※ 本文為 ott 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-12 20:25:17
看板 movie
作者 killereric (羊咩)
標題 [討論] 馴龍高手2之預告片2!
時間 Fri Apr 11 07:57:46 2014

How To Train Your Dragon 2 - Official Movie Trailer 3 [HD] [2014] - YouTube It's been five years since Hiccup and Toothless successfully united dragons and Vikings on the island of Berk. While Astrid, Snotlout and the rest of the gan...




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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1397174274.A.DFE.html
S890127:希望台灣有IMAX3D1F 04/11 08:09
tewrqazbn:http://youtu.be/uLBmHtI5KfM 這個有1080p2F 04/11 08:14
'How to Train Your Dragon 2' Trailer 2 - YouTube
 'How to Train Your Dragon 2' Trailer 2 Director: Dean DeBlois Starring: Gerard Butler, Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill Hiccup and Toothless...

coolboy16:好像有分好冰龍跟壞人控制的冰龍?3F 04/11 08:28
kimi0121:郝龍冰!!!4F 04/11 08:40
casifa:無牙>////< 怎麼辦啦5F 04/11 08:50
hccbaseball:行為根本就是貓阿  應該叫貓龍6F 04/11 09:18
asstitle:01:30 好像一堆忍者跟兩隻尾獸7F 04/11 09:24
ott:{http://disp.cc/b/18-7y8z (How To Train Your Dragon - ott8F 04/11 09:42
How To Train Your Dragon  - ott板 - Disp BBS
 發佈時間:2013年4月8日 After Hiccup and his Night Fury companion, Toothless, saved the people of Berk by   defeating the Red Death, they inspired the Vikings  ...
linfon00:這跟魔物獵人到底誰炒誰?9F 04/11 10:32
talan:自上字幕版 http://nogameno.blogspot.tw/2014/04/2.html10F 04/11 12:06
Leo19:老實說 這是第三部預告片~11F 04/11 14:17
system303179:前導不算,這是第二隻主預告沒錯13F 04/11 15:04
peruman:好期待14F 04/11 15:15
any1985:期待期待~看預告就想刷兩次了>=<15F 04/11 16:15
Alertme:動畫第二季也剛完結 大部分龍都學會新的功能@@16F 04/11 17:10
cafewriter:有人知道最後一首歌是什麼嗎17F 04/11 17:28
lee1126:期待阿XDDDDDDDDDDDDD18F 04/11 17:52
i6123:cafe大 是thirty seconds to mars的 kings and queens19F 04/11 18:18
cafewriter:感謝樓上回答   真的滿好聽的20F 04/11 18:22
hbkhhhdx2006:TSTM的歌都很猛啊21F 04/11 19:07
goldjade:推阿~~~~~~~~~~~22F 04/11 20:11
aquatitan:問~~沒看中間動畫的會接不上嗎?23F 04/11 20:34
bearhwa:                                完全不會24F 04/11 23:34
masterliy:之前對第一集不看好…這次一定要進電影院25F 04/12 00:48
idiotsmart:配樂跟畫面 這不看不行26F 04/12 01:08
torukumato:這首歌貓頭鷹守護者預告也有用過 鳥肌神曲27F 04/12 03:19
kent8207:超想看的阿!!!28F 04/12 10:01
amberlly:當初看1的時候就覺得龍們的習性超像貓的!超可愛!期待29F 04/12 15:48
dibay:鑽到翅膀下面討摸摸也太可愛XDDDDDDD(被萌哭QAQ30F 04/12 19:35

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1樓 時間: 2014-04-11 12:44:58 (台灣)
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