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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-27 01:07:14
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 skymay (隨遇而安)
時間 Thu Apr 26 16:13:23 2012

April 25, 2012  ·   10:58AM

The regular season is just about done. What’s your favorite story – whether
it had a big headline or not – of 2011-12?

常規賽即將結束。 2011-12賽季中最讓你喜愛的事件是?

Steve Aschburner: For feel-good moments, it was hard to top the night Kaleb
Canales took over as interim coach of the Portland Trail Blazers. Plopped
into the job unexpectedly to replace fired Nate McMillan, about 24 hours
before a road game against the mighty Chicago Bulls, Canales on the sideline
looked like a young fan who’d won a “Coach-for-a-Day” contest. But he
helped Portland to an improbable 100-89 upset. His players – most of whom
had “come up” with the newly promoted video coordinator – demonstrated
their affection for him (and vice versa) with their performances and their
embraces afterward. It was a happy highlight in a very down year for the

Fran Blinebury: Zombies.  The Walking Dead.  The San Antonio Spurs.  Every
time we bury them, they come back to bite us and now they’re growling and
hungry going into the playoffs.

Scott Howard-Cooper: Jeremy Lin is a good one. But there is something about
the Spurs of 2011-12 that hooks me. The way Popovich has merged youth with
the big-name veterans, the way Tony Parker has advanced his game, the way
management made a series of in-season moves, the way the roster overcame the
lengthy absence of Manu Ginobili and still finished with the best record in
the West. Never saw this coming.

Shaun Powell: I’m not sure how anyone who loves fairy tales could not be
captivated by Linsanity. I mean, it had it all: underdog does good,
ethnicity, fish out of water, saving a desperate franchise, doing it in the
Big City. Sure, in some ways, it was over the top, but only because of the
media age in which we live. Taken at its core, the tale of Jeremy Lin going
from the sofa to the penthouse was refreshing in spite of the hype.

John Schuhmann: The Linsanity eventually got out of control, the Knicks have
been overhyped all year, and I’m one who likes to focus on what goes on the
floor, but it’s impossible not to appreciate the story of Jeremy Lin. He
came out of the Ivy League, went undrafted, was waived by two teams, and then
sparked a run on the league’s biggest stage. The Knicks were in a bad spot
and this guy, a few days from being waived once again, gave them exactly what
they needed. Oh yeah, there was the whole international sensation aspect of
it too.

Sekou Smith: Even without any ties whatsoever to New York, the Knicks or
Jeremy Lin, it’s hard to ignore Linsanity. Anytime people you know have
absolutely no interest in the NBA or basketball coming up to you at church
and in the grocery store asking about Linsanity and wondering if this “thing
is for real,” it’s hard not to get wrapped up in the story. The only thing
that bothers me is we never got the chance to see how the story would end.
Lin handled the pressure better than anyone could have imagined, but he his
body couldn’t stand up to the stress. But when you look back at the
highlight reel from this season, Linsantiy has to be prominently displayed.


Scott Howard-Cooper 。

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※ 編輯: skymay          來自:       (04/26 16:28)
PTT0000:對我來說,絕對是Linsanity啦!XD1F 04/26 17:17
etintin:對所有Lin來講 應該就是Linsanity!2F 04/26 17:43
s97730021:Linsanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3F 04/26 17:52
wurenben:沒有林來瘋這球季NBA熱度大概少了1/34F 04/26 18:02
oilUlio:沒有Linsanity NBA我連看都不會看5F 04/26 18:12
sabrina2597:同樓上...原本很少看也很久沒看了6F 04/26 18:21
spittz:OBVIOUSLY Linsanity 無誤!!!!!!!7F 04/26 18:30
obviouslin:絕對是!!!8F 04/26 19:14
soffi:不用投票~ 不用思考 也知道答案~~就是Lin啦 :P9F 04/26 19:43
skymay:再補充一點  NBA官網的寫作記者僅有7位10F 04/26 19:49
skymay:http://www.nba.com/personalities/  這些應該都有投票權
skymay:投票權我指的是常規賽個人獎項的投票權 (應該吧?!XD
spittz:Lin handled the pressure better than anyone could have13F 04/26 21:14
iamdanni:因為Lin 我這輩子第一次看NBA15F 04/26 21:24
spittz:樓上+116F 04/26 21:25
skymay:+1 XD17F 04/26 21:25
ab32110:+118F 04/26 21:28
jaykinki:+119F 04/26 21:29
akthebest:+120F 04/26 21:30
ainokodoba:+121F 04/26 21:31
shadowydark:被排擠了不能+1~~~(來亂的)22F 04/26 21:35
dalepp:沒有LIN我連NBA有幾隊都不知道(茶)23F 04/26 21:42
zull99:+1 然後越看越多隊…24F 04/26 21:45
soffi:感謝林先生帶領我們進入這個美好的世界  :D25F 04/26 22:16
asyf:咪兔26F 04/26 22:26
happyla1125:咪兔,因為啾咪才看NBA,以前一看到播NBA賽事就轉台XDD27F 04/26 22:45
alan83123:因為Lin 我這輩子第一次看NBA+1~~~~~~~~~~~28F 04/26 22:46
july713c:面對壓力能力超出想像,但身體卻不堪重負…29F 04/26 22:59
guestfunfun:+130F 04/26 23:23
sharonsh:+1...因為Lin31F 04/27 00:31

※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 112 
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