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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-24 05:21:29
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 olivelee (no way..)
標題 [外絮] Lin-ning situation: Jeremy thriving with Rockets
時間 Sun Feb 24 00:19:18 2013

來源: http://ppt.cc/BMWJ
Jeremy Lin, former New York Knicks phenom, excelling with Houston Rockets - NYPOST.com It was only a year ago Jeremy Lin was at the center of the American sports universe, going from a player on the verge of being cut for a third time in a single season to scoring 38 points against... ...

Lin-ning situation: Jeremy thriving with Rockets
林的現在進行式: 林和火箭一起成長茁壯

It was only a year ago Jeremy Lin was at the center of the
American sports universe, going from a player on the verge
of being cut for a third time in a single season to scoring
38 points against Kobe Bryant and the Lakers in the span of
a few short weeks.


Now, just 12 months later, Lin is far away from the bright
ights of New York and the heights of Linsanity, but still is
playing well alongside James Harden in Houston’s backcourt.


“I don’t really spend much time reminiscing during the season,
at least, but it’s something that I’m thankful for and will always
remember,” said Lin, who scored nine points and added six
assists in the Nets’ 106-96 loss to the Rockets Friday night at
Barclays Center. “I realize it’s a little over a year ago, and
that’s just a little crazy to think about, to think about how
much it’s changed.”

但我會永遠保持感謝並且記得那段時光“ 林這樣說著。




It was against the Nets — and, specifically, Deron Williams —
that Linsanity began last February, when Lin came off the bench
and scored 25 points in just under 36 minutes in a 99-92 Knicks’
win at the Garden on Super Bowl Saturday.



But when Lin looked across the court at William, he still saw one
of the league’s elite point guards, despite the subpar season
Williams has put together.


“He’s a great, great, point guard,” Lin said. “I know people
are kind of on him and saying he’s having an off-year, but,
shoot, I’ll take an off-year if it’s whatever he’s doing
and how well he’s playing.

”他是一位很棒很棒的後衛“ 林說。

“If that’s his off-year, that just tells you how good he really is.
Obviously his numbers may be down a little, but I think it’s just a
different role, different team, different style, but I think he’s
still a top, top point guard in the entire league.”


(數據下滑~不同角色 不同隊伍 不同風格 這句話好熟阿!)

As for Lin, he went through his own fair share of criticism this
season when he started out slowly alongside Harden, who
took off like a supernova after the Rockets acquired him in a
trade with the Thunder just days before the start of the season.


But Harden and Lin have begun to look better together as the
season has gone along, something both attributed to having
more time to get used to one another. That was never more
evident than it was Wednesday against the Thunder, when
Harden scored 46 and Lin finished with 29 points, six rebounds
and eight assists in a Rockets’ win.


“I think with anybody you can’t expect two players who like to
make their teammates better and like to score the basketball
mesh right away,” Harden said. “It took us some time, and we’re
playing well. Last game, he played well and I played well, so
it’s just a matter of us playing more games, more practices and
just communicating better.”

馬上就可以讓隊友變得更好,磨合成功“ 哈登說著

When Lin left the Knicks, it looked like he was headed to a young
Rockets team that was going to need time to develop to turn into
a playoff contender, particularly in the loaded Western Conference,
even after it acquired Harden. But Houston (31-26) has surprised
everyone — including Lin himself — by spending the first half of
the season occupying a playoff spot.

當林離開尼克, 看起來林到了一個菜鳥隊

“I think we have exceeded expectations coming in, because no one
really knew what to expected,” said Lin, who entered the game
averaging 12.9 points, 3.5 rebounds, 6.2 assists and 1.9 steals.
“We didn’t even know what to expect.

”我想我們超乎期待,因為其實大家也不知該期待什麼“ 林說

(難怪教練的名言也是I don't know...)

“We’re happy, but we’re definitely not satisfied.”


(怎文章結束的有點突然 ^^;)

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