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作者 標題 Circulatory system
時間 2010年01月31日 Sun. AM 10:17:52
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Circulatory system
Cardiovascular system 心血管系統
Lymphatic system 淋巴系統
The cardiovascular system
Heart 心
A muscle pump to maintain the flow of blood,
Consist of four chambers (right and left atria , right and left
ventricles )
Artery 動脈 a. carry blood away from the heart
Veins 靜脈 v. carry blood back to the heart
Capillary 毛細血管 microscopic vessels, the area of exchange
between blood and tissue fluid
Blood circulation
Systemic circulation 體循環 left ventricle→aorta and its
branches→capillaries of body→superior and inferior vena cava
→right atrium
Pulmonary circulation 肺循環 right ventricle→pulmonary
a.→capillaries of lung→pulmonary v.→right atrium
Part One The Heart
Lies within the thoracic cavity
Behind the body of sternum and costal cartilages 2 to 6
A third of it lies to the right of median plane and 2/3 to the
External characteristics - a hollow muscular organ, pyramidal in
shape , somewhat larger than a closed fist; consists of four
chambers (right and left atria, right and left ventricles)
Cardiac apex ( 心尖) is directed downwards and forwards to the
left. at the level of the fifth left intercostal space, 1~2cm
medial to the left midclavicular line (9cm from the midline)
Cardiac base (心底) is formed by the left atrium and to a small
extent by the right atrium. It faces backward, upward and to the
Two surface
Sternocostal surface is formed mainly by the right atrium and
right ventricle, Diaphragmatic surface is formed by the ventricles
and rest upon the diaphragm
Three borders
Right border - vertical, is formed entirely by right atrium
Left border - round, is mainly formed by the left ventricle
Inferior border - horizontal, is formed by the right ventricle
and cardiac apex
three grooves
Coronary sulcus / groove 冠狀溝 (circular sulcus) which marks the
division between atria and ventricles,
Interventricular grooves 室間溝 - anterior and posterior , mark
the division between ventricles (which separates the RV from the
Chambers of the heart
Right atrium 右心房 (RA)
Three inlets
Orifice of superior vena cava 上腔靜脈口 - returns blood to the
heart from the upper half of the body
Orifice of inferior vena cava 下腔靜脈口 - returns blood to the
heart from the lower half of the body
Orifice of coronary sinus 冠狀竇口 - returns blood
to the heart from the cardiac muscle
One outlet - right atrioventricular orifice 右房室口
Right ventricle (RV) 右心室
Receives deoxygenated blood from right atrium through right
atrioventricular orifice
One inlet - right artrioventricular orifice 右房室口
One outlet- orifice of pulmonary trunk 肺動脈口
Tricuspid valve 三尖瓣
Guards right atrioventricular orifice
Chordae tendineae 腱索 - fine, white, connective tissue cords,
attach margin of cusps to papillary muscles 乳頭肌
Left atrium (LA) 左心房
Four inlets - four orifices of pulmonary veins 肺靜脈口 open
through the posterior wall
One outlet - left atrioventricular orifice 左房室口 , blood
leaves through left atrioventricular orifice to left ventricle
Left ventricle (LV) 左心室
Has the wall three times thicker than that of right ventricle
One inlet - left atrioventricular orifice 左房室口
One outlet- aortic orifice 主動脈口
Tricuspid valve 三尖瓣
Guards right atrioventricular orifice
Chordae tendineae 腱索 - fine, white, connective tissue cords,
attach margin of cusps to papillary muscles 乳頭肌
Mitral valve 二尖瓣
Guards left atrioventricular orifice
Two triangular cusps-anterior and posterior
Similar structures to those of right
Similar functions for right and left atriventricular valves
Open during diastole to allow blood to enter ventricles from atria
Closed during systole to prevent regurgitation of blood into atria
Valve of pulmonary trunk 肺動脈瓣
Guards the orifice of pulmonary trunk
Aorti vavle 主動脈瓣
Guards the aortic orifice
Similar functions for pulmonary and aortic valves
Opening during systole( 收縮期) , with cusps pressed toward the
wall of the vessel as blood is forced upward
Closed during diastole (舒張期)
Ventricular pressure drops in diastole
Floating together of valve cusps, with free borders meeting, thus
closing the valve
Structure of the heart
Walls of heart
Endocardium 心內膜 - inner coat of the heart wall,
Myocardium 心肌
Arranged spirally
Epicardium 心外膜 - serous membrane (visceral pericardium)
Interatrial septum 房間隔
Located between right and left atria
Contains fossa ovalis
Interventricular septum 室間隔
Located between right and left ventricles
Has upper membranous part
Has thick lower muscular part
Conduction system of heart 心傳導系
Consists of specialized myocardial cells
Sinuatrial node 竇房結 (SA node)
Called the pacemaker cell (P cell)
Located at the junction of right atrium and superior vena cava
Atrioventricular node 房室結 (AV node)
Located in the lower part of interatrial septum just above the
orifice of coronary sinus, under the endocardium
Atrioventricular bundle 房室束 (AV bundle)
Passes forward to divides into right and left bundle branches at
upper border of interventricular septum
Right and left bundle branches 左、右束支
Right bundle branch -p asses down on right side of
interventricular septum
Left bundle branch-passes down on left side of interventricular
septum which eventually become continuous with the Purkinje fibers
Purkinje fibers 普肯野氏纖維 - continuous with myocardium
Arterial supply
Left coronary artery 左冠狀動脈
Distribution-supplies left atrium and ventricle, lesser portion
of anterior wall of right ventricle, and anterior 2/3 of
interventricular septum
Right coronary artery 右冠狀動脈
Distribution: supplies right atrium and ventricle, posterior 1/3
of interventricular septum, posterior wall of left ventricle, the
sinuatrial node and atrioventricular node
Venous drainage
Coronary sinus 冠狀竇
Located in posterior part of coronary sinus
Carries most of venous blood from myocardium to right atrium
Great cardiac vein 心大靜脈
Middle cardiac vein 心中靜脈
Small cardiac vein 心小靜脈
Anterior cardiac veins 心前靜脈 - 3~4 small vessels, drain into
right atrium
Smallest cardiac veins 心最小靜脈 - drain into all chambers,
mainly atria
Pericardium 心包
Fibrous pericardium 纖維心包
Attached to central tendon of diaphragm inferiorly
Blends with outer coat of great vessels superiorly
Serous pericardium 漿膜心包
Visceral pericardium (epicardium)
Parietal pericardium
Pericardial cavity 心包腔
Potential space between visceral and parietal pericardium
Contains film of pericardium fluid
Pericardium sinus
Transverse sinus of pericardium 心包橫竇 - posterior to ascending
aorta and pulmonary trunk, anterior to superior vena cava and left
Oblique sinus of pericardium 心包斜竇 - cul-de-sac , posterior to
heart , bounded by pulmonary veins on either side
Surface markings of heart
Right border - corresponds to a line running from the upper
border of right third costal cartilage ?1.2cm from the margin of
sternum, downwards to sixth sternocostal joint
Apex - in the fifth left intercostal space 7~9cm from the midline
Left border - represented by a line running from apex upwards and
medially to a point on lower border of left second costal
cartilage ?1.2cm from sternal margin
Lower border - represented by a line joint the lower end of right
border to apex
Dissection of the heart
Part Two: The Arteries
The Arteries
Symmetrical(symmetry) 對稱
In the trunk of the body consist parietal and visceral branches
Shortest possible course
Run on flexor surfaces
Usually do not pass directly through muscles, avoiding compression
Together with the veins and nerves in a sheath of fascia to form
neurovascular bundle 血管神經束
Arteries of pulmonary circulation
Pulmonary trunk 肺動脈幹
Arises from right ventricle
Runs up, back ,and to the left
Bifurcates inferior to aortic arch into right and left pulmonary
arteries, one for each lung
Arteries of systemic circulation
Aorta 主動脈
Ascending aorta 升主動脈
Aortic arch 主 動脈弓
Brachiocephalic trunk 頭臂幹
right common carotid a. 右頸總動脈
right subclavian a. 右鎖骨下動脈
Left common carotid a . 左頸總動脈
Left subclavian a. 左鎖骨下動脈
Descending aorta 降主動脈
Thoracic aorta 胸主動脈
Abdominal aorta 腹主動脈
Arteries of head and neck
Common carotid a. 頸總動脈
External carotid a. 頸外動脈
Internal carotid a. 頸內動脈
Subclavian a. 鎖骨下動脈
The arteries of neck
Common carotid artery 頸總動脈
Origin (arises from)
Brachiocephalic trunk on the right
Aortic arch on the left
Ascends in neck to upper border of thyroid cartilage; bifurcates
into internal and external carotid arteries
Carotid sinus 頸動脈竇 (baroreceptor ), located at a dilation of
terminal part of common carotid artery or beginning of internal
carotid artery, sensitive to blood pressure changes
Carotid glomus 頸動脈小球 ( chemoreceptor ), lies posterior to the
point of bifurcation of common carotid artery, senses changes in
blood carbon dioxide (oxygen) levels
Subclavian artery 鎖骨下動脈
Origin (arises from)
Brachiocephalic trunk on right
Aortic arch on left
Becomes axillary artery at lateral border of first rib
Vertebral a. 椎動脈
Internal thoracic a. 胸廓內動脈
Thyrocervical trunk 甲狀頸幹
Inferior thyroid artery 甲狀腺下動脈 - supplies inferior pole of
thyroid gland
Costocervical trunk 肋頸幹
Arteries of upper limb
Axillary (armpit) a. 腋動脈
Brachial a. 肱動脈
Radial a. 橈動脈
Ulnar a. 尺動脈
Superficial palmar arch 掌淺弓
deep palmar arc 掌深弓
Superficial palmar arch 掌淺弓
Formed by ulnar artery and superficial palmar branch of radial
Curve of arch lies across the palm, level with the distal border
of fully extended thumb
Gives rise to three common palmar digital arteries each then
divides into two proper palmar digital arteries
Thoracic aorta 胸主動脈
Parietal branches 壁支
Nine pairs posterior intercostals arteries 肋間後動脈
One pair subcostal 肋下動脈
Visceral branches 臟支
Abdominal aorta 腹主動脈
Visceral branches 臟支
Paired branches
Middle suprarenal artery 腎上腺中動脈
Renal artery 腎動脈
Testicular (ovarian) artery 睾丸(卵巢)動脈
Unpaired branches
Celiac trunk 腹腔幹
Superior mesenteric a. 腸系膜上動脈
Inferior mesenteric a. 腸系膜下動脈
Parietal branches
Visceral branches
Paired branches
Middle suprarenal artery 腎上腺中動脈
Renal artery 腎動脈
Testicular (ovarian) artery 睾丸(卵巢)動脈
Descent of testes
Seven-week embryo showing the
testis before its descent from the
dorsal abdominal wall
Fetus at 28 week the testis passing
through the inguinal canal
Unpaired branches
Celiac trunk 腹腔幹 - a length of short thick vessel that
arises from the front of aorta, at level of T12
Superior mesenteric a. 腸系膜上動脈 - arises from the front of
aorta, at level of L2
Inferior mesenteric a. 腸系膜下動脈 - arises from the front of
aorta, at level of L3
Left gastric a.
hepatic a.
Splenic a.
Gastroduodenal a.
Proper hepatic a.
Right gastric a.
Left branch
Right branch
Cystic a.
Short gastric a.
Left gastrioeploic a.
Right gastroepiploic a.
Superior pancreaticoduodenal a.
Splemic branches
Celiac trunk
Celiac trunk
mesenteric a.
Inf. pancresticodudenal a.
Jejunal and ileal a.
Ileocolic a.
Appendicular a.
Right colic a.
Middle colic a.
Mesenteric v.
Inferior mesenteric a .
Left colic a.
Sigmoid a.
Superior rectal a.
Inferior mesenteric v.
Colic marginal artery
Common iliac artery 髂總動脈
Common iliac artery
Continuation of abdominal aorta at level of L4 vertebra
Terminates in front of sacroiliac joint by dividing into internal
and external iliac arteries
Internal iliac artery 髂內動脈
Parietal iliac artery
Obturator a. 閉孔動脈
Iliolumbar a. 髂腰動脈
Lateral sacral a. ?外側動脈
Superior gluteal a. 臀上動脈
Inferior gluteal a. 臀下動脈
Arteries of lower limb
Femoral a. 股動脈
Popliteal a. 膕動脈
Posterior tibial a. 脛後動脈
Anterior tibial a. 脛前動脈
dorsal a. of foot 足背動脈
Part Three: The Veins
The Veins 靜脈
General features
Thin walls, larger lumens, venous valves, venous plexus
Two sets
Superficial veins
Deep veins
Venous valves
Veins of body
superior vena cava system
inferior vena cava system
cardiac veins system
Superior vena cava
Formed by union of right and left brachiocephalic veins behind the
right sternocostal synchondrosis of the first rib
Superior vena cava and its tributaries
Brachiocephalic veins
Formed by union of internal jugular and subclavian veins posterior
to the sternoclavicular joint
Angle of union is termed venous angle
Connections with cavernous sinus 海綿竇 through the ophthalmic
vein 眼靜脈 facial vein 面靜脈
“ Dangerous area ” 危險三角 - lies between root of nose and two
angles of mouth; in this area the facial vein has no valves
through the facial vein 面靜脈
ophthalmic vein 眼靜脈
cavernous sinus 海綿竇
Provides possible pathway for spread of infection to cranial
External vein
Veins of upper limb
Deep vein: have the same names as their companion arteries
Superficial veins:
cephalic v. 頭靜脈
basilical v. 貴要靜脈
median cubital v. 肘正中靜脈
Inferior vena cava system
Veins of lower limb
Deep vein: have the same names as their companion arteries
Superficial veins:
great saphenous v.大 隱靜脈
saphenous varicose
small saphenous小 隱靜脈
Veins of pelvis
Internal iliac v.髂 內靜脈
External iliac v. 髂外靜脈
Common iliac v. 髂總靜脈
Inferior vena cava and its tributaries
Hepatic portal v.
Hepatic portal vein 肝門靜脈
General features
Formed behind the neck of pancreas by the union of superior
mesenteric vein and splenic vein
Drains blood from gastrointestinal tract from the lower end of the
esophagus to the upper end of anal canal, pancreas, gall bladder,
bile ducts and spleen
of hepatic portal vein
Tributaries of hepatic portal vein
1. Superior mesenteric v. 腸系膜上靜脈
2. Inferior mesenteric v. 腸系膜下靜脈
3. Splenic v . 脾靜脈
4. Left gastric v. 胃左靜脈
5. Right gastric v. 胃右靜脈
6. Cystic v. 膽囊靜脈
7. Paraumbilical v. 附臍靜脈
Portal-systemic anastomoses
1. At the lower end of the oesophagus
Hepatic portal vein → left gastric vein → esophageal
venous plexus → esophageal vein → azygos vein
→ superiorvena cava
2. At rectal venous plexus
Hepatic portal vein → splenic vein → inferior mesenteric
vein → superior rectal vein → rectal venous plexus →
inferior rectal and anal veins → internal iliac vein →
inferior vena cava
3. At periumbilical venous plexus
Hepatic portal vein→paraumbilical vein →periumbilical
venous plexus →
thoracoepigastric and superior epigastric vein → superiorvena
superficial epigastric and inferior epigastric veins → inferior
vena cava
4. Portal-retroperitoneal anastomosis
Between the retroperitoneal branches of the colic veins and the
lumbar veins, pancreaticoduodenal veins with the renal veins and
the subcapsular veins of the liver with the phrenic veins twigs of
colic veins (portal) anastomosing with systemic retroperitoneal
Part Four:The Lymphatic System
Tissue fluid
Lymphatic capillary
Lymphatic vessel
Lymphatic node
Lymphatic trunk
Lymphatic duct
Lymphatic vessel
Lymphatic capillary
Lymphatic vessels: two sets, superficial and deep
Lymphatic trunks: nine
Lymphatic ducts: thoracic duct , right lymphatic duck
Lymphatic organ
Lymphatic nodes
Tonsil, spleen, thymus
Lymphatic tissue
Lymphatic capillary
Lymphatic node
Afferent vessels
efferent vessels
Lymphatic vessels
Thoracic duct
Right lymphatic duct
Thoracic duct 胸導管
Begins in front of L1 as a dilated sac, the cisterna chyli , which
formed by joining of left and right lumbar trunks and intestinal
Travels upward, turns to the left at the level of T5
At the root of the neck, it turns laterally and arches forwards
and enter the left venous angle
Just before termination, it receives the left jugular, subclavian
and bronchomediastinal trunks
Drains lymph from lower limbs, pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity,
left side of thorax, and left side of the head, neck and left
upper limb, which counts for ? of the whole body.
Spleen 脾
Location : lies in the left hypochondriac region (hypoxhondrium)
(between stomach and diaphragm) deep to the 9th to 11th rib, its
long axis corresponds roughly to the 10th rib
Shape - reddish in colour
Two surfaces
Diaphragmatic: smooth, convex
Visceral: concave, hilum of spleen
Two borders
Superior-has 2-3 splenic notch 脾切跡 , which serve as a landmark
on palpation when it enlarges; normally it is not palpable
Functions : the spleen is considered to be important in:
Formation of lymphocytes and monocyte
Phagocytosis of bacteria, and white blood cells and platelets
Destroying effete or abnormal red blood cells
Making antibodies
Relationships of spleen
Diaphragmatic surface - diaphragm
Visceral surface
Anteriorly-fundus of stomach
Posteriorly -l eft suprarenal gland and kidney
Inferiorly-tail of pancreas and left colic flexure
What are the names of the visceral branches of abdominal aorta and
to which parts do they supply blood respectively?
What is Venous angle?
What are the names of the three superficial veins of the upper
※ 來源: DISP BBS (http://disp.twbbs.org)
※ 作者: ott 來自: 時間: 2010-01-31 10:17:52
※ 看板: ott 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 209