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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-20 00:21:57
看板 Knicks
作者 lest83 (lest83)
標題 [外電] KIDD願意當LIN或小胖的替補!?
時間 Tue Jun 19 11:36:49 2012

Jason Kidd open to returning to Nets, says playing with Deron Williams in
Brooklyn could be ‘successful’

Jason Kidd open to returning to Nets, says playing with Deron Williams in Brooklyn could be ‘successful’  - NY Daily News There's yet another thing contingent on Deron Williams' re-signing with the Nets: Jason Kidd's interest in playing in Brooklyn. ...


There's yet another thing contingent on Deron Williams' re-signing with the
Nets: Jason Kidd's interest in playing in Brooklyn.

小胖人生還沒結束 接生小孩有興趣去籃網打球

My days of playing 38 minutes are over," said Kidd, 39, adding that he'd be
okay with being a backup for the first time in his career.
"We (Williams and I) could play off each other and hopefully be successful."

接生小孩:"我打38分鐘的日子已經結束了 我沒關係的 我可以接受我生涯中

第一次當替補的感覺 我跟小胖都可以配合的很好的而且很成功!"

Of course, Williams is the top free-agent target of Kidd's current team, the
Mavericks, who'll have enough cap space to sign the three-time All Star to a
max contract.
The Nets can offer Williams an extra year and $28 million more than any other
team because they hold his Bird Rights.

當然小胖是頂級球星 小牛有足夠的薪資給小胖一份大約

但籃網可以給小胖更多的錢 因為鳥權!

Kidd said he'd like to re-sign with the Mavericks — adding that he's open to
taking a one-year deal — but it's clear Dallas would need to bolster its
roster in order to alleviate the strain on aging legs.

接生小孩想要續留小牛 他也開放只簽一年的約的選項 但很明顯的小牛並不想讓他的


Jeremy Lin emerges as the Knicks' starting point guard in February, sparking
the Linsanity craze.


"I'd be fine with starting or not starting, but I want to be able to finish
the game," Kidd said.

接生小孩:"我對於有沒有先發都可以接受 但我想要可以完成一場比賽"

Kidd also was asked specifically about the Knicks, and said he'd enjoy
helping groom Jeremy Lin.
The Knicks won't have much cap space, perhaps none, if they use the mid-level
exception to re-sign Lin.

接生小孩對於尼克有特別的回答 他說他會享受幫助林這件事


"That would be a lot of fun to help a player like that," Kidd said.
"Just share the things that helped me be successful in this league."



 ───   ="    ψψsherry821224 ──────────────
         ◥      ◤     ◥      ◤         ◢\    Teammates don't 
     ╱   ◤ ̄◣ ◤ ̄╲ ╱◤ ̄╲ λλ play with each  
                 ╱  __    -.╳ -    other, they play 
                      ╲      ρρ\ `,  FOR each other. 
            ◣_╱   ╲╲_  ◥ |  ────────…‥.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
qhaabk:籃網顛峰就是KIDD那兩年了1F 06/19 11:42
HidakaShu:我們只有底薪可以給耶,之前他不是說若拿底薪寧願退休?2F 06/19 12:16
HarryYu:如果kidd願意拿老將約來尼克那就太美好摟3F 06/19 12:18
jerrystarks:如果Lin適用早鳥,我們有中產4F 06/19 14:14
※ 編輯: lest83          來自:       (06/19 14:28)
Lio41:分享空中抓對手頭髮技巧5F 06/19 16:56
osape:太多RUMOR了,就淡定的看戲怎麼演了...6F 06/19 17:00
esther81828:看戲+1 rumor就只是rumor7F 06/19 17:07
skymay:我累了,尼克的傳言真的多的很誇張,什麼都有什麼都不奇怪XDD8F 06/19 18:16
skymay:從教練到明星球員XD  禪師,NASH,雷槍,Fisher,Kidd  XD
skymay:只是重點是尼克薪資空間... XD
qfyjke54:都在紐約 他應該會比較想去籃網找小胖吧XD 如果小胖有留11F 06/19 19:29
ab32110:他如果能在籃網退休感覺也很酷啊12F 06/19 19:55
osape:s大忘記還有AI、Odam、Roy了...XDD13F 06/19 21:53
esther81828:對啦對啦大家都想來尼尼克每個人都想要XD要不要連拜14F 06/19 23:35

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