※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-10 16:38:36
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] Win streak comes to an end as Houston
時間 Thu Jan 10 13:28:30 2013
Win streak comes to an end as Houston slips in New Orleans
火箭在紐奧良跌跤, 五連勝嘎然而止 http://tinyurl.com/aketvlm
Ultimate Rockets » 10-point 4th quarter dooms Rockets against Hornets 10-point 4th quarter dooms Rockets against Hornets ...
NEW ORLEANS – The Rockets offense was never right, not from the start and
not when they led by 12 with less than four minutes left in the third quarter.
今天火箭怎麼都打不順, 開局如此, 第三節終了前領先12分時也是如此
There had been cracks beginning to show even as the win streak reached five
games in a high-scoring stretch of 10 wins in 12 games. The turnovers, had
been creeping up again, averaging 18 in the previous three games.
五連勝場均贏10分的大秀停了, 衰鬼再度纏上身, 近三戰含今天場均失誤高達18次~
There had been games like Wednesday’s in Minnesota and at home against the
Hornets when the break bogged down and 3-pointers clanged. But James Harden
had kept the offense going long enough for someone off the bench to jump in
and turn things back around.
以往手風不順三分老是打鐵時, 會有鬍子跳出來推動攻勢
The Rockets might have had every reason to expect that again on Wednesday,
especially when they seemed to get things going in the second half. But the
offense that had carried them for weeks had come apart, slowed and sloppy
through a night filled with turnovers, until the Hornets lit up the fourth
quarter to roll to an 88-79 win Wednesday in New Orleans Arena.
或許今天很多火箭球員也期待著這狀況再次發生, 特別是下半場, 但近來火燙的攻勢
今天卻顯得分崩離析, 又慢又不專注, 讓失誤在今晚一次又一次的發生, 最後導致了黃蜂在第四節的反撲成功, 到手的蜂蜜飛了, 反到自己被蜂群叮了滿頭包
The loss ended the Rockets’ winning streak while extending their road losing
streak against Southwest Division opponents to 12 games. But the Rockets knew
they had invited New Orleans to run them off the floor with their own
offensive breakdown.
連勝停了, 同區的客場連敗紀錄卻拉長到了12連敗, 但火箭清楚這是自己搞砸的
The Rockets scored fewer points in the first half (36) and second quarter
(14) than they had in any game this season. But in the fourth quarter, they
managed just 10 points, five fewer than the previous season-low they had
scored against New Orleans in November. Even to get that they needed four
meaningless points in the final minute with the Hornets already celebrating.
今天火箭創下了本季上半場(36分) & 第二節(14分)最低得分紀錄, 但更慘的是只拿下
10分的第四節, 之前第四節最低得分紀錄是去年11月打黃蜂的15分“We didn’t move the ball. We didn’t move our bodies,” Rockets coach Kevin
McHale said. “We had some careless turnovers. We were making passes, I don’
t know how we thought we were going to make some of those passes. It’s going
to catch you and it caught us tonight.”
火箭總教練: 球沒流動, 大家也都僵著沒跑動, 發生些不專心的失誤, 也沒啥傳球
Harden’s late free throw gave him 25 points, giving him a franchise record
14-consecutive games scoring at least 25 points. But he went 1 for 4 for 3
points in the fourth quarter.
鬍子今晚25分, 連14場得分25分以上, 但第四節僅4投中1 (三分球)
Still, those three points made him the Rockets’ leading scorer in the
quarter. He was the only Rockets player in double figures.
“We just didn’t move the ball, simple,” said Harden, who had seven of the
Rockets 23 turnovers. “We got stagnant.”
鬍子: 球都沒動! 我們太遲緩了! 全隊23次失誤中, 有7次是鬍子貢獻的
The Rockets missed all nine of the 3-pointers they took in the fourth
quarter. Their 22.1 percent shooting in the quarter was their worst this
第四節火箭9次三分球出手全部打鐵, 這節22.1%命中率創本季最低
“I’d say six or seven of them were wide open,” McHale said. “We’re going
to take those 3s. They’re good shots for us. We didn’t make them.
“I’m not worried about the shots. It’s the turnovers and not keeping them
off the glass that killed us.”
火箭總教練: 我想(那9次三分出手)有六七次是大空檔, 我們就是沒能投進, 但我並不
擔心這些, 重點是失誤啊!!The Rockets rank fourth in the NBA defensive rebounding percentage; the
Hornets are 18th in offensive rebounding. But with New Orleans getting 16
offensive boards, the Hornets not only scored 16 second-chance points, they
slowed the Rockets’ break.
賽前, 火箭是聯盟中前四名會搶籃板的球隊, 黃蜂排第18, 但今天卻讓黃蜂搶了16顆
進攻籃板黃蜂不單靠這些進攻籃板取得了16分, 還讓拖慢了火箭的速度The only time the Hornets did not pound the offensive glass was in the fourth
quarter when they did not need them as Roger Mason Jr. hit 5 of 5
fourth-quarter shots, scoring 15 of his 17 points. McHale went with his small
lineup, playing Patrick Patterson, Carlos Delfino and Chandler Parsons in the
frontcourt, but still could not get the 3-point shooting or running game
“We didn’t get as much in transition,” Jeremy Lin said. “A lot of that
had to do with we turned the ball over a lot and we didn’t get defensive
rebounds and our shots weren’t really falling and we didn’t have the same
speed we normally play with.”
林書豪: 今晚快攻沒打好, 一堆失誤, 防守籃板也沒鞏固, 更慘的是投不進還跑的慢..
The Hornets had slowed the Rockets in each of their three meetings meetings,
as they had the Spurs in a similar win on Monday. But the Rockets had run
past other pace-control teams, especially Memphis and Chicago, often enough
to believe they can still be high-speed against other halfcourt teams,
including Boston and Philadelphia on the road trip.
本季對黃蜂, 都被黃蜂拖慢了速度, 黃蜂上一場對馬刺就是這樣贏的. 但火箭先前對上
一樣打法的灰熊&公牛都能贏, 所以可以相信以後若再遇上這樣的半場陣地戰隊伍, 像是接下來的超賽 & 76人客場戰役, 還是有贏的機會的~
Still, just as there had been warning signs before the fourth quarter
collapse there were cracks forming before things fell apart on Wednesday. The
streak-ending loss to the Hornets brought a clear picture of where the
repairs will be needed.
今天輸球也指出了該改進的地方, 失敗是成功之母!!
清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :感謝翻譯:)1F 01/10 13:31
推 :裁判才是本日MVP2F 01/10 13:32
推 :黑蜂隊上次對馬刺也是裁判加入陣容才贏的嗎?3F 01/10 13:35
推 :不能總是三分三分三分啊........ 外線總有一起烙賽的一天4F 01/10 13:49
推 :感謝翻譯5F 01/10 13:50
推 :感謝翻譯6F 01/10 13:50
→ :原來對上同區的客場連敗紀錄已經12連敗了 真慘7F 01/10 13:51
推 :火箭遲早要練好半場陣地戰...三分落賽裁判不吹就輸球了8F 01/10 13:51
→ :不過禁區沒大人好像也沒辦法~原來客場連敗還在持續中XD
→ :不過禁區沒大人好像也沒辦法~原來客場連敗還在持續中XD
推 :根據上季的統計,Lin對半場陣地戰比攻防轉換的快攻更擅長10F 01/10 13:54
推 :教練還是不覺得外線戰術有問題..單純怪失誤.......11F 01/10 13:55
推 :這篇外絮中其實有提到 教練排了他最愛的三小陣容在前場12F 01/10 13:56
→ :PPT+高先生+屌飛龍 但還是沒辦法提升命中率跟打快
→ :PPT+高先生+屌飛龍 但還是沒辦法提升命中率跟打快
推 :McHale的功力還是有限~不能怪他。真希望有個好教練來帶~14F 01/10 14:01
推 :其實Lin有點出問題了,防守籃板抓不到15F 01/10 14:02
→ : ↑ PTT大你嚇到我,我還以為Lin出問題...16F 01/10 14:04
→ :籃板本來就不該PG抓的 何況Lin今天抓了5個 不錯了17F 01/10 14:04
→ :發現我和pl大一樣看錯XDDD
→ :發現我和pl大一樣看錯XDDD
推 :OR 1+DR 4總共5板以PG來說還不錯吧19F 01/10 14:06
推 :防守籃板抓到幹嘛 他又不是打籃下 打底角射手搶防守籃板?20F 01/10 14:06
→ :我了解PTT大的意思了...sorry21F 01/10 14:06
→ :看成Lin"有點"出問題 但40大意思是Lin有"點出"問題 XD22F 01/10 14:06
推 :第一次看到要求pg抓籃板的23F 01/10 14:06
→ :...語意不清 我也看錯
→ :...語意不清 我也看錯
推 :看來大家都看錯 XDDDDDDD25F 01/10 14:07
推 :XDDDDD26F 01/10 14:10
推 :4零大下次用指出好了...XDDDD27F 01/10 14:11
→ :就說看教練訪問看不出問題..要看Lin的賽後訪問啦~~
→ :話說Lin不當球員候當轉播球賽主播也不錯~~~XDD
→ :就說看教練訪問看不出問題..要看Lin的賽後訪問啦~~
→ :話說Lin不當球員候當轉播球賽主播也不錯~~~XDD
推 :拍謝啦!我那是『指出』的意思XDDD30F 01/10 14:17
推 :plzsmile大講的我也有印象!31F 01/10 14:17
→ :Lin比教練更看得清問題所在XD32F 01/10 14:18
→ :上季數據顯示Lin半場陣地戰打得比快攻更好.連Lin自己也33F 01/10 14:20
→ :很驚訝
→ :很驚訝
推 :啾咪林的未來無限寬廣! 不當球員還可以去當牧師.主播.35F 01/10 14:22
→ :教練.公關.發言人.華爾街金融業.開餐廳 還可以選總統 XD
→ :教練.公關.發言人.華爾街金融業.開餐廳 還可以選總統 XD
推 :我覺得跟隊友和教練有很大的關係,但Lin應該兩者都能發揮37F 01/10 14:23
推 :輸了更能前進~LIN加油,火箭加油!!38F 01/10 14:31
→ :謝D大翻譯!!(你回台灣了喔?XD
→ :謝D大翻譯!!(你回台灣了喔?XD
推 :先不管失誤了 當三分投不進時 做個指示多投中距離不好嗎?40F 01/10 14:35
→ :唉唉 剛回來就看到輸球 >"<41F 01/10 14:37
推 :輸就是贏的開始!!!!!別怕!42F 01/10 14:41
→ :也想問為什麼不投中距離?勇士跑轟也都限定三分和切入嗎43F 01/10 15:03
推 :應該說中距離不再戰術規劃裡面~因為那樣拉不出空間44F 01/10 15:05
推 :因為火箭P&R不給力 要拉空間切進去的話就只能靠遠投45F 01/10 15:10
→ :投中距離的話 切入還是很擠
→ :投中距離的話 切入還是很擠
推 :有對照組啊 看黃鋒的內線都幫他們PG擋人擋到中場去了47F 01/10 15:13
推 :最後派的陣容也是想提升命中率 拉開空間吧48F 01/10 15:16
推 :其實上季Lin半場陣地戰打得好算要歸功於冷笑話..QQ49F 01/10 15:25
→ :我是覺得不投中距算是為了清出空間...畢竟火箭是581(QQ
→ :我是覺得不投中距算是為了清出空間...畢竟火箭是581(QQ
→ :有沒有發現 外線失靈 拉不開空間的情況下 就是被巴爽爽51F 01/10 15:33
推 :外線失靈拉不開空間平時都還有鬍子可以硬切買飯52F 01/10 15:35
→ :可是今天根本買不了犯只買到進攻犯規...當然就GG了
→ :可是今天根本買不了犯只買到進攻犯規...當然就GG了
推 :這一場是12/17對暴龍被巴13個火鍋以來第二次BA上雙54F 01/10 15:36
推 :其實上季Lin半場陣地戰打得好算要歸功於拳王跟JJ...QQ55F 01/10 15:38
推 :那次對暴龍也是3分球失靈 命中率比今天還低56F 01/10 15:38
→ :所以可能顯示出 火箭要是拉不開空間 切入就很難打
→ :這時候就要靠內線單打取分了.......
→ :所以可能顯示出 火箭要是拉不開空間 切入就很難打
→ :這時候就要靠內線單打取分了.......
→ :可是火箭的內線.....zzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ59F 01/10 15:52
→ :..................悲劇60F 01/10 15:57
推 :但 前兩次對戰 阿西表現的不錯 這場第4節整個冰封 可惜了..61F 01/10 15:58
推 :我知道這無解啦 我是一直傾向要補強內線 但現在卯起來62F 01/10 15:58
→ :簽後場 也不知道八奇到底是哪一招
→ :簽後場 也不知道八奇到底是哪一招
推 :真的不太懂Asik最近上場時間銳減的原因..64F 01/10 16:00
推 :遷來養的跟後備的 我覺得不會交易65F 01/10 16:00
推 :我覺得有打算邊養邊看能不能交易 只是不是近期66F 01/10 16:13
※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 66