※ 本文為 zbali.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-10-31 08:04:48
看板 WomenTalk
作者 標題 艾倫秀 - 鬼屋
時間 Fri Oct 30 03:00:40 2015
Andy Goes to a Haunted House with Eric Stonestreet - YouTube
Ellen loves scaring her executive producer, Andy Lassner, and "Modern Family" star Eric Stonestreet. So, of course she couldn't wait to send them both throug...
Ellen loves scaring her executive producer, Andy Lassner, and "Modern Family" star Eric Stonestreet. So, of course she couldn't wait to send them both throug...

Andy and Amy's Haunted House - YouTube
Ellen's writer Amy scares pretty easily, but she's nothing compared to Ellen's Executive Producer, Andy. That's why he was the perfect person to join Amy in ...
Ellen's writer Amy scares pretty easily, but she's nothing compared to Ellen's Executive Producer, Andy. That's why he was the perfect person to join Amy in ...

Amy's in Another Haunted House - YouTube
Ellen sent her writer, Amy and Amy's mom to the Queen Mary's Dark Harbor. If you liked when she went through the haunted house last year, you'll love watchin...
Ellen sent her writer, Amy and Amy's mom to the Queen Mary's Dark Harbor. If you liked when she went through the haunted house last year, you'll love watchin...

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MCcpRc_ (WomenTalk)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1446145243.A.9BF.html
推 : 是Cam!!1F 10/30 04:10
推 : Cam!!!2F 10/30 05:42
推 : Cam!!!! 哈哈哈哈哈好愛他3F 10/30 05:58
推 : 好懷念Cam!!!4F 10/30 06:28
推 : 我明天要去環球的鬼屋 希望會好玩(≧≦)5F 10/30 08:50
推 : Cam..XDD 但他反應沒有像Cam那麼大 XDDDDDD6F 10/30 08:51
推 : 邊看邊笑XD7F 10/30 10:14
推 : 去過環球的鬼屋!! 裡面的佈景跟人的裝扮都超真實的!! 很厲8F 10/30 10:26
→ : 害
→ : 害
推 : 每年最期待這個了!第一次看是Amy,笑到破肺!10F 10/30 10:31
推 : 去過,裡面的鬼超賤的第一次沒嚇到你還會繞到另一邊再嚇11F 10/30 12:16
→ : 一次,這大概是工作人員一大樂趣
→ : 一次,這大概是工作人員一大樂趣
推 : 玩過Hollywood 的環球鬼屋,鬼很有攻擊性XD越躲越故意要13F 10/30 12:41
→ : 嚇你
→ : 嚇你
推 : 好多陰屍路的殭屍15F 10/30 13:10
推 : 我覺得加州環球的鬼屋普普耶哈哈16F 10/30 14:26
推 : Cam誒!!17F 10/31 01:18
※ 看板: ott 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 464