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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-12 01:24:21
看板 Knicks
作者 lest83 (lest83)
標題 [外電] 豪哥你到底要不要回來~
時間 Wed Jul 11 15:13:22 2012

Clock's ticking for Knicks to sign Jeremy Lin

Clock's ticking for Knicks to sign Jeremy Lin - NorthJersey.com
The Knicks now have three days to match the offer sheet that Jeremy Lin accepted from the Houston Rockets. They also have to let three days pass before letting Landry Fields escape to the Toronto Raptors with the three-year, $20 million offer sheet he accepted. On Monday, they agreed to terms on a s ...

And now, at 12:01 this morning, the Knicks only had to reclaim what was their

現在已經是7/11號了 尼克現在可以把他想要回來的人要回來了

The Knicks now have three days to match the offer sheet that Jeremy Lin
accepted from the Houston Rockets.
They also have to let three days pass before letting Landry Fields escape to
the Toronto Raptors with the three-year, $20 million offer sheet he accepted.

尼克現在有三天的時間可以去跟進豪哥的約 同樣的 他們也可以跟進LF的

But the first priority for Knicks general manager Glen Grunwald always has
been his free agents — and none more important than Lin.


Jeremy Lin surprised NY Knicks didn't offer him contract before Houston Rockets offer sheet: source - NY Daily News Matching the Rockets’ $29-million offer sheet to Jeremy Lin isn’t going to be enough for the Knicks. They’re also going to have to patch things up with their returning playmaker. ...

Jeremy Lin surprised NY Knicks didn't offer him contract before Houston
Rockets offer sheet: source


They're also going to have to patch things up with their returning playmaker.
Despite expressing no reservations about matching the exorbitant Rockets'
offer sheet, which can become official Wednesday with Lin's signature, the
Knicks are concerned that Lin has turned a little frosty toward the
organization because he feels slighted that New York didn't offer him a
contract first. Lin should be indebted to the Knicks for giving him a chance
to play after several teams, including the Rockets, gave up on him.



                   (度蘭:我...我...不小心忘記了拉 SOORY~)

豪哥曾經感激尼克在火箭放棄他後 給了他機會

But when the Rockets last week offered him a deal that guarantees him $19
million over the first three seasons of his new four-year deal, the Knicks
learned that Lin had been swayed by Houston to think the Knicks weren't as
interested in his services as the Rockets. “He was surprised that the Knicks
didn't make the first move,'' a league source said.





“They know they've got to mend some fences with him because he believes what
the Rockets have told him, that the Knicks weren't as interested as they
are.'' That shouldn't really be necessary, since Lin made only $788,000 last
season and has made a killing on the free-agency market, despite a thin
resume and with more than a few NBA executives projecting him as nothing more
than a backup player.

"尼克知道他們必須去做些彌補豪哥內心的事 因為尼克認為豪哥已經相信火箭那

惡魔的細語了! 就是尼克已經對豪哥沒興趣這句話"


他們不應該這麼緊張 因為豪哥上季只領78萬 就已經是FA市場的大殺手了!


But even faced with the prospect of paying Lin more than $18 million in years
three and four of the deal, the Knicks have never wavered in deciding to
bring back a player they view as having a promising future.




However, this is a sign to some NBA observers that Lin's sudden stardom has
clouded his thinking.
His rise to fame came only after the Knicks gave him the ball.

(豪哥崛起史 跳過不談)

As soon as he got the Rockets' offer, the Knicks told Lin they would match
it. “What he has to learn is that it's not personal,'' said the source.
“The Knicks merely played by the rules.'' Lin's signing is going to
highlight the Knicks' busy offseason.
Leading up to Wednesday's official signing day, they reached an agreement
with veteran playmaker Jason Kidd, who will back up Lin and help mentor the
team's projected starting point guard.

在豪哥一拿到火箭給的約的時候 尼克馬上跟豪哥說我們會跟的!




導致週三官方簽約日 尼克先簽了接生小孩來當豪哥的老師 輔佐豪哥成為主力PG

They also reached a sign-and-trade agreement with ex-Knick Marcus Camby to
return to the Garden and give them much-needed depth at power forward and

他們S&T帶來了CAMBY 加強內線的防守跟深度


Due to the money they're paying Lin and their new players, on top of their
expensive starting frontcourt of Carmelo Anthony, Amar'e Stoudemire and Tyson
Chandler, the Knicks are going to have to fill out their roster by signing
players to minimum contracts, with the money corresponding to the players'
years of service.

由於三巨頭的錢跟現在有補強 尼克現在只剩下底薪可以在找人了

另外豪華稅限制公佈 尼克未來三年可能都沒有中產可以用 大概都小中產吧

hey're looking at wing players and exploring whether they can get Dahntay
Jones from Indiana in a trade, a league source said.

有消息說尼克正在尋找可以簽Dahntay Jones的機會

Dahntay Jones Time To Fly MIX by LONGER - YouTube
Dahntay Lavall Jones (born December 27, 1980 in Trenton, New Jersey) is an American professional basketball player, currently playing for the Denver Nuggets ...




LAS VEGAS -- Mike Woodson is trying to get Hall of Fame center Hakeem
Olajuwon to work with the Knicks' big men.


Woodson has said he wanted Stoudemire and Chandler to improve their game in
the post.
Olajuwon, one of the best centers in NBA history, is known for his footwork
and array of moves under the basket.


"Dream has been working guys out over the past few years," Woodson said.
"I know he worked with LeBron . Dream and I've had some conversations and
we're going to try to put something together with all our big guys."

武僧:"大夢已經教導一些傢伙好幾年了 我知道他教過喇叭詹

我跟大夢有溝通過 我們將試著跟我們的那些大個子做些甚麼!"

Woodson is expected to work with Stoudemire in Las Vegas while the Knicks'
summer- league team plays here.




 ───   ="    ψψsherry821224 ──────────────
         ◥      ◤     ◥      ◤         ◢\    Teammates don't 
     ╱   ◤ ̄◣ ◤ ̄╲ ╱◤ ̄╲ λλ play with each  
                 ╱  __    -.╳ -    other, they play 
                      ╲      ρρ\ `,  FOR each other. 
            ◣_╱   ╲╲_  ◥ |  ────────…‥.

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◆ From:
MrHeat:火箭GM:Lin不是最喜歡小孩子嗎 我們剛弄來一堆 快來快來1F 07/11 15:29
skymay:http://ppt.cc/dTlx  又有乳摸了,關於第三PG2F 07/11 15:31
Chris Tomasson's post on NBA Free Agency | Latest updates on Sulia
Agent Bernie Lee said Mike James is a candidate to sign minimum deal with Knicks. “It seems like a pretty logical thing,’’ Lee said of James, who could be third point behind Jeremy Lin and Jason Kidd. Lee noted James won a title with Detroit in 2004 when Knicks coach Mike Woodson was a Pistons assis ...
skymay:所以阿罵從歐洲回來後也要跑去拉斯維加斯的意思嗎? XD3F 07/11 15:33
lest83:呵呵s大我人在外面暫時不能更新看妳要不要發文~4F 07/11 15:33
skymay:好 :)6F 07/11 15:34
ab32110:推小孩子XDDDDDDDDD7F 07/11 15:34
wengna:小孩子可以撫慰啾咪受傷的心靈~~XDDDD8F 07/11 15:36
dalepp:熱火大描述的好有畫面:)9F 07/11 15:36
ab32110:火箭:來這裡有小孩子和in and out喔 怎麼樣不錯吧^^10F 07/11 15:37
jaykinki:看來Lin果然有被傷了一下心 但為啥尼克不報價 呃...XD11F 07/11 15:40
ab32110:Lin:嗯........(認真考慮中) 杜蘭:驚!!!!!!!!12F 07/11 15:46
HidakaShu:杜蘭你就包Lin未來四年的伙食謝罪吧13F 07/11 15:47
ab32110:杜蘭為了展現誠意 你買家IN AND OUT 他說不定就立刻原諒你14F 07/11 15:48
ab32110:了 不用太過擔心:)
crastal:看了今年超精采的FA秀,大概尼克是誤判市場的瘋狂程度吧,16F 07/11 15:49
SRNOB:BB哥呢 他會回來嗎?17F 07/11 15:50
crastal:真難想像才剛休完館就毒約每天飛18F 07/11 15:51
ab32110:尼克本來覺得不會有人給他報價啊.....火箭真的挺意外的19F 07/11 15:51
scfl5:好希望BB回來..20F 07/11 15:52
qfyjke54:快在MSN開一家in N out豪哥就會原諒你了~~21F 07/11 15:56
ab32110:MSN........是MSG啦 XDDDDDDDDD22F 07/11 15:56
HidakaShu:   MSG啦XD23F 07/11 15:57
dalepp:XDDDDDDDD24F 07/11 15:58
wengna:XDDDDDDDD25F 07/11 16:00
qfyjke54:手機打錯囧XD26F 07/11 16:00
wuling1001:漢堡也要無紙化 XDDD27F 07/11 16:07
JimloveJill:MSN XD28F 07/11 16:46
cvop720:忍到今天才上尼克版...結果豪哥篇還沒完結...29F 07/11 16:51
cty:因為現在美國人還在睡覺XD30F 07/11 16:53
osape:要到約簽了,尼克跟了,才會落幕吧...XDD31F 07/11 16:54
ab32110:籃網超怕小胖變心的33F 07/11 16:56
cvop720:囧,那尼克的最後決定日是幾號阿??34F 07/11 16:56
HidakaShu:籃網怕夜長夢多,幾個小時也等不了XD35F 07/11 16:57
essendo:杜蘭其實很賭蘭...OS:火箭你喊那麼高幹嘛 = =37F 07/11 16:59
osape:Nash也在三更半夜簽好約了...火箭,趕快把約拿出來簽一簽吧38F 07/11 17:02
aeCynzia:LIN不要被騙了,Dallas才有in n' out,Houston沒有喔…39F 07/11 17:04
essendo:XD 樓上41F 07/11 17:32
shadowydark:加上那些內心戲還滿無趣的42F 07/11 18:01
ab32110:XD 不就追NASH沒空嗎43F 07/11 18:14
nancyh:我也想問和豪哥同樣的問題 QQ  希望今晚簽約人生就可底定!!44F 07/11 18:15
ab32110:紐郵報導說尼克在處理別的DEAL 忙得很 慢慢等吧45F 07/11 18:19
osape:Knicks are planning to finalize deal with Lin today46F 07/11 18:27
osape:看到Marc Berman紐郵記者3:31AM還在發文,真是辛苦了
nancyh:希望如樓上osape大所說 不然我還真怕尼克忙著忙著又忘了XD49F 07/11 18:29
osape:但火箭要是沒遞約,尼克可以跟約嗎?火箭好像加入魔獸人生了50F 07/11 18:30
faseno:也和樓上有一樣的疑問,火箭不知遞約了沒...51F 07/11 18:34
skymay:籃網那個很好笑 XDDDDDDDDDDDD52F 07/11 19:04
spittz:推一堆小孩子....XDDDDD53F 07/11 19:16
cvop720:Dahntay Jones....真的要組紐約金塊隊了嗎54F 07/11 20:04
esther81828:我覺得尼克沒先提報價是因為他們想直接看市場行情,55F 07/11 20:17
osape:"The Knicks merely played by the rules."原報導有提到,57F 07/11 20:21
esther81828:快點搞定吧……!!59F 07/11 20:24
lest83:忘記那邊是我亂打的拉 不要太在意拉-3-60F 07/11 20:25
lest83:REPORT: The New York #Knicks are expected to finalize a
osape:不不不,CBS、ESPN都開始陸續報導了...XDD62F 07/11 20:26
lest83:deal with Jeremy Lin #NBA63F 07/11 20:26
osape:http://tinyurl.com/7uzxy8y ESPN轉引NY Daily NEWS65F 07/11 20:27
Report: Jeremy Lin upset at New York Knicks - ESPN New York
According to a report by the New York Daily News, Jeremy Lin is upset that the Knicks didn't offer him a new contract before the Houston Rockets came calling with a lucraticve offer sheet. ...
cty:我想LIN要是提前接受尼克報價 尼克應該會被罵更慘XD66F 07/11 20:27
lest83:呵呵 討厭的人自然就會繼續罵下去 反正我們被罵習慣了XD67F 07/11 20:29
osape:連官方推特ID都在轉推是怎樣...XDDD68F 07/11 20:33
lest83:JR簽了!70F 07/11 20:36
sabrina2597:看完標題反射想起一首老歌……(拖走)71F 07/11 21:49
barbossa:真奇怪 感覺NY很想用人情價凹 那為什麼不先報價?72F 07/11 21:50
fireunicorn:標題應該打...尼克你到底要不要lin阿XD73F 07/11 22:10
skymay:杜蘭愛花大錢不會理他啦 XD  真的反正尼克被罵習慣了XDD75F 07/11 22:25
skymay:總之問在多的為什麼也不會知道為什麼的 XD
cty:這種新聞真恐怖 都不知道可信度 但大家都認真以為是真的 = =77F 07/11 22:35
fireunicorn:如果尼克有先報價給lin的話~應該rumor早就有了~^^?78F 07/11 22:40
cty:我是說LIN抱怨這件事79F 07/11 22:43
skymay:紐約媒體需要意外嗎?之前陰謀論,現在搞離間,其實看久了還80F 07/11 22:45
essendo:盛名之累!81F 07/11 22:45
dj6601:但是官方對Lin的合約也有點消極過頭了 一直都沒有官方聲明82F 07/11 22:45
skymay:蠻像八點檔的 XDD  就看你要不要信而已 XD83F 07/11 22:45
ab32110:他在非常敏感的時間點去見火箭 會被作文章不意外啊84F 07/11 22:59
javabird:樓上你嘛拜託!是GG自己叫林去市場試身價的,什麼叫敏感時85F 07/11 23:06
ab32110:呃......j誤會我意思了......Q_Q88F 07/11 23:08
fireunicorn:ab大應該只是幫忙解釋其他人的想法(他是無辜的XD)89F 07/11 23:08
ab32110:尼克在那邊攪NASH的事 他當然得自己想辦法啊 不過事後被寫90F 07/11 23:09
javabird:如果是誤會我道歉!但你那句話說的真的很讓人不解!92F 07/11 23:10
fireunicorn:他應該只是說~酸酸認為他在那個點見火箭是個可以酸梗93F 07/11 23:15
AmazingRustu:是誤會吧...ab桑應該是傾向叫尼克高層吃屎的一方...94F 07/11 23:17
yun0215:A大你好直白XDDD95F 07/11 23:17
AmazingRustu:啊、忘了幫屎字打馬賽克了~XD96F 07/11 23:18
yeaha0055:AmazingRustu大  XDD97F 07/11 23:19
ab32110:被發現了= =+98F 07/11 23:20
YumingHuang:我以為尼克高層腦殘是共識說 .... = ="99F 07/11 23:21
ab32110:呃我在反諷......100F 07/11 23:27

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