看板 ott
作者 標題 The java.applet Package
時間 2010年01月13日 Wed. PM 05:17:39
The java.applet Package
The java.applet package is a small but important package that
defines the Applet class--the superclass of all applets. It also
defines the AppletContext and AppletStub interfaces, which are
implemented by web browsers and other applet viewers. Finally, for
lack of a better place, this package contains the AudioClip
interface, which represents a sound to be played. Figure 8-1 shows
the class hierarchy of this package. See Chapter 7, "Applets", for
more details about applets.
Figure 8-1. The java.applet package
Java 1.0
serializable AWT component PJ1.1
This class implements an applet. To create your own applet, you
should create a subclass of this class and override some or all of
the following methods. Note that you never need to call these
methods--they are called when appropriate by a web browser or
other applet viewer.
init() should perform any initialization for the applet; it is
called when the applet first starts. destroy() should free up any
resources that the applet is holding; it is called when the applet
is about to be permanently stopped. start() is called to make
applet start doing whatever it is that it does. Often, it starts a
thread to perform an animation or similar task. stop() should
temporarily stop the applet from executing. It is called when the
applet temporarily becomes hidden or nonvisible.
getAppletInfo() should return text suitable for display in an
About dialog posted by the web browser or applet viewer.
getParameterInfo() should return an arbitrary-length array of
three-element arrays of strings, where each element describes one
of the parameters that this applet understands. The three elements
of each parameter description are strings that specify the
parameter's name, type, and description, respectively.
In addition to these methods, an applet typically overrides
several of the methods of java.awt.Component, notably the paint()
method to draw the applet on the screen.
There are also several Applet methods that you do not override but
may call from applet code: showStatus() displays text in the web
browser or applet viewer's status line. getImage() and
getAudioClip() read image (GIF and JPEG formats) and audio files
(AU format) over the network and return corresponding Java
objects. getParameter() looks up the value of a parameter
specified with a <PARAM> tag within an <APPLET>/</APPLET> pair.
getCodeBase() returns the base URL from which the applet's code
was loaded, while getDocumentBase() returns the base URL from
which the HTML document containing the applet was loaded. Finally,
getAppletContext() returns an AppletContext object.
public class Applet extends java.awt.Panel {
Public Constructors
public Applet ();
Public Class Methods
public static final AudioClip newAudioClip (java.net.URL
Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
public boolean isActive ();
public AppletContext getAppletContext ();
public String getAppletInfo ();
constant default:null
public java.net.URL getCodeBase ();
public java.net.URL getDocumentBase ();
public java.util.Locale getLocale ();
public String[ ][ ] getParameterInfo ();
Public Instance Methods
public void destroy ();
public AudioClip getAudioClip (java.net.URL url);
public AudioClip getAudioClip (java.net.URL url, String name);
public java.awt.Image getImage (java.net.URL url);
public java.awt.Image getImage (java.net.URL url, String name);
public String getParameter (String name);
public void init ();
public void play (java.net.URL url);
public void play (java.net.URL url, String name);
public final void setStub (AppletStub stub);
public void showStatus (String msg);
public void start ();
public void stop ();
Public Methods Overriding Component
public void resize (java.awt.Dimension d);
public void resize (int width, int height);
Subclasses: javax.swing.JApplet
Passed To: java.beans.AppletInitializer.{activate(),
initialize()}, org.omg.CORBA.ORB.{init(), set_parameters()}
Returned By: AppletContext.getApplet()
Java 1.0
This interface defines the methods that allow an applet to
interact with the context in which it runs (usually a web browser
or an applet viewer). The getAppletContext() method of Applet
returns an object that implements the AppletContext interface. You
can use an AppletContext to take advantage of a web browser's
cache or display a message to the user in the web browser or
applet viewer's message area. The getAudioClip() and getImage()
methods may make use of a web browser's caching mechanism.
showDocument() and showStatus() give an applet a small measure of
control over the appearance of the browser or applet viewer. The
getApplet() and getApplets() methods allow an applet to find out
what other applets are running at the same time.
public abstract interface AppletContext {
Public Instance Methods
public abstract Applet getApplet (String name);
public abstract java.util.Enumeration getApplets ();
public abstract AudioClip getAudioClip (java.net.URL url);
public abstract java.awt.Image getImage (java.net.URL url);
public abstract void showDocument (java.net.URL url);
public abstract void showDocument (java.net.URL url, String
public abstract void showStatus (String status);
Returned By: Applet.getAppletContext(),
Java 1.0
This is an internal interface used when implementing an applet
public abstract interface AppletStub {
Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
public abstract boolean isActive ();
public abstract AppletContext getAppletContext ();
public abstract java.net.URL getCodeBase ();
public abstract java.net.URL getDocumentBase ();
Public Instance Methods
public abstract void appletResize (int width, int height);
public abstract String getParameter (String name);
Passed To: Applet.setStub()
Java 1.0
This interface describes the essential methods that an audio clip
must have. The getAudioClip() methods of Applet and AppletContext
both return an object that implements this interface. The current
Java SDK implementation of this interface works only with sounds
encoded in AU format. The AudioClip interface is in the
java.applet package only because there is no better place for it.
public abstract interface AudioClip {
Public Instance Methods
public abstract void loop ();
public abstract void play ();
public abstract void stop ();
Returned By: Applet.{getAudioClip(), newAudioClip()},
※ 來源: DISP BBS (http://disp.twbbs.org)
※ 作者: ott 來自: 時間: 2010-01-13 17:17:39
※ 看板: ott 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 102