※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-04 09:40:36
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] 火箭VS山貓 賽後訪談
時間 Mon Feb 4 01:03:58 2013
今天的翻譯有點晚了,不知道有多少人會看,但還是把他補上吧 :D
原文出處: http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/lessons-learned
Rockets ride spectacular fourth quarter from Patrick Patterson and James Harden's first career triple-double to 109-95 win over Bobcats ...
我有話要說 (今天大家話很多 ˊ_>ˋ)
We had a great rhythm going offensively for awhile and then, typical of our
team, in that third quarter all the stuff that we were doing really well we
couldn’t do: we dribbled too much, didn’t make the extra pass, missed some
easy shots, turned it over – which we hadn’t been doing in the first half.
But the last seven minutes our defense was really good, we got out running
again, and made some shots.
I really liked our pace in that first half. I thought we were getting ready to
put 125, 130 on the board, but that would be too easy so we decided to walk it
up and challenge ourselves.
For us, that first half pace is how we have to play and I really liked the last
seven minutes of that game. But we had a stretch in there for about 15, 16
minutes that was just not the way we have to play – that was very reminiscent
of how we played when we weren’t playing well. But I’ve said it all year: we
have a bunch of young guys; sometimes it’s hard to maintain.
(any way to shore things up defensively when Omer is not on the floor?)
I hope so because when big O leaves the floor we lose a lot of defensive
integrity. He’s a smart defender, big, he knows how to play and he rebounds
the heck out of the ball. One of the problems is that we can get stops (when
Asik is off the floor), but they get loose balls, tipped balls and get second
chance points.
I think our team is starting to see what works and what doesn’t work and I
think they’re starting to figure it out. I’ve said it all along: it doesn’t
matter if the coaches know; the players on the floor have got to know. You can
come out on the floor and scream and yell at them about moving the ball and
getting up and down, but until they start buying in and saying, ‘Ok, that’s
how we have to play,’ you’re going to have periods like that.
我大可以站在場邊對他們大聲的咆哮"快傳球!! 快跑位!!"
忍不住的心得: 所以教練什麼都知道,就球員不知道???? XDDDDDD
忍不住的心得: 所以教練什麼都知道,就球員不知道???? XDDDDDD
(On the defense) “I thought earlier in the game we had some blow-bys and some
missed defensive assignments. We really weren't helping each other as much as
we had to against those guys (Bobcats) but then I just kept telling them to
make them (Bobcats) make tough shots. In the last 7 minutes of the game, Tony
(Douglas) did a nice job. Jeremy (Lin) did a nice job, James (Harden) did a
nice job and they kept people in front of them. Omer (Asik) was good on the
board and we got enough separation. It was a crazy game. I hope the kid
(Michael) Kidd-Gilchrist is okay. That always puts a damper on the game. It
just makes everything feel really blah. I really liked our pace early. I
thought that we were getting ready to put 125, 130 (points) on the board. That
might have been too easy so we decided to walk it up and challenge it.”
(對於防守) 我想,比賽前段,我們的防守有些小問題,有些任務沒有做確實
(On the play of Patrick Patterson and the team) “The 'wow shot' was going down
and he kind of threw that one up there. He had a nice little jump hook. That's
a shot that Patrick makes. He really works hard on his corner 3's. He had two
corner 3's that were pretty open corner 3's for him and he made them. He got
back, he rebounded. He was doing a nice job on (Jeffery) Taylor. Taylor was
spreading the court but he was still staying in, sharing a body in the paint
and really helping and getting back out.”
(對於PPT和全隊的表現) 那驚天一投真是讓人驚喜,他根本就像只是隨手一拋
在禁區之內他真的幫了不少忙,回防、搶籃板而且把Jeffery Taylor守得很好
(on the transition game clicking)
It all starts with our defense. We wanted to emphasize rebounding tonight, only
allow them to get one opportunity and then get out and go with it. We did a
great job doing that. Everybody rebounded; James, myself, Omer did a great job
which allowed us to get out into our transition offense which was efficient.
He was huge. He had a couple beastly man-child dunks. He hit that huge jumper
with the shot clock going out and those were plays that we needed at a critical
time and he stepped us for us.
(這段應該是在誇獎PPT? 標題被吃掉了= =)
(On his put-back dunk)
It’s funny, (assistant coach) J.B. Bickerstaff looked at me and kind of gave
me a nod to go because their guards weren’t blocking out. Thank God O’s a bad
FT shooter.
感謝老天,還好阿西的罰球很差勁 XDDDDD
(On the key to the win) “We moved the ball really well tonight. We ran the
floor, transition offense. We made good decisions. I thought overall we had a
really good game, especially defensively, packing the paint. The last seven
minutes of the game was huge.”
(贏球的關鍵) 我們在傳導上做的非常好,我們跑動、快攻、做了許多正確的決定
That’s a huge step for us. You look at our track record, you look at the
previous games, nine times out of ten someone tries to make big plays, home run
plays that cause turnovers, that cause us to pretty much lose the game. Tonight
we stuck to the game plan: we were moving the ball, sharing the ball,
drive-and-kick, making the extra pass, people were knocking down shots, people
were running in transition – just doing all the little things that caused us
to get the win. So tonight was a huge step.
但今晚我們堅守我們的計畫: 傳導、分享球、跑轟、多幾次傳球找出空檔
(On his hot shooting streak) “When I hit that second 3 (pointer), even though
it rattled in, I think the second one was when Chandler (Parsons) slung the
ball to me in the corner and I knocked it down with confidence. It was right
then that I started feeling it a little bit. I had some big rebounds. I was
attacking the glass. I finished with a dunk and then another one with two
seconds left with Kemba Walker on me. The shot clock was going down and the
elbow jump shot went in so I was trying to make the big plays down the stretch
but also not trying to force anything but I try to do whatever I can possible
offensively and defensively and running the court in transition and trying to
get us a win.”
(對於你的火熱手感) 當我投進了槍響前的三分,即便那是在慌亂之中出手,
(On the team energy level) “It's a big difference. When you look around at all
our teammates everyone is running and sharing the ball. Everyone is looking for
one another. Everyone is having fun pretty much. When we are playing like that
our defense is getting great stops. Omer's (Asik) is moving his feet
tremendously out there with Kemba (Walker) staying in front of him. It made
everything easier when we were playing great defense. Our offense clicked.”
(對於團隊的動力指數) 現在的我們很不一樣了,大家都會跑動並且分享球
(On the key to the win) “Guys made shots and guys played well. I think
everybody played well tonight. We had a stretch in that 3rd quarter where we
let them back into the game and they took advantage of it but we had to really
lock down, especially the last seven or eight minutes of the game, to get the
(對於勝利的關鍵) 大家都打的非常好,第三節的時候局面有點小驚險
(On the Rockets team effort) “(Patrick Patterson) hit a couple of big shots,
hit a lot of big shots, a couple of big 3 pointers, dunks and he did a great
job. He just played hard. I think three guys had a double-double at least.
(Chandler) Parsons had a double-double, Omer (Asik) had a double-double so guys
really contributed tonight.”
(對於全隊的努力) PPT投進了許多關鍵球,三分、灌籃,都表現的很好
(On his first career triple-double) “It's a good accomplishment individually.
My teammates and my coaches get all the credit for putting me in a position to
be successful. It's even more special because this is my first year in Houston.
(對於你的生涯首度大三元) 這是我個人重要的里程碑,
(On Patrick Patterson's clutch play) “That was awesome. He just caught fireand we just kind of rode him all the way to victory. He was making everything,
offensive rebounds, 3-pointers, some pull up jumpers, everything.”
(對於PPT的壓哨球) 那太棒了,他的手感火熱,我們就這樣靠著他取得勝利
(On the key to the victory) “I just think that we really buckled down on
defense. I think that was the big thing and then we got back to moving the
ball. The ball got a little sticky in the 3rd quarter.”
(獲勝之鑰) 我想防守是我們獲勝的關鍵,然後是我們找回了球的流動
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