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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-21 18:34:49
看板 Steam
作者 cokelon (cokelon)
標題 [新聞] Steam週末特價  Payday 2 & 生化奇兵無限
時間 Fri Mar 21 01:08:02 2014

等了許久的Payday2終於特價啦   67%off


Save 67% on PAYDAY 2 on Steam
PAYDAY 2 is an action-packed, four-player co-op shooter that once again lets gamers don the masks of the original PAYDAY crew - Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains - as they descend on Washington DC for an epic crime spree. ...


單人包$9.99    四人包$30


無限再次75%off $7.49   上次沒買到的人這次又有機會了

Save 75% on BioShock Infinite on Steam
Indebted to the wrong people, with his life on the line, veteran of the U.S. Cavalry and now hired gun, Booker DeWitt has only one opportunity to wipe his slate clean. He must rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned since childhood and locked up in the flying city of Columbia. ...


還有一個Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass Bundle  50%off

$24.99   覺得有點小貴


Men of War: Assault Squad   75%off   $3.74

Save 75% on Men of War: Assault Squad on Steam
New DLC available featuring 5 new competitive multiplayer maps! ...


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◆ From:
Magiclwf:因為季票沒特價當然貴..1F 03/21 01:31
becausemusic:payday2四人包比單人包還貴是哪招2F 03/21 02:21
becausemusic:哦哦  看錯了XD
gary84097:我要季票啊!什麼時候才會再特價啊!!!4F 03/21 04:02
CryMasK:PD2 DLC看之前的公告應該有特價5F 03/21 11:48
CryMasK:剛看了一下 的確有XDD
seallol:有payday2 開4人包的嗎?? 想+17F 03/21 12:56
czeslaw:突然發現PD2技能有更動...8F 03/21 13:10
freezingika:同seallol、也想+1,等人開團w9F 03/21 13:36
cloud202:這容量...好像有點大10F 03/21 13:39
swattw:多大啊11F 03/21 13:48
jasop:下載8g 安裝完28g  趁這次把沒補的dlc補完12F 03/21 13:56
jessie2534:DLC有推薦嗎? 還是全上?13F 03/21 13:58
CryMasK:DLC其實除了武裝運輸,有新增一點小小關卡之外,其他都是14F 03/21 14:19
CryMasK:不太值的配件DLC (機槍.手榴彈.面具.刀)等等
boyosan:武裝運輸沒買DLC好像也玩得到耶!這幾天有玩到幾場覺得還好18F 03/21 14:35
boyosan:不過我倒是挺想買武器DLC的 有人到時候要代購或開團嗎?
Linker:如果有人要開4人包請找我..+120F 03/21 18:33

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