※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-05 02:37:06
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [影片] 香波生日趴
時間 Mon Jul 2 13:33:12 2012
VIDEO: Iman Shumpert Celebrates Birthday at Veranda
Iman Shumpert recently celebrated his 22nd birthday at the Veranda
lounge in New York City.
Check out the live video coverage of the private event:
Iman Shumpert's Private Birthday Party Wearing $500,000 worth of jewelry - YouTube Iman Shumpert's #21 on the New York Knicks Private Birthday Party in Manhattan. Iman had on $500,000 worth of jewelry including a diamond bow tie from Maddal...
VIDEO: Iman Shumpert Celebrates Birthday at Veranda | The Windy Apple Iman Shumpert recently celebrated his 22nd birthday at the Veranda lounge in New York City. Check out the live video coverage of the private event: (via youtube: whatsintv) (via Mogul Media) ...
JR有去耶,這次竟然都沒拍狗仔照 QQ XDDD
∥∥ ◣◣ =◥◥"◥◥’’. ∵∵ ◆◆∥∥ ●/ \● ●23︽ SS ∕0S
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :居然!!!我們被jr陰了!!1F 07/02 14:51
→ :JR不盡職QQ2F 07/02 15:01
推 :尼克好像很多球員在暑假生日?!3F 07/02 15:20
7 Carmelo Anthony 05/29/198420 Mike Bibby (FA) 05/13/1978
6 Tyson Chandler 10/02/1982
85 Baron Davis (FA) 04/13/1979
23 Toney Douglas 03/16/1986
2 Landry Fields (FA) 06/27/1988
50 Dan Gadzuric 02/02/1978
55 Josh Harrellson 02/12/1989
9 Jared Jeffries (FA) 11/25/1981
44 Jerome Jordan 09/29/1986
17 Jeremy Lin (FA) 08/23/1988
16 Steve Novak (FA) 06/13/1983
Kostas Papanikolaou 08/01/1990
21 Iman Shumpert 06/26/1990
8 J.R. Smith (FA) 09/09/1985
1 Amar'e Stoudemire 11/16/1982
爸爸你夠老新增進名單了耶,尼克官網好有效率 XDD
這是大家的生日可供參考 XD
推 :他還沒有背號XDDD4F 07/02 19:21
推 :勉族好像也是23號,他回來要和TD猜拳決定背號嗎?XDD5F 07/02 19:27
推 :輸的就變24號這樣(???)6F 07/02 19:30
→ :如果勉族在乎這23號,也許簽約條件就會附上 (誤XDDD TD:TAT7F 07/02 19:32
推 :CAMBY想要 應該會去"請"TD讓 就跟當初拳王要6號一樣8F 07/02 20:19
@is_21_nykallday | Back in the weight room...#knickstape | Webstagram - the best Instagram viewer
Webstagram is the Best Instagram Web Viewer! ...
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