※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-28 23:51:27
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] 阿罵推特事件
時間 Thu Jun 28 18:39:24 2012
NBA fines Stoudemire $50,000 for offensive tweet
昨天,阿瑪雷-斯塔德邁爾( Amare Stoudemire ) 因為在推特上使用同性戀歧視
"And I was just excited," Ferrelli said. "I actually laughed about it . . . I
never wanted it to get out the way it was. I didn't really think it through
enough that it would get out to the whole world basically."
Ferrelli said he felt badly that Stoudemire was fined but wants to put the
situation behind him. "I still love the Knicks," Ferrelli said. "I'm still a
Knicks fan and I always will be."
Amar'e Stoudemire fined $50,000 for offensive tweet
The NBA fined Amar'e Stoudemire $50,000 Tuesday for "using offensive and derogatory language in a Twitter message" last weekend. The Knicks power forward used foul language and a gay slur during a Twi ...
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :期待八月特訓,拳罵變得更強!!!3F 06/28 18:46
→ :其實我是覺得這個球迷感覺是愛之深責之切,阿罵道歉後他們倆4F 06/28 18:47
→ :還互相聊了一下... XDD 讓我想到香波說的尼克迷很有趣XDDD
→ :還互相聊了一下... XDD 讓我想到香波說的尼克迷很有趣XDDD
→ :這個網站的作者文筆實在很幽默!!!拳王要拍裸照(?)了XDDDD7F 06/28 18:51
→ :尼克球迷:哥們,對不起,我以前噓過你。 XDDD8F 06/28 18:52
→ :Tyson Chandler will be in the ESPN Magazine "Body Issue"9F 06/28 18:52
→ :this time around. No word on how much skin he's willing
→ :to show. 這是Body Issue的封面之一http://tinyurl.com/bpc7
→ :大意是說,拳王要為ESPN雜誌BODY ISSUE拍照,不知道他會露多
→ :少皮膚。http://tinyurl.com/7u8ouut <-雜誌連結,人物列表
→ :this time around. No word on how much skin he's willing
→ :to show. 這是Body Issue的封面之一http://tinyurl.com/bpc7
→ :大意是說,拳王要為ESPN雜誌BODY ISSUE拍照,不知道他會露多
→ :少皮膚。http://tinyurl.com/7u8ouut <-雜誌連結,人物列表
Tyson Chandler, Candace Parker, Rob Gronkowski top athlete roster for 2012 Body Issue - ESPN The Magazine - ESPN
Rob Gronkowski, Maurice Jones-Drew, Tyson Chandler and Abby Wambach are among the athletes who will strip down for ESPN The Magazine's fourth annual Body Issue. ...
→ :上面BODY ISSUE那張封面是阿罵裸照...XDDDDDDDD14F 06/28 18:58
→ :Body Issue的封面之一 點了沒東西 QQ15F 06/28 19:00
→ :......@@17F 06/28 19:02
→ :看到了嗎?XD 我本來以為只是很像阿罵,看檔名才知..囧>18F 06/28 19:03
→ :那雜誌是什麼? 為什麼會拍那個? @@?19F 06/28 19:11
推 :其實我也不知道,是看那個網站才知道有這雜誌...@@;20F 06/28 19:16
推 :好不像阿XD21F 06/28 19:16
推 :http://acanned.com/news!doContent.do?id=9653簡單中文說明22F 06/28 19:18
→ :使運動員能夠更加透明化地展現項目,而非廣泛暴露的幕後醜聞
→ :無既定式時尚格調露出,純粹表現力與美的肌理質感。
→ :使運動員能夠更加透明化地展現項目,而非廣泛暴露的幕後醜聞
→ :無既定式時尚格調露出,純粹表現力與美的肌理質感。
→ :喔喔 謝謝o大 了解了XDD 難怪拳王會被挑中XDD25F 06/28 19:20
→ :好難想像拳王的照片,7/13發售,要買一本來看嗎~囧>26F 06/28 19:21
推 :之前不是也有其他球員幫這雜誌拍過封面30F 06/28 19:50
→ :然後這篇外電的心得是,球迷你想紅想瘋了嗎33F 06/28 20:23
推 :抱歉是我歪樓了.........這張....>///<~~~34F 06/28 20:31
推 :用那種字眼還說是球迷,他該去看醫生了35F 06/28 20:44
推 :罵球迷黑鬼的Blake表示:36F 06/28 21:27
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