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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-27 15:09:09
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 yun0215 (阿酥)
標題 [外絮] 鳥權上訴可能會影響簽約?
時間 Tue Jun 26 16:32:30 2012

翻譯 By Eritrea

Could free agency be delayed by the NBA's appeal of the recent Bird Rights
arbitration hearing?


It's possible. The NBA Players Association could request an injunction on
behalf of the players involved, including Jeremy Lin and Steve Novak, to delay
free agency until the appeal process is completed.

這是有可能的。 NBA可能要求對相關球員發出禁令,包含林書豪和Novak,都可能因為身處



The NBA's appeal could take weeks, possibly months, according to several people
with knowledge of the situation on both sides. A panel has to be assembled, the
sides have to present their cases and a decision has to be rendered after
review. This isn't something that comes together quickly and with July 11 --
the first official signing day -- just over two weeks away, there is little
chance for closure on this issue in time.




The union would not want to open free agency without a resolution and,
privately, the Knicks would prefer to wait until they have a definitive answer
so they can execute the proper offseason plan. In the midst of an appeal, the
CBA says the Knicks need to follow the letter of the law until further notice.
That means they would have to use their Mid-Level Exception to re-sign Lin,
which could lead to them losing out on other impact free agents, such as Jason
Kidd or Lamar Odom.





林書豪,這可能讓他們無法簽其它具有影響力的自由球員,像是Jason Kidd 或Lamar Odom

What if the appellate panel upholds the decision of arbitrator Kenneth Dam? The
NBA would have a major controversy on its hands. Sure the Knicks may have their
MLEs back in play, but what if all their top priority targets were already
signed elsewhere?

如果上訴機構中的仲裁者Kenneth Dam支持這個決定怎麼辦? NBA即將面對許多的爭議。當



So rather than halt the free agency season while arguing over a definition (the
word "trade" as used in the collective bargaining agreement) and negatively
impact a franchise's ability to conduct business, the best case scenario for
everyone involved is for the NBA and NBPA to meet and negotiate a settlement in
this case.


大家而言最好的決定應該是NBA和NBA球員工會對此件事召開會議,並達成協議。 (譯註:省


One reasonable resolution could be for the NBA to grant the arbitrator's
decision be effective strictly for the 2012-13 season, if the NBPA accepts that
henceforth, the accepted rule is that Bird Rights transfer only via trade and
not via waivers.

It is such a rare case that we may never see this come up again anyway. Players
claimed off waivers don't usually develop a value where Bird Rights are an
issue. But this season the emergence of Lin and Novak have created such a
scenario, so a one-time exclusion may become the only time it ever comes up




The NBA had the right to appeal the decision and followed standard operating
procedure. There is a dangerous precedent that could be set by this result
because it would open the door for other ambiguities in the CBA to be
challenged by the union. The league could not afford to shrug off the decision;
especially one that it felt was not an ambiguity.

The NBA feels confident about the appeals process, but as one league source
told me, "We didn't think we'd lose in the first place." The league fought the
Chris Dudley trade to the Knicks in 1997 and after it lost in arbitration --
coincidentally Kenneth Dam presided over that as well -- the NBA appealed and
the decision was upheld.

This time around, with so much uncertainty and too many variables, it seems
unlikely that this appeal will ever reach full execution. The sides simply need
to get together and, as they did so often six months ago, negotiate a


‧ Linsanity has gone from a hashtag that trended world wide to an officially
registered trademark in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. As reported by
the New York Times, Jeremy Lin in February filed to register "Linsanity." He is
now the owner of his own brand and you can expect it to re-emerge with ubiquity
by next season as his newly-hired marketing agent, Jim Tanner, will be in
charge of growing Linsanity to Air Jordan levels around the globe. You know
what would be great? If Lin grew to a similar level on the court.



他下季與知名經紀人Jim Tanner簽約,他是一位可以在全球將林瘋狂助長到喬丹那種高度的





1 有可能沒搞好在上訴期間


  情況:別隊可能跟LIN簽了offer 尼克必須三天內Match


2 有可能要求說自由球員市場延緩開市

  所有自由球員都會受到影響 這樣應該會變成公敵吧= =

3 聯盟和球員工會談判...就今年特例...因為過往幾乎沒有這樣的球員


4 聯盟真的完全不希望CBA的洞一直被鑽...所以要死命抵抗

※ 編輯: yun0215         來自:       (06/26 16:37)
※ 編輯: yun0215         來自:       (06/26 16:52)
PTT0000:其實等小胖跟Nash都先簽好了,Lin會不會行情更好XD1F 06/26 19:16
yun0215:感覺不會...因為大家都拿到PG了...= =2F 06/26 19:16
PTT0000:所以晚點也無所謂?3F 06/26 19:16
yun0215:晚簽是最糟糕的...因為沒人能幫忙抬價...4F 06/26 19:19
qfyjke54:反正其他隊照樣能出價吧 有好的價碼就可以跟了 看克要不5F 06/26 19:33
kerotamama:史騰不會蠢到封鎖整個市場吧 其他老闆真的會去圍他了7F 06/26 20:28
kerotamama:應該是工會可以代表球員申請禁止交易 但這樣更不好吧
kerotamama:球員如果不想要早鳥權可以放棄嗎?XD 其他兩隊表示:
wimar:史騰不用封市場,只要慢慢拖就行了,反正拖越久對尼克越不利10F 06/26 21:58
spittz:垃圾屎騰11F 06/26 22:25
BSH99:其他兩隊也是有需要拉 畢竟能便宜簽下必拉斯 快艇也會很開心12F 06/26 22:42
BSH99:畢竟他們的球星葛利芬也要準備換大約了 明年還要想辦法留CP3
ab32110:感覺情況混亂中 拜託別拖到林簽約14F 06/27 00:31

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