※ 本文為 ott 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-16 18:37:06
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 有沒有軟碟機讀取頭能演奏音樂的八卦
時間 Sun Mar 16 18:29:15 2014
Floppy Disk Drive reading - YouTube
3.5-inch HD floppy disk drive reading files. (Model: SONY MPF920-E) Attribution: By Medvedev (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (
3.5-inch HD floppy disk drive reading files. (Model: SONY MPF920-E) Attribution: By Medvedev (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (

FF7 http://youtu.be/RLXQpJgZklk
FF7 - Those Who Fight Further on Sixteen Floppy Drives - YouTube There's a little explaining to do in this video. I was asked by the Nexon Computer Museum to build a musical FDD exhibit like my own! It's been a very busy p...

FF6 - The Decisive Battle on Eight Floppy Drives - YouTube
One of my favorite FF themes. If you like FF6 as much as I do; like, comment, and share please. Above all else, enjoy! Wallpaper link:
One of my favorite FF themes. If you like FF6 as much as I do; like, comment, and share please. Above all else, enjoy! Wallpaper link:

Pachelbel's Canon in D on Eight Floppy Drives - YouTube
This is a bit long, but you really have to hear the whole thing. I really loved my Bach video from some time ago and many people asked for another classical ...
This is a bit long, but you really have to hear the whole thing. I really loved my Bach video from some time ago and many people asked for another classical ...

Game Of Thrones Theme on eight floppy drives - YouTube
I used a MIDI provided by Rinerion as a basis for this. Go see his channel for more awesome MIDI renditions! Channel: Or...
I used a MIDI provided by Rinerion as a basis for this. Go see his channel for more awesome MIDI renditions! Channel: Or...

Sherlock Holmes - Discombobulate on eight floppy drives - YouTube I don't think this was a request, but I really wanted to do it. This is the last video in this set and unfortunately school has started up for me. So that me...

James Bond Theme on eight floppy drives - YouTube
This song was done by Gigawipf! I have remade it myself in order to show you other people who do floppy drive music. I've got a total of four videos in this ...
This song was done by Gigawipf! I have remade it myself in order to show you other people who do floppy drive music. I've got a total of four videos in this ...

Power Rangers Theme Remake on eight floppy drives - YouTube
Recently had a bunch of requests to remake this. I had done it before when I was just first starting with three drives. I've learned so much since then. Comp...
Recently had a bunch of requests to remake this. I had done it before when I was just first starting with three drives. I've learned so much since then. Comp...

Ghostbuster's Theme on eight floppy drives - YouTube
This one's a little long, but I enjoy it. Hope you do too. There's four videos in this set, this being the first, which of course are available ahead of time...
This one's a little long, but I enjoy it. Hope you do too. There's four videos in this set, this being the first, which of course are available ahead of time...

He's A Pirate on eight floppy drives - YouTube
One more request down. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------- Links to stuff you might care about ---------------------------------------...
One more request down. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------- Links to stuff you might care about ---------------------------------------...

傳送門 'Still Alive' 主唱:雷射打標機 http://youtu.be/C4OV2UofPFg
掃描器+硬碟+示波器 http://youtu.be/w68qZ8JvBds
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◆ From:
→ :其實我還有留5.25"的磁碟機 只是不知道磁碟片還能不能用1F 03/16 18:30
推 :國稅局表示:2F 03/16 18:31
→ :軟碟片超爛 很快就壞3F 03/16 18:31
→ :這東西去二手電腦地方找 好像還蠻多的4F 03/16 18:32
推 :現在還買的到軟碟機嗎? 以前裝只是開機片用而已5F 03/16 18:32
→ :網路普及的緣故 磁碟機已經失去它存在的意義了6F 03/16 18:34
→ :一片30元,讓你擁有全世界7F 03/16 18:34
→ :小量資料儲存的用途也被DVD以及記憶卡所取代8F 03/16 18:35
推 :當開機片也沒用了,也被隨身碟取代了9F 03/16 18:35
※ 看板: ott 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 457