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看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] NBA版《權力遊戲》PART 1(節錄)
時間 Wed Aug 1 00:00:06 2012
Breaking down the winners and losers in the NBA kingdom - Grantland
With news coming from every corner of the basketball kingdom, it's time to hand out some awards. ...
Breaking down the winners and losers in the NBA kingdom - Grantland
With news coming from every corner of the basketball kingdom, it's time to hand out some awards. ...
Game of NBA Thrones, Part 1
With news coming from every corner of the basketball kingdom, it's time to
hand out some awards
By Bill Simmons on July 20, 2012
Bill Simmons:NBA版《權力遊戲》PART 1
"I'm looking at spending the rest of my life being treated like a
fool and a eunuch by my own people. Ask yourself: Is there anything Iwouldn't do to stop that from happening?"
For Rockets GM Daryl Morey, who took the phrase "all in" to new levels with
his dogged pursuit of Dwight Howard. At this point, Dork Elvis has done
everything short of holding a boom box in the pouring rain outside of
Dwight's Los Angeles hotel … and that's probably happening tomorrow night.
His strategy makes sense: You can't win the title without a top-10 player.
Unfortunately for the Rockets, they've been trapped in NBA no-man's-land ever
since T-Mac and Yao broke down. Last year, they barely missed the playoffs
AND paid the luxury tax, which simply can't happen — in a 30-team league,
you either want to bottom out or contend, but you can't be in the middle. The
Rockets spent the last three years stockpiling assets and cap space for this
exact moment. It's Howard, Bynum or Bust.1
火箭的總經理Daryl Morey,在他對於Dwight Howard頑固的追逐中把「孤注一擲」
這個詞演繹到了全新的層次。現在,Dork Elvis做了一切,就差在Howard下榻的
Say Anything • In Your Eyes • Peter Gabriel - YouTube
**SEE MORE MOVIE TRIBUTES LIKE THIS ONE ON MY CHANNEL** The 1989 Cameron Crowe film "Say Anything" with John Cusack, Ione Skye & John Mahoney. Radio scene, b...
**SEE MORE MOVIE TRIBUTES LIKE THIS ONE ON MY CHANNEL** The 1989 Cameron Crowe film "Say Anything" with John Cusack, Ione Skye & John Mahoney. Radio scene, b...

1. I've written this before, but Daryl's strategy is statistically
fascinating — if he pulled a 2012 Hornets and tanked an entire season, he'd
have something like a 10 to 12 percent chance of drafting a franchise player
when you multiply the best lottery odds (25 percent) with the odds of a
legitimate franchise player being available during that specific year
(probably 50-60 percent). If he gets Howard, the odds aren't much different
that Howard might decide to stick around — maybe 10 to 15 percent — only he
gets one contending season with Howard, the chance to sign and trade him AND
eight to 10 months on selling Howard on Houston. And if none of this works
even as next season is happening, he can always flip him before the trade
deadline. Again, as a pure "playing the odds" ploy, it makes sense.
[譯者註:Dork Elvis是Morey在美國的外號。dork相對於geek而言,對於Morey來說
Were there a few days when it seemed like Morey had outsmarted himself?
Actually, yeah. The Rockets allowed an emerging offensive star (Goran Dragic)
to leave for Phoenix (four years, $34 million), then dealt one of the
league's best bargains (Kyle Lowry, owed just $12 million total for the next
two seasons) for a future lottery pick to help The Howard Trade That Might
Not Happen, going from two quality point guards to zero in about five
nanoseconds. That's when one of my incredulous readers e-mailed me, "At what
point are we going to find out that Dork Elvis overdosed on bath salts and
tried to eat Kevin McHale's face off?" He salvaged that mini-crisis by giving
Jeremy Lin a back-loaded offer sheet ($24.9 million, three years) that the
Knicks didn't match. Why not just re-sign Dragic (a better player than Lin)
instead of sweating out an offer sheet and banking on James Dolan doing the
wrong thing?
Goran Dragic放回太陽(4年3400萬美元),然後交易掉了聯盟最實惠的球員之一(
Kyle Lowry,接下來兩年僅有1200萬的合約),換來一個未來的樂透選秀權,就是為
那時我一位勇於質疑的讀者給我發電子郵件,「我倒想看看何時Dork Elvis會吸食浴
鹽過量,發狂到試圖把Kevin McHale的臉啃下來?」給Jeremy Lin開出一份背厚式合
費勁巴拉開個合約寄希望於James Dolan腦殘,為什麼就不續約Dragic(一個比
Goran Dragic放回太陽(4年3400萬美元),然後交易掉了聯盟最實惠的球員之一(
Kyle Lowry,接下來兩年僅有1200萬的合約),換來一個未來的樂透選秀權,就是為
那時我一位勇於質疑的讀者給我發電子郵件,「我倒想看看何時Dork Elvis會吸食浴
鹽過量,發狂到試圖把Kevin McHale的臉啃下來?」給Jeremy Lin開出一份背厚式合
費勁巴拉開個合約寄希望於James Dolan腦殘,為什麼就不續約Dragic(一個比
Jeremy Lin更好的球員)?
(Wait … I forgot … there are few safer bets in sports than James Dolan
doing the wrong thing. You're right.)
(等等...我忘了...體育界幾乎沒有比賭James Dolan腦殘更安全的賭注。Morey你是
"We've had vicious kings and we've had idiot kings, but I don't
know if we've ever been cursed with a vicious idiot for a king."
受到擁有既邪惡又白痴君主的詛咒。」(Cut to the Knicks fans nodding.)
Here's the thing: The Knicks haven't worried about the financial
ramifications of a basketball decision since Dolan's daddy turned the team
over to him. Even the most grizzled, beaten-down Knicks diehard would admit,
"Dolan might be incompetent, but you can't say he's afraid to spend money."
That why I agree with what Jay Kang wrote earlier this week — this wasn't a
financially motivated decision, just a spiteful one. Dolan didn't appreciate
Lin's agent proactively screwing him over with a poison pill2 offer, and
responded accordingly.
稱職,但你不能說他害怕花錢。」這就是為什麼我同意這週早些時候Jay Kang
稱職,但你不能說他害怕花錢。」這就是為什麼我同意這週早些時候Jay Kang
Jeremy Lin的報價)不是因為錢,而是一種帶著怨氣的行為。Dolan不喜歡Jeremy Lin
Jeremy Lin的報價)不是因為錢,而是一種帶著怨氣的行為。Dolan不喜歡Jeremy Lin
2. Despite what Lin said publicly, I think he wanted to go to the Rockets —
which is why his agent structured the offer sheet that way. Put it this way:
If you're Lin, and you're a relatively private guy who just wants to get paid
to play basketball without being thrust in the middle of some ego-ridden soap
opera, would you rather lead a team like the Rockets — where they'd build
their entire offense around you and let you do your thing — or would you
rather play on the Knicks with two other point guards and two me-first
scorers who can't succeed unless the offense is running through them at all
times? And by the way — the biggest loser here was Tyson Chandler, who loved
playing with Lin and actually touched the ball once in a while with him.
He'll never see it again. Good luck setting those screens for the next three
years, Tyson.
作者註2:無論Jeremy Lin在大眾面前怎麼說,我認為他想去火箭——這也是為什麼
他的經紀人設置了那樣的合約結構。這麼說:如果你是Jeremy Lin,而且你是一個相
大的輸家是Tyson Chandler,他愛和Jeremy Lin一起打球,在與Lin搭檔的那段時間
大的輸家是Tyson Chandler,他愛和Jeremy Lin一起打球,在與Lin搭檔的那段時間
You don't pull that sneaky shit with me after everything I did for you! I'm
James F-ing Dolan! Go to Houston for all I care, you'll never be seen again!
James F-ing Dolan!去休士頓吧,我才不在乎呢,我再也不會見你了!
That was the only plausible explanation: pure, unadulterated spite. When
you're hopelessly over the cap like New York (thanks, Amar'e!) and you've
already proven that you don't care about being fiscally responsible, why
allow a 23-year-old asset to leave for nothing … especially someone who
resonated with your fan base like no Knick since Latrell Sprewell? Lin would
have been underpaid in years one and two and violently overpaid in year three
(including luxury tax ramifications, Lin would have cost the Knicks $43
million in year three). Well … so what? What about Lin's value overseas, or
even his undeniable effect on MSG's stock? (It couldn't have been a
coincidence that Houston, the one team that knew exactly how valuable someone
with a Far East marketing reach could be, was the one that pursued Lin.)
Couldn't Lin have helped the Knicks contend next season? And after that, they
could have traded him in year two or year three to a team with cap space (or
for a better player) with other pieces thrown in. Who said they had to keep
him for all three years? Why not bring him back and figure the rest out later?
一個23歲的人才白白溜走...特別是Latrell Sprewell之後還沒有尼克球員能在球迷
中引起如此大的轟動呢。(如果尼克跟進合約)Jeremy Lin前兩年拿的薪水會比較低
一個23歲的人才白白溜走...特別是Latrell Sprewell之後還沒有尼克球員能在球迷
中引起如此大的轟動呢。(如果尼克跟進合約)Jeremy Lin前兩年拿的薪水會比較低
場價值的球隊加入Jeremy Lin的爭奪中可不是巧合。)他難道不能幫助尼克在下賽季
場價值的球隊加入Jeremy Lin的爭奪中可不是巧合。)他難道不能幫助尼克在下賽季
For everyone dismissing last season's Linsanity binge as something of a
fluke, here's a news flash for you: This isn't baseball. This isn't Kevin
Maas or Phil Plantier catching fire for a few weeks before the league figured
them out. I watched those games. Even in a somewhat small sample size, Lin
proved that he's either a quality starter (best-case scenario) or something
of a rich man's J.J. Barea, an irrational confidence guy who gives you
instant offense off the bench (worst-case scenario). Letting an asset leave
for nothing? Really stupid. Letting that asset leave because you'd rather
spend that money on Jason Kidd (39 years old, effectively washed-up), Marcus
Camby (on his last legs) and Ray Felton (the most loathed Trail Blazer maybe
ever)? That's really stupid AND an appallingly bad business decision. And by
the way …
不是棒球。這也不是Kevin Maas和Phil Plantier(補註)在聯盟發現他們幾週後大
紅大紫。 我看了那幾場比賽。儘管樣本有些小,但Lin證明了他要麼是一個合格的
不是棒球。這也不是Kevin Maas和Phil Plantier(補註)在聯盟發現他們幾週後大
紅大紫。 我看了那幾場比賽。儘管樣本有些小,但Lin證明了他要麼是一個合格的
先發(最好的情況),要麼是富人版的J.J. Barea,帶著荒謬的自信從板凳上給你帶
以為人才,因為你寧願給Jason Kidd(39歲,已經死在沙灘上了),Marcus Camby(
苟延殘喘中)還有Ray Felton(也許是史上最令拓荒者討厭的球員)合約?這真的很
以為人才,因為你寧願給Jason Kidd(39歲,已經死在沙灘上了),Marcus Camby(
苟延殘喘中)還有Ray Felton(也許是史上最令拓荒者討厭的球員)合約?這真的很
"Tears aren't a woman's only weapon. The best one's between your legs."3
SPOILER ALERT — This quote was uttered by Cersei, the incestuous queen who
cracks the short list of the most evil female characters in TV history. She
doesn't have a single redeeming quality other than her love for her children
… who, of course, were little creepy incest babies. Needless to say, she's
hot and I'm attracted to her.
Smart advice (at least in medieval times) for the entire Knicks fan base. You
only have one weapon as fans: The right to stop supporting your team. I hate
to break it to you, but you have a better chance of watching this entire song
100 times in a row without stopping than seeing Dolan sell the Knicks. He
will own your team until he dies, or until he's electrocuted by a suicidal
microphone during a JD and the Straight Shot concert (whatever comes first).
That's another 30 to 40 years. With Brooklyn launching a second New York team
next October, you have a natural out — a one-time-only chance to run from
Dolan, switch local allegiances and never look back. You could also renounce
the Knicks and become an NBA widow. Or, you could be a loyal sap, remain a
Knicks fan and be perpetually bitter … but at the very least, sleep well at
night knowing that you stuck with your boys through thick and thin. I support
any of those three choices. Either way, it's a shame that one of the best fan
bases in any sport is saddled with an owner like that.
JD and the Straight Shot Lie No Better LIVE - YouTube
JD and the Straight Shot perform their hit "Lie No Better" Live.
JD and the Straight Shot perform their hit "Lie No Better" Live.

除非等到他老死或者等到他在“ JD and the Straight ”的音樂會上被自殺麥克
[譯者註:JD and the Straight是Dolan組建的爵士樂隊。]
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※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 117
作者 shadowydark 的最新發文:
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