free 工具
8. GoodReader for iPad 生產力 8. MyPad for FB & Twitter Social
9. Pages 生產力 9. Smurf's Village Games
10. Where's My Water Games 10. Talking Tom Cat for iPad 娛樂
11. Keynote 生產力 11. GT Racing: Motor Academy Games
12. Numbers 生產力 12. Cut the Rope HD Lite Games
13. GarageBand Music 13. Facebook Social
14. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Games 14. Talking Ben the Dog 娛樂
15. Real Racing 2 HD Games 15. Talking Gina the Giraffe 娛樂
16. Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD Games 16. Talking Tom & Ben News 娛樂
17. FIFA 12 by EA for iPad Games 17. PPTV网络电视(iPad version) 娛樂
18. MONOPOLY for iPad Games 18. Twitter Social
19. Office2 HD 商業* 19. MetalStorm: Wingman Games
20. Penultimate 生產力 20. Touch Hockey Extreme: FS5 Games
21. Quickoffice Pro HD 商業* 21. Contract Killer Games
22. Infinity Blade Games 22. Nunjump - HD Games
23. Documents to Go Premium 商業* 23. Temple Run Games
24. MyPads+ for FB & Twitter Social 24. Friendly for Facebook Social
25. Cut the Rope: Experiments Games 25. Adobe Reader 商業*
Top Paid裡的遊戲類已經不像iPhone那麼多
值得注意的是在大螢幕的環境下 多了一堆生產力/商業類的軟體
Top Free依舊是遊戲和Social apps的天下
不過這個排行榜似乎只有TW Store
MacStories列了另外一個像是US Store的排行榜:
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
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