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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Amare說他第四場應該可以上場
時間 Thu May 3 11:56:12 2012
Stoudemire declares 'great chance' of playing in Game 4 | NBA.com
Amare Stoudemire thinks there's a "great chance" he can play in Game 4 of the Knicks' series against Miami on Sunday despite cutting his left hand on a fire extinguisher case. ...
纏著繃帶的Amare Stoudemire - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
纏著繃帶的Amare Stoudemire,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖 ...
GREENBURGH, N.Y. (AP) -- Amare Stoudemire thinks there's a "great chance" he
can play in Game 4 of the Knicks' series against Miami on Sunday despite
cutting his left hand on a fire extinguisher case.
Stoudemire is out of Thursday's Game 3 after a surgeon repaired a muscle in
the hand Tuesday. The Knicks are calling him doubtful for Game 4, but
Stoudemire said Wednesday he's "not totally sure yet."
The Knicks forward missed 13 games down the stretch with a bulging disk in
his back. Wearing a large wrap around his hand, he said he's hoping for
another comeback.
"I just persevere through a lot of injuries and work hard to recover from
injuries," Stoudemire said.
This one was self-inflicted.
He said he punched the case out of frustration Monday after the Knicks'
104-94 loss dropped them into a 2-0 hole, denying he was upset about his
diminishing role in the offense. He said the casing was around 85 percent
metal and 2 percent glass, calling it bad luck that he hit the glass and cut
"Everybody gets upset. You're so passionate for the game. Everyone gets upset
at times, but never in a million years did I think that I would actually cut
my hand the way I did it," Stoudemire said. "So, bad timing, but I'll be
"當你投入所有心力卻輸球的時後,大家都很沮喪" "不過我再也不可能幹出這種蠢事了,
Interim coach Mike Woodson said Stoudemire was very apologetic when talking
to his teammates Wednesday. Fellow star Carmelo Anthony said he had already
spoken with Stoudemire a day earlier.
"He feels bad about what happened," Anthony said. "He understands what was at
stake, the situation. Only thing I care about is him being healthy, his hand
being OK. He did it, it's over with. I don't really care about that, as long
as his hand is fine."
Fans may not be so understanding after Stoudemire was injured during the
playoffs for the second straight season.
Last year, he pulled a muscle in his back while dunking in warm-ups before
Game 2 in Boston. He didn't miss a game, but was clearly limited in Games 2
and 3 as the Knicks were swept.
"I think the fans are thinking that I actually had a closed fist and I
punched through a glass, a glass door, you know what I mean?" Stoudemire
said. "So I think they've got the wrong perception of what actually happened.
Obviously I walked by and I swung my arm backwards and I hit the fire
extinguisher door and sliced my hand a little bit by accident, so I think
they got the wrong perception of what actually happened. I can understand
their frustrations right now. I'm frustrated with myself as well for not
being available for Game 3."
(好啦好啦! Amare你不要再解釋了,越描越黑)
拳王Tyson Chandler領取最佳防守球員獎項 - NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間 - 圖集/賽事精選圖 @ 運動邦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
拳王Tyson Chandler領取最佳防守球員獎項,NBA 2011-12 精彩場上瞬間,圖集/賽事精選圖 ...
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→ :而且季後賽故意不打 倒不如季賽就別上讓尼克死 還有
→ :機會去拿到好順位的樂透
→ :雖然他好像季賽上了也沒多大功用
→ :而且季後賽故意不打 倒不如季賽就別上讓尼克死 還有
→ :機會去拿到好順位的樂透
→ :雖然他好像季賽上了也沒多大功用
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