※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-11 15:46:25
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [影音] Jeremy Lin 今日表現 (縮減版)
時間 Tue Dec 11 12:58:32 2012
The Jeremy Lin Show vs San Antonio (38 Pts, 7 Ast) - 12.10.2012 - YouTube The Jeremy Lin Show is back! - Spurs@Houston - 12.10.2012 Don't forget to subscribe! :D All rights to the NBA.
今天的Lin 實在帥翻拉!!!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :推!1F 12/11 13:00
推 :推!晚上回去要看完整重播!2F 12/11 13:01
→ :看完之後真的熱血沸騰...3F 12/11 13:01
推 :推4F 12/11 13:04
推 :推!!!5F 12/11 13:07
推 :未看先推6F 12/11 13:08
推 :感動推7F 12/11 13:08
Jeremy Lin after scoring 38 points vs. Spurs - YouTube
Jeremy Lin talks in the locker room after scoring 38 points, tying a career high, in the Houston Rockets overtime loss to the San A...
Jeremy Lin talks in the locker room after scoring 38 points, tying a career high, in the Houston Rockets overtime loss to the San A...
推 :推~!!!!!9F 12/11 13:10
推 :好帥>/////<10F 12/11 13:10
推 :推~~~11F 12/11 13:13
推 :又可以天天看Lin的HL配菜飯了^o^/12F 12/11 13:14
推 :這場要來看整場才過癮了XD13F 12/11 13:14
推 :不過看直播真的很刺激..今天咬得很近!!14F 12/11 13:15
推 :第二節3:52有踩到線?判兩分15F 12/11 13:28
Jeremy Lin career high-tying 38 points vs Spurs || DEC 10, 2012 || HD - YouTube Jeremy Lin had his best game since joining the Rockets, scoring a career high-tying 38 points with leading scorer James Harden sidelined by a sprained right ...
→ :thx 樓上!17F 12/11 14:00
推 :高光好棒!!!!!!!18F 12/11 14:07
推 :推 !!!19F 12/11 14:13
推 :爽啦 LIN就應該這樣打~20F 12/11 14:14
推 :這樣打很好看 但也很怕他受傷21F 12/11 14:21
推 :沒辦法了 為了證明自己 他必須這樣 不然連上場機會都成問題22F 12/11 14:26
推 :我也覺得他這場是要證明自己 不然可能又會被冰23F 12/11 14:32
→ :今天一定要爆發阿~下一場哈登回來不可能這樣打了啦~~24F 12/11 14:40
推 :這場不好好打 後果會很嚴重啊25F 12/11 14:46
推 :這場是用來證明自己的機會 一定要的26F 12/11 14:52
→ :但是遇馬刺這種大敵 讓我很佩服他的抗壓能力
→ :但是遇馬刺這種大敵 讓我很佩服他的抗壓能力
推 :讚28F 12/11 15:05
Rockets vs Spurs | Lin + Team Highlights (12-10-2012) - YouTube LIN: 38 PTS (11/21) | 7 AST | 3 REB | 2 BLK | 2 STL 2012-13 season: Game 20 score: 134-126 loser: Rockets record: 9-11 I'll let someone else say it but this ...
推 :感謝h大~~~~~今天版本真多.......XDDD30F 12/11 15:23
推 :越剪越多~GOOD~話說,上一場那個鳥18分鐘好像沒人剪?XD31F 12/11 15:31
※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 133