※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-04 09:26:06
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電]一些消息
時間 Thu May 3 22:35:43 2012
Knicks say Stoudemire doesn't need to apologize
Knicks say Stoudemire doesn't need to apologize - NYPOST.com
In Steve Novak’s mind, Amar’e Stoudemire has generated enough credibility as a person and a teammate that an apology for his postgame punch is unnecessary. ...
In Steve Novak’s mind, Amar’e Stoudemire has generated enough credibility
as a person and a teammate that an apology for his postgame punch is
novak說阿罵在隊友心中有足夠的公信力 他是不需要向我們道歉的
“Me personally, no,” Novak said
novak說 就他個人而言 這是不需要的
“I'm with Amar'e every day," he said. "I know what kind of person he is.
I know how much basketball means to him.
I know what the team means to him.
And he would never do something intentionally to set himself or the team back
and I know that.
And I think the whole team knows that.
It's unfortunate, but to be honest, it could happen to anybody.”
Novak說;"我每天都跟阿罵在一起 我知道他是怎樣的人 我知道籃球對他來說有多大
的意義 我知道這個球隊對他有甚麼意義 他從來不是個會做一些故意傷害自己跟團隊的人
我想大家都會了解這個的 這是很不幸的事件 這可能發生在每個人身上"
Coach Mike Woodson indicated Stoudemire did apologize
But nobody else really suggested that was the case, including Stoudemire.
He said he “talked to my teammates” and that “they all understand.” But
when asked directly if he apologized to his team, he didn't respond.
武僧表示阿罵有道歉 說沒有人真的建議他做這件事包括阿罵他自己
武僧說阿罵說 隊友說 還有他們全都了解 但是如果阿罵被直接問有沒有跟球隊道歉過
“I talked to him personally over the phone [Tuesday],” Carmelo Anthony said
when asked if Stoudemire apologized to the team.
“We had our conversation.He feels bad about what happened.
He understands what was at stake, the situation.
The only thing I care about is him being healthy and his hand being OK.
He did it, it's over with.I don't really care about that.”
瓜瓜說:"我禮拜二有跟他通過電話 我們有了些溝通 他對於發生這件事感覺很糟
他知道現在情況有多危急 而我只在乎他是否健康跟他的手沒問題阿阿阿阿阿阿阿!!!!!
至於那件事 我不在乎"
Woodson, too, preferred to look forward, saying, “I cannot undo it,” he
“I can't sit here and worry about what's happened.”
The coach added, “We talked.
Absolutely.I think he owed everybody that.He did [address guys].
He was very apologetic.”
武僧說:"我不能讓時光倒流回到沒發生過 我不能坐在那邊然後擔心發生甚麼事
我跟阿罵有談過 當然 他虧欠於我們大家 他對發生那件事感到很抱歉!"
“It seems like this team has done better short-handed and with our backs
against the wall,” Chandler said.
“Seems like every time somebody got hurt or something happened, other guys
have stepped out and taken on the challenge and we've been able to bounce
I really look forward to the way my teammates respond.”
拳王說:這就像是一個球隊在短時間內做的更好 我們背對背一起挑戰高牆 好像每次
有人受傷有甚麼事情發生 其他人就會跳出來並且繼續挑戰 我們已經可以止跌反升了!!
我非常非常期待我的隊友們的回應!(OS:就是在說你拉阿罵 快還我一年半以前的阿罵!)
“It's been a growing process,” Chandler said.
“We've had our ups and downs and our lapses.But for the most part guys
really tried to buy in. It's unfortunate that
Coach D'Antoni had to be the one to take the bullet to spark things.
But it seemed like things were sparked after that.
Guys started to wake up and actually come to play.”
拳王說:這就是成長的過程 我們經歷了屬於我們的大起大落 和我們的墮落
大部分的人都試著回升 我對於冷笑話成了那第一個犧牲者感到很不幸 但在那事情後
Knicks remain confident heading into Game 3 with Heat tonight
Knicks remain confident heading into Game 3 with Heat tonight - NYPOST.com
The perfect thunderstorm crushed the Knicks last weekend in rainy South Beach, starting with Tyson Chandler’s flu, continuing with Iman Shumpert blowing out his knee and climaxing with Amar’e ...
“It's a big challenge but we've been facing challenges all year,'' Carmelo
Anthony said after yesterday's practice.
“We all got to do it.I'm not going to do it myself.We just got to believe
we can go out there and win the game.
“They did what they had to do on their court.
Now it's our turn.”
瓜瓜說對於沒有阿罵沒有LIN也沒有香玻:"這是很大的挑戰 但我們幾乎整年都在
面臨挑戰 能做的我們都做了 我們剛剛才相信我們能贏得這場比賽!
熱火在球場上做了他們必須要做的事 但現在輪到我們了!!!!"
“I'm not one for excuses,'' coach Mike Woodson said.
“This team hasn't been together that long.Tyson's first season.
A short season.There are a lot of things at stake.
Expectations have been high all year and it'll always be that way if I'm the
My thing is, yeah we got a legitimate shot.
We still control our own destiny.
I know the [record] is dangling out there, but I'm thinking about [getting]
Game 3 under our belts and see if we can force the action.''
武僧說:"我不是一個藉口 這個球隊在一起的時間還不夠長 這是拳王的第一個賽季
一個縮水賽季 很多事都是一種賭注 這一年的期待有點過高 這總是這樣的 如果我是教練
我的該做的事是 讓我們射出一個勝利的一槍吧!我們還掌控著自己的命運
我知道紀錄一直都在那 但我在想如何把第三場收入我們的口袋!看看我們能不能強行突破
NOVAK說我準備好了 我現在很興奮!!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :KNICKS GO1F 05/03 22:40
推 :Knicks Go!! 一定要推!!2F 05/03 22:41
推 :球員間的信任真的很重要 G3拿下來吧!!加油!!!!3F 05/03 22:46
推 :BOSH也不上 應該有機會4F 05/03 22:49
推 :加油加油加油加油加油!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5F 05/03 22:50
推 :Knicks gogogogogo!!明天死守直播加油!!6F 05/03 22:51
推 :KNICKS GO 不管怎樣,堅持到底!!!7F 05/03 22:54
推 :Knicks GO GO GO!!!!! 不過BOSH有在總版看到推文小孩出生8F 05/03 22:57
→ :了?不知道是不是真的 如果是有可能還是會上場?! 不管了!!!
→ :尼克衝就是了!!!!!!!!!!!
→ :了?不知道是不是真的 如果是有可能還是會上場?! 不管了!!!
→ :尼克衝就是了!!!!!!!!!!!
推 :樓上是真的XD11F 05/03 23:00
→ :BOSH請了陪產假好像已經飛回邁阿密了
→ :BOSH請了陪產假好像已經飛回邁阿密了
推 :看完之後覺得真團結啊!! Let's go Knicks13F 05/03 23:01
→ :原來是生小孩喔我還以為是他生日= =14F 05/03 23:01
推 :可是好像生了有可能趕回來15F 05/03 23:01
→ :阿罵你有這麼多信任你支持你的同伴,不要讓大家失望啊16F 05/03 23:02
→ :教練好像還沒決定明天誰是SF Orz 人員調度捉襟見肘....17F 05/03 23:02
推 :不管要不要回來 我們這場都要好好打!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!go!!!!18F 05/03 23:02
推 :所以BOSH不會趕來紐約比賽摟?! 不過還是恭喜他小寶寶出生了19F 05/03 23:02
→ :對阿 阿嬤你看看你的隊友 這麼挺你 還不硬起來 被虧到爆了20F 05/03 23:03
→ :比較擔心的是瓜明天會打滿嗎 = =
→ :真的是非常羨慕馬刺季後賽還能打養生球 OTz
→ :比較擔心的是瓜明天會打滿嗎 = =
→ :真的是非常羨慕馬刺季後賽還能打養生球 OTz
→ :我也好擔心瓜的體力 >"<23F 05/03 23:04
→ :瓜現在又要扛小前鋒 大前鋒 PG SG = = (還好禁區有拳王)24F 05/03 23:05
→ :JR明天能不能跳出來 至少20+ 我門就有機會
→ :Novak不知道有沒有好的戰術可以幫助他 季後賽比較難發揮阿
→ :JR明天能不能跳出來 至少20+ 我門就有機會
→ :Novak不知道有沒有好的戰術可以幫助他 季後賽比較難發揮阿
推 :Woodson比較喜歡把JR放第六人 這樣是不是只剩Novak先發啊?27F 05/03 23:07
推 :要是能像之前對老賽那場 全員3分大爆發就好了...不然就只能28F 05/03 23:08
推 :我來排排看 瓜 拳王 BD LF.........(很努力想名單中)29F 05/03 23:09
→ :如果JR跑上先發,替補就沒主力了 >"< 真的不知道武僧明天30F 05/03 23:09
→ :還有誰啦 ><~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~31F 05/03 23:09
→ :會怎麼安排...32F 05/03 23:09
→ :期待對方二王打鐵但這實在很困難 尼克要贏 除了甜瓜要開無33F 05/03 23:10
→ :我還有一個空格 可以填誰 >< JJ嗎?(只能撐15min)34F 05/03 23:10
→ :雙 還要有穩定的第二 第三個得分點 希望JR、Novak、LF能跳35F 05/03 23:11
→ :出來 得分 尼克加油阿!!!!!!!!!!!
→ :出來 得分 尼克加油阿!!!!!!!!!!!
→ :比較有可能 猜是JR耶..不過他也先發 瓜可能就得打滿了37F 05/03 23:12
→ :甜瓜應該要跟上次一樣沒什麼辦法能休息了 拳王也是 JR應該38F 05/03 23:14
→ :也會上到快40分吧 人手本來就嚴重不足 再少一個阿罵 ><
→ :也會上到快40分吧 人手本來就嚴重不足 再少一個阿罵 ><
→ :唉先去洗澡 大家覺得先發會派誰阿??40F 05/03 23:16
推 :如果JR放板凳 那就剩下Novak或JJ放先發? 但JJ又有時間限制..41F 05/03 23:20
→ :Steve Novak wearing the starters blue - except Melo
→ :wearing black as always. 所以Novak先發囉?
→ :Steve Novak wearing the starters blue - except Melo
→ :wearing black as always. 所以Novak先發囉?
推 :另一個記者也是猜Novak先發~44F 05/03 23:36
→ :不考慮新同學?45F 05/03 23:36
→ :先發就擺新同學風險有點大吧XD46F 05/03 23:37
→ :還是新同學當拳王跟大前的替補?47F 05/03 23:37
→ :反正也沒啥好損失的了+_+
→ :新同學的防守應該比Novak好吧@_@;
→ :反正也沒啥好損失的了+_+
→ :新同學的防守應該比Novak好吧@_@;
→ :新同學還沒什麼可參考的依據 不清楚50F 05/03 23:40
→ :伍憎頭很痛吧 唉 沒什麼人可用了...Orz51F 05/03 23:41
→ :7402篇有人有放新同學介紹...52F 05/03 23:44
推 :想當初 我們還有二組先發的陣容可以輪調 五上五下 (艸)53F 05/03 23:44
→ :明天的戰術就是: 球給melo !!
→ :明天的戰術就是: 球給melo !!
推 :沒問題的啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!55F 05/03 23:55
推 :左岸寫的打氣滿好的..我門只有一個信念,堅持到底的信念!56F 05/03 23:55
→ :為了那份夢想,戰鬥吧!Knicks!!!!
→ :我們不會放棄..我們不會氣餒..我們會勇往直前!!!
→ :為了那份夢想,戰鬥吧!Knicks!!!!
→ :我們不會放棄..我們不會氣餒..我們會勇往直前!!!
→ :話說,看到這文章我才恍然想起,拳王其實也才加入沒多久..59F 05/04 00:51
→ :他們感情好到,我都有種他們同一隊好幾年的感覺 XD
→ :他們感情好到,我都有種他們同一隊好幾年的感覺 XD
推 :明天可以看到八點 尼克加油!!61F 05/04 00:58
→ :想想當初冷笑話剛走瓜瓜被狂罵最後終於也爆發了62F 05/04 01:09
→ :希望阿罵也能
→ :希望阿罵也能
推 :拿下G3!!!!!!!!!!64F 05/04 01:57
→ :我覺得阿罵的精神構造和瓜瓜不太一樣,現在這樣會讓他沮喪65F 05/04 06:59
→ :我還是認為球隊應該幫他找心理醫師治療,他的問題在精神層面
→ :這種大起大落我們看了都很刺激,他們身陷其中一定壓力更大
→ :我還是認為球隊應該幫他找心理醫師治療,他的問題在精神層面
→ :這種大起大落我們看了都很刺激,他們身陷其中一定壓力更大
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