※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-13 13:25:17
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [球員] 新同學阿根廷控衛Pablo Prigioni
時間 Wed Jul 11 23:58:12 2012
Pablo Prigioni Is Coming To New York
Pablo Prigioni Is Coming To New York | The Knicks Wall - Knicks Blog Pablo Prigioni, a 35-year-old Argentianean point guard who has been playing in Spain, has decided to accept the New York Knicks’ offer and come to the United States, according to Marc Berman. He’s set to become the oldest rookie in the NBA. Ever, I believe. The Knicks have expressed interest in Pri ...
Pablo Prigioni, a 35-year-old Argentianean point guard who has been playing
in Spain, has decided to accept the New York Knicks' offer and come to the
United States, according to Marc Berman.
阿根廷控衛PP - 怕博羅 是個35歲的PG 他現在已經決定接受尼克的報價了!
The Knicks have expressed interest in Prigioni for a while, but after
agreeing to a deal with Jason Kidd, it seemed unlikely Prigioni would still
be interested in coming to New York.
尼克曾經對他有表示過興趣 但是在接生小孩空降紐約後 似乎PP是不會來紐約的
He stands to be the third-string point guard, and according to him, he has no
problem with the role.
他將會是第三PG 根據PP個人所言 他對於這樣的腳色沒有問題
I do not have problem to be the third point guard on the team.
The season has 82 games and I have to be ready to play.
PP:"我對於我是個第三替補PG一點問題都沒有 這個賽季有82場 我已經準備好上場了"
Prigioni is a pass-first point guard – image a Steve Nash light.
He'll bring great leadership to the team, and between he and Kidd, Jeremy Lin
is in for a very educational year.
Sure, four-years ago he might have been better prepared to make a splash into
the NBA, but he's coming over to be the Knicks' third-string point guard.
He's a natural point guard and will make those around him better.
PP是個傳球優先的PG 大概就像是NASH那樣 只是沒那麼利害
他有不錯的領導能力 豪哥在他跟接生小孩的傳授下將會有一個非常有學習性的一年
當然4年前他有更好的能力來NBA 只是他最後是今年才來到尼克而且是第三PG
他就是一個純PG 而且可以讓身邊的人變得更好
Now, since Prigioni is technically a rookie, I believe the maximum salary
he's eligible for is the roughly $473,604 veteran's minimum for players with
zero NBA experience.
According to Prigioni, however, this move is about fulfilling a dream.
當然 PP現在技術層面來講是NBA的菜鳥 (豪哥還比他大兩屆呢~)
所以他的薪水是46萬 但根據他本人的說辭是 這是他的夢想成真了
“I know I'm missing out on money, but I cannot miss this chance.
The NBA is a dream and I want to meet it.” (via @AlRPerez)
PP:"我知道我失去了很多錢 但是我不能錯過這個機會 因為NBA是我的夢想!"
I'm loving the moves Grunwald is making, and this is another great one.
We saw our point guards drop like flies last year, so the more – serviceable
– point guards, the better.
Also, Lin/Kidd/Prigioni is infinitely better than Douglas/Bibby/Davis.
記者說:"我愛死GG這個動作了 去年我們的PG根本像是無頭蒼蠅
噢 順帶一提 豪哥+小孩+PP絶對>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TD+BB+BD!!!
傳球看來真的不賴 切入普普 至於外線 他去年是30%...不用太期待就是了
A creative, pass-first 6'3" point guard, Prigioni led the Euroleague in
assists during the 2005-06 season. He was voted the best point guard of the
Spanish ACB League in 2006, 2007, and 2009. He is a very good passer and also
a very good defender and he led the Spanish League in steals during the
2002-03 season.
06 07 09年皆被選為西班牙聯賽最佳PG...
他是個很棒的傳球手 也是個不差的防守者...
He has been selected to the Spanish ACB League All-Star Game, the All-Spanish
ACB League Team and the All-Spanish ACB League Defensive Team.
He has also been selected to the All-Euroleague Second Team two times during
the 2005-06 and 2006-07 seasons.
入選過西班牙聯賽明星隊 還有西班牙聯賽第一隊跟西班牙聯賽最佳防守隊伍
06 07年還入選過歐洲第二隊
As a member of the senior men's Argentine national basketball team , Prigioni
played for Argentina at the 2006 FIBA World Championship .
恩............看來他現在巔峰期已經過了 但以前應該是蠻強的....
Prigioni will face Team USA in the London Olympics, playing for Argentina.
PP會在倫敦奧運上遇到美國隊 大家可以來觀察一下
“He looks to pass before he shoots,'' Bass said.
“He's similar to Jason Kidd, more like a true point guard.
He's excited to be with the Knicks and in New York.
He's excited about everything.''
"他是一個傳球優先的人 他就跟接生小孩一樣 一個純正的PG 他對於來到紐約尼克
感到很開心 他很期待接下來的所有發展"
Scouts also say his speciality is the pick-and-roll and may work well with
Amar'e Stoudemire.
He is more a slowdown PG — a better fit for Mike Woodson than Mike
D'Antoni's speedball.
球探說:"他費長擅長P&R 他可能會跟阿罵合作很愉快
他也是一個球風穩並且慢的人 所以武僧跟冷笑話比起來 武僧比較適合這名PG"
Bass said Prigioni accepted less money to play in the NBA and is believed to
be the oldest rookie in NBA history.
The Knicks offered him a two-year deal but Prigioni passed because he feels
he can lift his market value after being seen for a season.
PP接受較少的錢來打NBA 他可能是NBA史上最老的新秀
尼克給了他兩年的約 不過PP認為他可以在第一年打出市場價值來
“I'm pretty sure he's better than a lot of young point guards in the NBA you
get,'' Walter Szczerbiak, the former US ambassador to the Spanish League,
told The Post last month of Prigioni.
“He has great experience in tough situations and he's a good leader.''
球探:"我非常確定他比NBA中的一堆年輕PG都還要好 他有非常棒的經驗去面臨難關
─∥∥ ──── ◣◣ =◥◥"◥◥’’. ∵∵ ◆◆∥∥ ψψsherry821224 ──────────────
∥∥ ◤ ◥◥ ◤◤ ◥◥ ∥∥ ◤ ◢◤◤\ ◣◥ Teammates don't
∥∥ ╱ ∥∥◤◤ ̄◣ ﹍﹍◣◣∥∥◤◤ ̄╲∥∥ ╱∥∥◤◤ ̄╲ ▼▼‵‵、λλ﹀﹀▼▼▼▼ play with each
∥∥◆◆◇◇ ∥∥ ∥∥∥∥◣◣∥∥ ∥∥╱╱ ∥∥◣◣__ ──-.╳ ︶︶- other, they play
∥∥ ╲ ∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥ ∥∥ ╲ ◥◥∥∥▲▲ ρρ\ `, ▲▲▲▲ FOR each other.
─∥∥ ╲ ∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥◣◣_╱∥∥ ╲╲_◢◢∥∥ ◥ | ◢────────…‥.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :先推~~1F 07/11 23:59
→ :解緩一下緊張情緒XD
→ :解緩一下緊張情緒XD
推 :推 謝謝資訊!!3F 07/12 00:00
推 :居然是菜鳥......!!(驚)4F 07/12 00:00
推 :歡迎新同學加入!!!5F 07/12 00:00
推 :邊推~ xD6F 07/12 00:01
→ :第一個影片0:58那一傳我以為看到鬼切XDD7F 07/12 00:01
→ :都阿根廷隊的可能有偷學幾招吧XDDD8F 07/12 00:04
推 :他好像有點強....看到好多PG的影子9F 07/12 00:07
→ :好像拿過蠻多獎的 我查查@@10F 07/12 00:08
※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (07/12 00:14)推 :推推感謝翻譯XD11F 07/12 00:11
推 :有小孩和PP..lin的進化令人期待,要起飛囉...12F 07/12 00:14
推 :看高光不賴耶,不知會簽多久13F 07/12 00:14
→ :1年吧 底薪都馬是1年起跳@@"14F 07/12 00:15
→ :他奧運好像會打欸 奧運阿根廷現在還在嗎?
→ :他奧運好像會打欸 奧運阿根廷現在還在嗎?
推 :美國跟阿根廷在奧運會對上喔 XD 熱身賽也會 XD16F 07/12 00:18
推 :在,要打熱身賽噢www17F 07/12 00:18
→ :!! 那可以先來看一下了XD18F 07/12 00:19
→ :07/23 (一) 03:00 美國 v.s. 阿根廷 衛視體育台會播出這19F 07/12 00:20
→ :個熱身賽
→ :個熱身賽
→ :好晚= ="21F 07/12 00:25
推 :真的... XD 不過不知道會不會有重播 XD22F 07/12 00:28
→ :睡覺比較好....上次季後賽兩場差點掛點23F 07/12 00:31
〈美錦賽〉阿根廷、巴西進決賽 奧運門票入手 - ESPNSTAR.COM.TW 〈美錦賽〉阿根廷、巴西進決賽 奧運門票入手 | 籃球 ...
推 :我還是會起來看!到時候會有人嗎XD25F 07/12 01:14
推 :怕不弱!! 絕對不弱~~26F 07/12 02:47
推 :新簽了一個在Belgian League打球的Christopher Copeland27F 07/12 09:36
→ :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT9sLwsrCPI
→ :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT9sLwsrCPI
→ :造型像Jordan Hill的 6"8 SF29F 07/12 09:40
推 :樓上那位好像是PF欸..我們SF應該先發替補都齊了..XD30F 07/12 09:52
→ :他3分蠻準的欸..不知道防守怎麼樣
→ :他3分蠻準的欸..不知道防守怎麼樣
推 :PT:21.8 TR:5.5 2FG:57.2% 3FG:44.7% 好像是MVP32F 07/12 10:05
→ :應該是找來打Melo替補的 活動力比Novak好不少
→ :應該是找來打Melo替補的 活動力比Novak好不少
推 :投籃動作蠻酷的34F 07/12 10:14
→ :從投籃動作來看會以為命中率不高 沒想到數據還不錯
→ :從投籃動作來看會以為命中率不高 沒想到數據還不錯
推 :運球很醜36F 07/12 10:28
推 :運球跟GALLO有幾分像XD 樓上大哥了解他嗎 可否介紹37F 07/12 10:30
→ :上次在尼克版有說過吧.........找找是哪篇文38F 07/12 10:33
→ :7710
→ :7710
推 :有消息火箭想特赦scola~喜歡看他低位單打40F 07/12 10:35
推 :喔喔 感謝41F 07/12 10:35
→ :希望可以來尼克組個阿根廷雙人組~!!42F 07/12 10:36
→ :阿 我是指Christopher Copeland啦 XD43F 07/12 10:36
→ :聊完了...45F 07/12 10:41
→ :Christopher Copeland 這隻有確定簽了嗎46F 07/12 11:01
推 :四克拉我們應該沒空間標他了 況且他願意打阿罵替補嗎?47F 07/12 11:02
→ :這隻會打尼克的夏季聯賽 大家後天就看得到他了48F 07/12 11:02
推 :目前消息是非保證約49F 07/12 11:08
→ :拳王坎比JJ都屬防守型 禁區應該補隻會低位的52F 07/12 11:12
→ :恩 我晚點在更新53F 07/12 11:16
推 :都要吃中飯了 看來今天不會有Lin+JJ的消息了54F 07/12 12:06
→ :JJ應該是最好搞定的還弄的無聲無息 >"<
→ :JJ應該是最好搞定的還弄的無聲無息 >"<
推 :直接拿阿罵換四克拉阿...(幻想ing)56F 07/12 12:30
推 :感謝lest大持續更新57F 07/12 12:33
推 :剛去看summer league的名單...冷笑話還是教練 科科58F 07/12 12:45
→ :教練換成武僧囉59F 07/12 13:06
→ :JJ現在感覺有點怪 之前傳說有在談約了 但是沒下文了
→ :可能談的不順利0..0"
→ :希望JJ能回來...Q^Q
→ :JJ現在感覺有點怪 之前傳說有在談約了 但是沒下文了
→ :可能談的不順利0..0"
→ :希望JJ能回來...Q^Q
※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (07/12 14:02)
推 :亞當山德勒63F 07/12 16:18
推 :JJ上次也是很晚才確定@@ 希望他下季還在啊 T^T64F 07/12 16:20
推 :JJ要回來啦T^T65F 07/12 16:24
※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 200