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看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] 紐郵關於LF和LIN的相關報導
時間 Wed Jul 4 18:38:48 2012
Buddies Jeremy Lin and Landry Fields formed a backcourt 1-2 punch that became
a global sensation in February.
But Tuesday, Fields and Lin provided a double-whammy of fireworks that burned
Knicks general manager Glen Grunwald, with Fields signing an offer sheet with
Toronto and Lin on the verge of signing one with Houston during his visit
但是在本週二,他倆對尼克球隊經理Glen Grunwald造成了雙重打擊。菲爾茲跟暴龍達
The Fields’ development hurt the Knicks’ chances of executing a
sign-and-trade for Steve Nash. But a source close to the situation told The
Post, “It doesn’t kill it.’’
(暴龍:敢跟我搶人,贏的過的我薪資空間再來說吧 (誤XD )
Meanwhile, Lin’s potential signing of a Rockets offer sheet will make it
extremely costly to bring back Lin.
Happy Fourth of July, Glen.
Multiple sources said the Knicks will match any Lin offer sheet, but
unpredictable owner James Dolan has the final say and frets about luxury-tax
(杜蘭會怎麼做決定哩?! XD)
Toronto delivered the first blow to Grunwald when Fields, a key piece in Nash
sign-and-trade talks with Phoenix, agreed to terms on a back-loaded, 3-year,
$19 million offer sheet with the Raptors, according to his agent Chris Emens.
The Knicks do not plan to match when it is presented to them on July 11.
三年1900萬美元的協議。據菲爾茲的經紀人克里斯-挨門斯表示,尼克不打算在 11號
(再見了 LF ...QQ)
Nevertheless, the source said the Knicks are working on other sign-and-trade
scenarios with the Suns, with Nash’s approval. Iman Shumpert may have to
replace Fields in a package that also may include Dan Gadzuric’s $1.4
million non-guaranteed contract, Toney Douglas’ expiring pact, Jerome Jordan
and Josh Harrellson. Nash could end up making up to $8 million. Without a
sign-and-trade, the Knicks only have their $3.09 million mini-midlevel
If the Knicks lose out on Nash and match Lin’s offer sheet, they still would
be in the market for a point guard with Jason Kidd, Raymond Felton, and
Spanish Leaguer Pablo Prigioni very much in play. Kidd’s choices appear to
be the Knicks or Dallas. The Mavericks also will turn to Nash after losing
out on Deron Williams to the Nets. The Raptors could offer Nash as much as
three years, $36 million, and a source close to Nash said if they do, it
could be Canadian money he can’t pass up.
如果尼克搞不來 Nash,然後匹配了林的合約,他們還要在自由市場裡追求賈森-基德或
者雷蒙德-菲爾頓。基德目前貌似是尼克和小牛二選一,沒從籃網那搶到德隆, 小牛就
轉向了Nash。暴龍能開給Nash 3年3600萬的合約,而根據Nash身邊傳出來的消息,如果
(暴龍如果真給Nash開出那個約,誰都會支持Nash去吧 XD 退休計劃都安排好了XD )
A league source said Lin will be offered a contract today — maybe in the $30
million range — in a back-loaded nature similar to the one the Rockets
offered Bulls big man Omir Asik.
“Jeremy Lin’s an excellent player,’’ Rockets general manager Daryl Morey
told The Post. “We got to know him firsthand when he was with the Rockets
early this season. We think he’d make a fantastic addition to our team.’’
Lin will spend today with Morey, aiming to make up for waiving the global
phenom before the regular-season opener, allowing Grunwald to pick him up on
The source said the Rockets will offer Lin $5 million, $5.2 million and then
plan to jack up the third and fourth years to as much as $10 million.
Lin — who also is drawing interest from the Mavericks, according to ESPN.com
— played in two preseason games with the Rockets last season, but was
released before the regular season and claimed off waivers by the Knicks on
Dec. 27.
“We’ll take him out to dinner and show him Houston,’’ Morey said. “He
didn’t get much of a chance to see it in training camp.’’
(這段害我都看到笑了 XDDD 究竟林能不能被感動呢?! XD)
Morey, a pioneer in basketball sabermetrics, has regretted cutting Lin.
“We should have kept [Jeremy Lin],” he tweeted in February. “Did not know
he was this good. Really happy for [Lin]. ... Very hard working, nice &
humble. He has a great, great future.”
Grunwald has said repeatedly he will match any offer, but that offer would
put the Knicks in luxury-tax hell.
Grunwald didn’t make Lin an offer at the start of free agency when he could
have ended the game by offering him the maximum, four years, $23 million in
the early-Bird exception. The Post reported Saturday Grunwald wanted Lin to
set the market.
(說實話這段我真的很不解,提出最大就真的定了?那林換經紀人幹嘛?XD 而且
LIN和Novak 一樣以前都是一直被裁,現在有機會在自由市場玩玩,誰想這麼快
定下來 XD 看看連火箭老闆都要請吃飯,這麼多飯約多吃點何樂而不為XD 是說
Had things worked out differently when free agency started, Lin would have
been on a plane today to Las Vegas to get ready for the U.S. Select Team
practices, but he pulled out Monday.
The Rockets’ interest makes sense because they built a giant fan base in
China after drafting Yao Ming, who has since retired. Yao, who still has a
relationship with the Rockets, is one of Lin’s mentors, and the Rockets free
agent point guard Goran Dragic is out of the Rockets picture, according to a
Meanwhile, the Raptors got after Fields. According to a source, the deal has
a back-loaded third year at $8.5 million. The deal cannot become official
until July 11, the first day players can sign new contracts, and then the
Knicks will have three days to match.
Emens said Toronto has sincere interest in Fields, but when asked if they
were trying to derail a Knicks’ move for Nash he said it was “certainly
The Knicks have talked to the Suns about a sign-and-trade with Fields as the
centerpiece that would give Nash a contract starting at roughly $8 million
but now go back to the drawing board.
Landry Fields signs offer sheet with Toronto Raptors, hurting New York Knicks’ hunt for Steve Nash; Jeremy Lin visits with Houston Rockets and is likely to sign an offer sheet - NYPOST.com
Buddies Jeremy Lin and Landry Fields formed a backcourt 1-2 punch that became a global sensation in February. ...
祝福LF了!! 另外火箭那段害我笑了 XDD 不過不期不待囉,能看他們拿大約離開尼克
也很替他們高興 XD 加油吧!! 簽約人生的故事越來越有趣了,不知道JR和 Novak會
有怎樣的發展 XD
也很替他們高興 XD 加油吧!! 簽約人生的故事越來越有趣了,不知道JR和 Novak會
有怎樣的發展 XD
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◆ From:
推 :林: 我要龍蝦和牛排 晃晃等等再說1F 07/04 18:47
→ :LF的薪水可能翻錯了,總價19M,平均三年是6.33M,怎會8M多2F 07/04 18:49
推 :LIN續約 NASH先簽後換 小中產簽CAMBY KIDD老降底薪3F 07/04 18:50
→ :應該是說第三年達到8.5M吧4F 07/04 18:51
謝謝樓上 指正 已更改^^→ :LIN與NASH 打雙衛 KIDD 替補 超強後場 超防守中鋒5F 07/04 18:51
→ :KIDD如果願意簽底薪就去籃網啦...跟小胖一起...= =6F 07/04 18:53
推 :LF是第3年8.5M,不是平均8.5M7F 07/04 18:53
→ :只能幻想中 = =8F 07/04 18:54
→ :Kidd好像不跟小胖的樣子,應該是籃網不想要他吧?!9F 07/04 18:54
推 :Morey:我就是要帶你去逛美食街阿10F 07/04 18:55
→ :籃網因為薪資不夠啦...不然Kidd只要底新哪隊不要= =11F 07/04 18:57
→ :Happy Fourth of July就是國慶日快樂 XD12F 07/04 18:57
謝謝樓上 指正 已更改^^→ :不知道反正之後Kidd去了哪應該不久也會出來吧 XD 薪資到時13F 07/04 18:58
→ :就會公布了 XD
→ :就會公布了 XD
推 :我跟原po一樣,看到"帶他出去吃飯"XD 害我把麵噴出來XD15F 07/04 19:02
→ :是多少人都知道Lin愛吃啊 XDDD
→ :是多少人都知道Lin愛吃啊 XDDD
推 :我覺得不管火箭開多少錢 Lin都會留在NYK17F 07/04 19:16
→ :Kidd之前好像有說過要全額中產而不是老將底薪...18F 07/04 19:23
推 :神經病..硬要搞來一個38歲沒防守的老將 死好欠罵19F 07/04 19:37
推 :腦殘了那麼多年 果然只有更蠢 不會變聰明
※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (07/04 19:46)推 :腦殘了那麼多年 果然只有更蠢 不會變聰明
推 :Fields跟Lin有更好的約那就去吧~ 祝福21F 07/04 19:55
→ :不過如果把Shump包進福袋跟太陽交易... 我真的覺得無言
→ :不過如果把Shump包進福袋跟太陽交易... 我真的覺得無言
→ :NBA受傷球員可以拿來交易??23F 07/04 20:03
推 :可以 除非是那種事先不知情 交易就可以被退回取消24F 07/04 20:05
推 :我忽然想到lf走了 我們可能不是只有小中產喔0..025F 07/04 20:24
推 :如果真的拿香波去換Nash真的有點誇張了,完全不值得26F 07/04 22:08
推 :突然覺得冠軍賽後的這個時刻還比playoff時刺激 XD27F 07/04 22:19
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