※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-23 00:22:38
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 Fw: [外絮] 《NBA.com》下半季全明星陣容
時間 Sun Apr 22 19:32:26 2012
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Fa-QO4C ]
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 《NBA.com》下半季全明星陣容
時間 Sun Apr 22 19:08:06 2012
東區 西區
Josh Smith , Hawks Kevin Durant , ThunderPaul Pierce , Celtics Tim Duncan , Spurs
Tyson Chandler , Knicks Andrew Bynum , Lakers
LeBron James , Heat Chris Paul , Clippers
Rajon Rondo , Celtics Kobe Bryant , Lakers
Mike Woodson , Knicks Gregg Popovich , Spurs
Second-half All-Stars push their teams toward promised land | NBA.com
The only way to make the All-Star team every year is with a strong start. Well, it doesn't hurt to be popular, either. Those who accomplish one or both are lumped among the best players in the game. ...
Tyson Chandler, Knicks. He gets the big man nod here, just ahead of Dwight
Howard, and only because Dwight pulled up lame lately. Still, that's hardly aknock against Chandler, who'll give Howard a run for the Defensive Player of
the Year trophy. Chandler is averaging 13 points and almost 12 rebounds in
April and symbolizes the Knicks' improvement on defense. And he's doing this
despite a bum hand.
Mike Woodson, Knicks. Was Mike D'Antoni's grip on the Knicks this weak, or is
Woodson this good? Maybe both, but we'll give a more generous nod inWoodson's direction for changing the culture quickly. Woodson's touch is
evident in two areas: defense and Carmelo. Melo has been unleashed and
finally playing like the wicked scorer he was meant to be. He's averaging
over 32 points a game in April when, not so coincidently, the Knicks made
their move into playoff position. You must like what Tom Thibodeau's done in
Chicago without Derrick Rose, but Thibs is a strong Coach of the Year
(emphasis on year) candidate. This is about the half-year. Special shout-out
to Frank Vogel.
推 :挖~~~~~~~~~~拳王上榜了!!!!開心!!!!恭喜伍教頭XDDDD1F 04/22 19:39
推 :恭喜拳王和武僧!!2F 04/22 19:45
推 :太棒了!!!!拳王終於QQ 武僧也是 恭喜拉!!!!!3F 04/22 19:58
※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (04/22 20:06)推 :水歐4F 04/22 20:36
推 :拳王~~~~~~~5F 04/22 20:42
推 :耶~~~~真為拳王感到開心!! 也恭喜伍教頭!!6F 04/22 20:49
推 :恭喜拳王!!恭喜伍僧!!7F 04/22 20:54
推 :恭喜拳王:D8F 04/22 20:58
推 :這是確定了嗎?恭喜拳王和武僧!!!!9F 04/22 21:08
推 :請問全明星是要???參加什麼活動嗎????10F 04/22 21:10
推 :=.=公牛沒人上榜?那教練不是該選湯姆希伯杜?沒有明星還11F 04/22 21:21
→ :帶出第一名戰績
→ :雖然武僧帶來的驚奇比較動人啦。
→ :帶出第一名戰績
→ :雖然武僧帶來的驚奇比較動人啦。
→ :跟例行賽中的全明星賽一樣的意思嗎?! 只是這是下季的,而例14F 04/22 21:23
→ :行賽中的那個是上季的?! 不過其實我也不是很清楚XDD
→ :行賽中的那個是上季的?! 不過其實我也不是很清楚XDD
→ :太棒了!!!恭喜拳王&武僧!!!16F 04/22 22:50
推 :就只是作者選出了下半季表現傑出的陣容17F 04/22 22:54
→ :拳王對於尼克來說真的太重要了18F 04/22 23:26
推 :等下拳王休戰, Amare 打中鋒, Melo 打大前19F 04/23 00:09
→ :好讚喔~~~拳王和武僧都入選了20F 04/23 00:13
→ :這不是任何獎項啦... 只是一個專欄作家的個人評選而已21F 04/23 00:21
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