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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] Dropbox 募得 75 億台幣資金
時間 Sat Jan 18 15:50:56 2014
Dropbox Closes Roughly $250M Round At $10B Valuation, WSJ Says | TechCrunch
Dropbox has raised a massive $250 million funding round, valuing the company at $10 billion according to the Wall Street Journal. The new funding round is led.. ...
Dropbox has raised a massive $250 million funding round, valuing the company at
$10 billion according to the Wall Street Journal. The new funding round is led
by a BlackRock fund, according to the WSJ, which cites “two people familiar
with the deal” as the source of the report.
根據華爾街日報 (Wall Street Journal) 的報導,Dropbox 在一輪募資中募得一筆 2.5
億美金 (約 75 億台幣) 的巨資,使該公司估值達到 100 億美金 (約三千億台幣)。此新
一輪的募資是由貝萊德 (BlackRock) 的一支基金為首,據 WSJ 指出消息是來自「兩位了解
This is actually the second time that Dropbox has raised $250 million: It did
so in 2011 in a round that included Goldman Sachs, Sequoia, Index Ventures a
Accel Partners. Back in November, a rumor about an additional $250 million
raise put the valuation of the company at a supposed $8 billion, which, based
on various revenue estimates, could have been viewed as anywhere from expensive
to cheap.
這其實已經是 Dropbox 第二次募得 75 億台幣了:上一次是在 2011 的一輪募資,參與者
包含高盛 (Goldman Sachs)、紅杉資本 (Sequoia) 及風險投資公司 Index Ventures 和
Accel Partners。在去年 11 月時,就有謠言指出根據各項預期營收,在不同觀點下被視為
貴或便宜,這新一輪 75 億台幣的資金將使該公司的估值到達約兩千四百億台幣。
When news of the raise was first circulating last year, revenue for the cloud
storage company was rumored to be in the “hundreds of millions of dollars”
range according to BusinessWeek, which helps justify the company’s huge
valuation. Other companies in the same ball park in terms of worth pre-IPO
include Twitter, which was valued at $10 billion back in May, 2013; Google,
which went public with a $2.7 billion valuation; and Box, which is a direct
Dropbox competitor and had a valuation of $2 billion when it raised $100
million late last year.
當募資的消息在去年第一次傳開來時,根據 BusinessWeek 的消息,這家雲端儲存公司的
前有差不多規模估值的公司還包含了推特 (Twitter),在 2013 年 5 月估值達三千萬台幣
;或谷歌 (Google) 在上市約值 810 億台幣;以及 Box 這間 Dropbox 的對手,在去年一
筆 30 億台幣的募資中被估值約 600 億台幣。
The fact that Dropbox raised at a $10 billion valuation instead of $8 billion
could indicate that the round was competitive, with third parties bidding for a
chance to scoop up Dropbox shares. And, naturally, at a valuation that rich,
Dropbox is placing itself far up the IPO queue.
而為何 Dropbox 的估值會上升到三千億台幣是因為在這輪募資中,有第三方加入競標
Dropbox 的股票。以及,當這麼高的估值出現時,Dropbox 能夠股票上市的順位自然升高。
Prior to this raise, Dropbox has collected $257 million in funding. Provided
that the WSJ has the new capital story correct, Dropbox will have raised a
total of over half a billion dollars.
在這筆募資之前,Dropbox 已經獲得約 77 億台幣的資金,而若 WSJ 的消息來源正確,
那麼 Dropbox 目前已經募得約 150 億台幣的資金了。
Dropbox’s new capital dwarfs the $100 million that its traditional rival Box
recently absorbed, perhaps granting it a competitive edge as both companies
look to expand their core business and diversify their product lines.
Dropbox 這筆募資使它的競爭對手 Box 之前的 30 億台幣募資相形見絀,而這也帶給了
Dropbox 競爭優勢因為兩間公司都希望能夠拓展其核心業務和產品線的多樣化。
Also included in this round are existing investment partners, the WSJ says, but
it’s unclear who exactly was involved at this stage. We’ve reached out to
Dropbox to find out more about the reported funding and the backers in the
round, and will update if we find out more.
WSJ 指出在這一筆募資中其實還有其他既有的投資人,但並沒有提到現階段有誰。我們將
會試圖和 Dropbox 聯繫這筆募資的詳細資訊和投資人,並會在我們了解更多後報導。
Dropbox 應該要把這筆錢拿來改善一下安全問題,這樣企業或許會更想應用,而不是一直
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