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※ 本文為 ott 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-06-16 04:08:04
看板 WorldCup
作者 jim1029 (大宗)
標題 [討論] GOAL.com 瑞士 2-1 厄瓜多 賽後評分
時間 Mon Jun 16 03:52:28 2014

分數範圍  1~5

Goal Choice
Best Player  
Worst Player  


D. Benaglio  2.5
Aside from picking the ball out of his own net, the goalkeeper didn't have a
great deal to do throughout the contest. Made one smart save from a late
deflected free kick.
除了把球從門裡撿出來之外沒什麼事做 檔下了一個反彈自由球

S. Lichtsteiner  3
Tenacious and hard-working down the right-hand side, constantly offering
width and an outlet for his team while he battled Montero until his
球隊頑強的右翼 不停跟Montero對抗

J. Djourou  3
Partly responsible for Ecuador's opener, as he allowed for his man to escape
him and didn't then pick up Enner Valencia. Made up for it with several good
防守漏人所以對失分要負點責任 不過之後有彌補回來

R. Rodriguez  3
Broke down the left-hand side rather well, offering width and distribution.
Delivered a brilliant set piece for Mehmedi's equaliser and put the ball on a
plate for the winner.
左側打得不錯 傳出追平球 也把絕殺球送上桌

S. von Bergen  2.5
Made a couple of nervy clearances and didn't look the most solid of the Swiss
back four.
幾次解圍有點抖 在後場陣容中也較不穩固

V. Stocker  2
Had a very disappointing first half, failing to see much of the ball or get
the beating of Paredes. Taken off at half-time.
上半場令人失望 無法擺脫Paredes 中場就被換下了

X. Shaqiri  2.5
Wasteful with his set-piece deliveries but was exciting in between the lines.
Fired into the side netting despite poor service in the last half-hour.
一球命中側網 下半場表現不佳

G. Inler  2.5
Gave away possession needlessly on many occasions, as the Swiss captain
looked slightly out of sorts. Battled until the end, however.
多次不必要的失球 隊長看起來有點失神 不過還是撐到結束

G. Xhaka  3
Wasn't afraid to shoot from range and looked tidy in possession, but didn't
show any kind of end product.
不畏懼挑戰遠射 持球很穩定 但是帳面上沒什麼成果

V. Behrami  3.5
Sat in midfield, was occasionally beaten for pace, but broke up play fairly
well and played simple passes. Made a great late challenge before breaking
upfield to set up the move for Seferovic's winner.
有時候速度跟不太上 但是還是能破壞對手攻勢 最後的防守讓球隊反擊致勝

J. Drmic  3
Saw a goal wrongfully disallowed, after picking up the ball via a dummy from
Xhaka and firing beyond the helpless Dominguez. Offered little impact
一次射門被不幸被封阻 之後就沒造成什麼衝擊


H. Seferovic  3.5
Didn't contribute much to all-round play, other than to hold up the ball on a
couple of occasions, but turned home Rodriguez's near-post cross to gift
Switzerland a winner.

A. Mehmedi  3.5
Scored within moments of coming on, rising brilliantly to head home a
Rodriguez corner at the near post.


A. Domínguez  2.5
Occasionally looked a little bit nervy, but claimed several crosses
excellently. Not the most convincing of outings, though, with both goals
fired in from the six-yard box.
有時候看起來十分緊張 結果不太能證明什麼 因為兩次失分都是來自小禁區

W. Ayoví  2.5
Struggled to deal with the overlapping Lichtsteiner at times, but wasn't
beaten on too many occasions.
偶爾會疲於應付插上的Lichtsteiner 但是不常被打敗

F. Erazo  2.5
Made a few required clearances, but couldn't get across the front of the
Swiss substitute to prevent the late winner.
幾次必要的解圍 但是無法阻止對手替補的致勝球

J. Guagua  2.5
Couldn't deny Seferovic in stoppage-time, after a fairly solid performance
傷停補時擋不住Seferovic 此外表現穩定

J. Paredes  3
Powerful and committed on the right-hand side, ensuring that the left of
Switzerland's midfield was quiet throughout. Drove forward whenever possible.
右路表現強勢 讓瑞士左中場沉寂了全場 有機會也會上前進攻

A. Valencia  2
Worked hard but failed to carve out any opportunities for his side, though
his cut-back almost created a late winner.
很努力但是仍無法製造什麼攻勢 賽末傳球讓隊友差點有絕殺機會

C. Noboa  3
Sat in defensive midfield but released the likes of Valencia and Montero with
some good passing.
主打防守中場 也有些不錯的傳球

C. Gruezo  2.5
Dragged out of position in central midfield as Switzerland continued to break
down the left-hand side, meaning that he was forced to have unwanted
defensive responsibility.
中場之外還要幫忙防守被撕裂的左路 讓他責任更重

J. Montero  3
Used his pace to cause some problems down the left-hand side, always positive
and keen to try and beat his man. Had a couple of half-chances.
用速度衝擊左路 渴望擊敗對手 有過一些小機會

F. Caicedo  2.5
Used his strength to bustle into the penalty area on various occasions, but
became isolated in the second half.
多次靠著力量攻擊禁區 但是下半場孤立無援

E. Valencia  3.5
Rose brilliantly to nod home Ecuador's first goal of the tournament and had a
few half-chances, but faded.
頂進了一球 但是一些小機會稍縱即逝


M. Arroyo  2.5
Didn't have any chances after taking to the field, meaning that he couldn't
showcase his powerful shooting, though he did see a deflected free kick cause
Benaglio some problems.
上場後沒有展現強力射門的機會 有一個反彈的自由球稍微威脅到Benaglio

J. Rojas  2
Used his pace to stretch Switzerland, but couldn't provide an assist late on.
用速度撕開防線 但是無法完成助攻

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