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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-01 00:40:41
看板 Knicks
作者 osape (oo)
標題 [外電] GG談簽回尼克自由球員的打算
時間 Sat Jun 30 20:37:36 2012

Source: New York Post
Title : Free-agent market calls for Linsanity
Author: Marc Berman
Date  : June 30, 2012
Link  : http://tinyurl.com/6pxhl9g
As free agency dawns at midnight Saturday, New York Knicks about to find out price to keep point guard Jeremy Lin and others - NYPOST.com
What is the market value for point guard Jeremy Lin? Knicks general manager Glen Grunwald can’t wait to find out now that Lin officially has his early Bird rights after the NBA dropped its appeal ...


What is the market value for point guard Jeremy Lin? Knicks general
manager Glen Grunwald can’t wait to find out now that Lin officially
has his early Bird rights after the NBA dropped its appeal last night.


According to people familiar with the Knicks’ strategy, Grunwald will be

patient in the Lin negotiations and allow the market to set Lin’s price
tag. Because Grunwald can match any offer, he can sit back and wait..


Lin becomes a free agent tomorrow at 12:01 a.m. and Grunwald can offer him a
maximum four-year deal starting at $5.5 million with 7 percent raises — a
package worth $24.5 million.



Don’t expect it. Grunwald will see if Lin gets an offer in that neighborhood
as the first full-fledged, free-agent period since the lockout plays itself


“This new circumstance of the new collective bargaining agreement, I’m
not sure how teams are going to operate, how agents are going to operate,”
Grunwald said. “Are people going to wait and see? I’m not certain how it
will play out.”


With the Knicks failing to land a piece for next season in this week’s
draft, Grunwald will make his mark in free agency and it starts with the
plan to re-sign his four big free agents — Lin, Landry Fields, Steve
Novak and J.R. Smith.


Now that the Bird rights situation is resolved, Grunwald should accomplish
his goal. He also will have a mid-level exception to wield, though he said it
“likely”will be the taxpayers’ $3 million exception and not the $5
million for non-taxpayers. That diminishes any realistic chance of adding
Steve Nash or even shooting guard O.J. Mayo.


“We want to keep both [Lin and Novak] and keep Landry and J.R.,”Grunwald
said. “Those are four free-agents we want to keep“They’re all valuable
players.We’re going to try to keep all four of them. “We have some
[recruiting] plans. We’ve been in contact with our own free agents.
They’ve expressed their desire to come back. They know we love them
and want them. We’ll do the negotiating and hopefully it all works out”




The Knicks only can offer Smith a 20 percent raise, to $2.85 million.
Smith wants to re-sign a one-year deal and be in position to have his
full Bird rights next summer. Unless another team wows him with a
long-term package well in excess of $3 million annually, Smith is
likely to re-sign. Novak, their 3-point ace, could command at least
$3 million per season on the open market. Fields, after a modest
second year in which he averaged 8.8 points, could command in the
$2 million to $3 million range.


Lin is the biggest mystery, which is why he added powerful agent Jim
Tanner.. His marketing appeal is unquestioned, but he’s only proven
to be a legit starting point guard across a 26-game stretch in his
second season. He hasn’t played since undergoing left-knee surgery,
missing the final 17 regular-season games and the entire playoffs.
Plus, a team may not want to waste time with Lin since the Knicks
have been vocal about matching any offers.

林是個謎,這就是他為何增加另一位有力的經紀人Jim Tanner。他的市場

“We have the ability to keep him because he’s restricted,” Grunwald

said. “We can match any offer he receives. I would anticipate doing
that. If he did get an offer. Hopefully we’ll be able reach a mutually
agreeable resolution [before that]”


The only fly in the ointment is whether Toronto abandons its all-out
pursuit of Nash and turns to Lin, the NBA’s first Chinese-American.
Toronto has the league’s largest Asian community. The Raptors can offer
Lin a maximum $5 million in each of the first two years, then balloon
to a maximum $15 million in the third year in what’s known as a
back-loaded offer. Or poison pill.


That would destroy the Knicks from a luxury-tax standpoint.



Grunwald is trying not to overpay as the Knicks veer into the newly severe
luxury-tax territory if they sign all four free agents at substantial
numbers.The Knicks desperately need veteran backcourt help and with their
$3 million mid-level exception should be in the mix for point guards
Jason Kidd, Andre Miller, Raymond Felton, Jameer Nelson and shooting
guard Ray Allen.

後場老將,3M小中產大概可以簽到Kidd、Andre Miller、肥頓、Jameer Nelson


They also have veteran Spanish League point guard Pablo Prigioni, who visited
two weeks ago, on their radar. The Knicks only have one guard under contract,
Toney Douglas. Grunwald said he is looking for “experience.”


“The guard position is something obviously we have to address,” Grunwald
said. “Hopefully, we’ll deal with our own free agents but when you look at
our roster, the holes are there. ”



      組成紐約國際隊--黑人、白人、亞洲人、歐洲人...通通都包了!! @.@
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※ 編輯: osape           來自:        (06/30 21:07)
Lintendo:紐約果然是大蘋果1F 06/30 21:18
skymay:推推  謝謝翻譯   簽約人生即將上映,敬請期待  XDDD2F 06/30 21:18
skymay:爸爸你夠老是希臘人,基本上尼克已經是國際隊了 XDFD
osape:那個西班牙控衛不知道會不會參加夏季聯賽?來打了才知道身手4F 06/30 21:23
skymay:不知道,下週夏季聯賽的出賽名單就會出來了,等出來就知道5F 06/30 21:34
skymay:了  XDDD
ab12:這樣也不錯,NY本來就是個國際化大都市的代表7F 06/30 21:37
osape:爸爸你夠老的經紀人說,他很想趕快來NBA打球...XDD8F 06/30 21:39
lest83:我覺得比較需要肥頓或接生小孩或NASH XDDD9F 06/30 21:40
farain:Nash 應該不大可能,去年已經證明身手還在,也在季後說明10F 06/30 21:51
renie57:尼克的簽約人生好精采^^12F 06/30 21:53
farain:沒機會的(雖然很想要Nash來啦),kidd 可能性還比較高13F 06/30 21:54
osape:Kidd愛小胖,應該不會和小胖分開喔...昨天還一起去打高爾夫14F 06/30 21:56
lest83:去年是拳王跟香缽出現已經讓我可以平淡的看待這一切了ˊ>ˋ16F 06/30 22:03
osape:看著許多外電在分析,好像這些球員是菜市場裡的菜...XD19F 06/30 22:16
osape:Newsday記者寫的:The real work is about to begin for GG
osape:who will go guard shopping at 12:01 a.m. "採購後衛"...XD
ab32110:KIDD和小胖約會中XDDDDD22F 06/30 22:51
skymay:http://ppt.cc/vBxE  不只約會連合照都有 XDD23F 06/30 22:58
Jason Kidd
Week long birthday celebration for  @DeronWilliams
essendo:球員是菜市場裡的菜XD 其實哪個人肉職場不也是這樣XD24F 06/30 23:00
skymay:http://ppt.cc/HCNb 替尼克謎樣的挑人選了一首歌 XDD25F 06/30 23:02
丁当 猜不透 - YouTube
歌词写得很感人,非常有感情,很好听的一首歌曲, 就像我的心情一样,猜不透在乎的人。。。

osape:真的是猜不透啊...XDDD 話說已經有別隊的簽約人生結果出爐了26F 06/30 23:09
skymay:http://ppt.cc/K5Uz  GG to Lin  XD27F 07/01 00:24
skymay:本篇心得 XD28F 07/01 00:25
wayin:xD29F 07/01 00:27
osape:剛看到Allan新推,Novak也讓我猜不透了...30F 07/01 00:32
esther81828:我可幫忙XD32F 07/01 00:36
osape:貼上來了...@@33F 07/01 00:39

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