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看板 Rockets
作者 標題 Fw: [外絮] 和湖人不同,火箭建立了友情
時間 Tue Jan 8 12:40:10 2013
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1GwvjPQj ]
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 和湖人不同,火箭建立了友情
時間 Tue Jan 8 12:06:46 2013
Rockets' off-court love showing on the floor | CSN Houston
While the Lakers come into town saying off-court friendships shouldn't affect on-court play, the Rockets are singing a different tune to more success. ...
Rockets' off-court love showing on the floor | CSN Houston
While the Lakers come into town saying off-court friendships shouldn't affect on-court play, the Rockets are singing a different tune to more success. ...
Unlike Lakers, Rockets feed off friendship
While the Lakers come into town saying off-court friendships shouldn't affect
on-court play, the Rockets are singing a different tune to more success.
Lakers head coach Mike D'Antoni told the media this weekend, "Whether you're
happy or not, it doesn't really matter. Play as hard as you can. You don't
have to love each other."
Dwight Howard told reporters, "We have to play like we like each other. Even
if we don't want to be friends off the court, whatever that may be, when we
step in between the lines or we step in the locker room or the gym, we have
to respect each other and what we bring to the table."
In other words, the Lakers are trying to forge a working relationship on the
floor, no matter the relationship off the floor. The Lakers have lost four of
their last five games.
Meanwhile, the Rockets have won four straight. Anybody following the team can
see these guys enjoy each others' company.
"One through 15, we love each other," Greg Smith said.
"It's like a brotherhood, you know," he continued. "We're just going to stick
together and fight. This whole year? It's about us. It's 15. We're going to
fight until the end."
"人人為我,我為人人,我們愛團隊的每個人" G. Smith這麼說
"I think the best teams are the ones that really play for each other," Jeremy
Lin said. "I'm always a big believer that the closer you are off the court,
the better you are on the court, and I think that's where we're getting to.
"I think we've definitely gotten comfortable with each other off the court
and that definitely helps on the court. Trusting, making plays for each
other, things like that."
"You're beginning to see it now," Smith said. "We trust each other more on
the court. We know where to pass the ball. We know where to cut."
"你將會見證這一切" Smith說
The Rockets have made a distinct effort to spend time together. Teammates
have dinner with one another. Patrick Patterson organized a party to welcome
in the rookies. James Harden gave all his teammates personalized Skull Candy
"Our chemistry is definitely growing," Harden said. "It's taken us some time,
but I'm thinking the more we hang out off the court, the better our chemistry
will be on the court. So it's taken some time, but I think these last few
games, the past few weeks, we've done a better job of playing on the court as
one unit."
by ckshchen
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: confuse7 來自: (01/08 12:41)
→ :看到這篇覺得很開心 希望火箭男孩持續加油!!1F 01/08 12:41
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